If thou say so Villaine, thou kil'st thy Mistris: But well and free, if thou so yeild him.
There is Gold, and heere My blewest vaines to kisse: a hand that Kings Haue lipt, and trembled kissing
Mes. First Madam, he is well
Cleo. Why there's more Gold.
But sirrah marke, we vse To say, the dead are well: bring it to that, The Gold I giue thee, will I melt and powr Downe thy ill vttering throate
Mes. Good Madam heare me
Cleo. Well, go too I will: But there's no goodnesse in thy face if Anthony Be free and healthfull; so tart a fauour To trumpet such good tidings. If not well, Thou shouldst come like a Furie crown'd with Snakes, Not like a formall man
Mes. Wilt please you heare me?
Cleo. I haue a mind to strike thee ere thou speak'st: Yet if thou say Anthony liues, 'tis well, Or friends with Caesar, or not Captiue to him, Ile set thee in a shower of Gold, and haile Rich Pearles vpon thee
Mes. Madam, he's well
Cleo. Well said
Mes. And Friends with Caesar
Cleo. Th'art an honest man
Mes. Caesar, and he, are greater Friends then euer
Cleo. Make thee a Fortune from me
Mes. But yet Madam
Cleo. I do not like but yet, it does alay The good precedence, fie vpon but yet, But yet is as a Iaylor to bring foorth Some monstrous Malefactor. Prythee Friend, Powre out the packe of matter to mine eare, The good and bad together: he's friends with Caesar, In state of health thou saist, and thou saist, free
Mes. Free Madam, no: I made no such report, He's bound vnto Octauia
Cleo. For what good turne?
Mes. For the best turne i'th' bed
Cleo. I am pale Charmian
Mes. Madam, he's married to Octauia
Cleo. The most infectious Pestilence vpon thee.
Strikes him downe.
Mes. Good Madam patience
Cleo. What say you?
Strikes him.
Hence horrible Villaine, or Ile spurne thine eyes Like b.a.l.l.s before me: Ile vnhaire thy head,
She hales him vp and downe.
Thou shalt be whipt with Wyer, and stew'd in brine, Smarting in lingring pickle
Mes. Gratious Madam, I that do bring the newes, made not the match
Cleo. Say 'tis not so, a Prouince I will giue thee, And make thy Fortunes proud: the blow thou had'st Shall make thy peace, for mouing me to rage, And I will boot thee with what guift beside Thy modestie can begge
Mes. He's married Madam
Cleo. Rogue, thou hast liu'd too long.
Draw a knife.
Mes. Nay then Ile runne: What meane you Madam, I haue made no fault.
Char. Good Madam keepe your selfe within your selfe, The man is innocent
Cleo. Some Innocents scape not the thunderbolt: Melt Egypt into Nyle: and kindly creatures Turne all to Serpents. Call the slaue againe, Though I am mad, I will not byte him: Call?
Char. He is afeard to come
Cleo. I will not hurt him, These hands do lacke n.o.bility, that they strike A meaner then my selfe: since I my selfe Haue giuen my selfe the cause. Come hither Sir.
Enter the Messenger againe.
Though it be honest, it is neuer good To bring bad newes: giue to a gratious Message An host of tongues, but let ill tydings tell Themselues, when they be felt
Mes. I haue done my duty
Cleo. Is he married?
I cannot hate thee worser then I do, If thou againe say yes
Mes. He's married Madam
Cleo. The G.o.ds confound thee, Dost thou hold there still?
Mes. Should I lye Madame?
Cleo. Oh, I would thou didst: So halfe my Egypt were submerg'd and made A Cesterne for scal'd Snakes. Go get thee hence, Had'st thou Narcissus in thy face to me, Thou would'st appeere most vgly: He is married?
Mes. I craue your Highnesse pardon
Cleo. He is married?
Mes. Take no offence, that I would not offend you, To punnish me for what you make me do Seemes much vnequall, he's married to Octauia
Cleo. Oh that his fault should make a knaue of thee, That art not what th'art sure of. Get thee hence, The Marchandize which thou hast brought from Rome Are all too deere for me: Lye they vpon thy hand, and be vndone by em
Char. Good your Highnesse patience
Cleo. In praysing Anthony, I haue disprais'd Caesar