Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 685

Chapter 685

But it doesn't matter, these short-sighted people don't know the goods, I believe you will know the goods.

Last but not least, let me tell you that the door of our "Purdue Educational Institution for All Living Beings" is always open to you. As long as you want to start a successful business and make tens of billions of dollars a year, you are welcome to visit at any time. "

After he shouted these words, everyone on the field suddenly realized that this guy turned out to be a training institution.

It is the kind of legendary lecturer of success, no wonder he can say these words one by one.

However, when he finished these words, no one in the field responded to him.

The only ones who responded to him were the security guards, who forcibly removed it from the venue.

However, just as he was about to be dragged away from the door, when everyone thought this farce was about to end, this guy even screamed arrogantly again.

And when they shouted, everyone shook their heads helplessly:

"Let go of me! I told you just now that I and Lin Yilin are really friends! Believe it or not, I'll call him and ask him to come to the scene!"

After shouting these words, the person in charge on the side glanced at Lin Yi who was sitting in the corner subconsciously. At this time, the distance between Lin Yi and the middle-aged man who was being pulled out was at most three meters away.

At this distance, it is impossible for a middle-aged person not to see Lin Yi, but it is obvious that this guy does not know Lin Yi, nor does he know that the person not far from him in the field is the President Lin he speaks of.

After hearing this, the person in charge directly waved:

"Take it away, pull it out quickly! Be sure to check the invitation card carefully in the future, and people who don't have an invitation card must not put it in."

After saying this, the person in charge turned his head towards Lin Yi with a guilty face, bowed slightly and said apologetically:

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin. This time, it is indeed our responsibility to damage your reputation. We will definitely take this matter seriously."

After saying this, he bowed slightly to Lin Yi.

All of a sudden in the field, everyone's attention followed the eyes of the person in charge to the young man sitting in the back row.

When they saw the young man in the corner of the back row, they couldn't help taking a breath.

With so many people here, even if they haven't really seen Lin Yi, it doesn't mean they don't know anything about Lin Yi.

You must know that when they have a meal and brag in their spare time, they will always bring Lin Yi out to talk about things.

It is precisely because of this that they deliberately searched for information about Lin Yi on the Internet.

It is precisely because of this that they have naturally seen Lin Yi's photos.

Although it is said that I have never seen a real person, there is a certain difference between the photo and the person, but don't forget, there is another point, that is, next to Lin Yi, but Li Wentao is still sitting.

Lin Yi and the others may not be sure. If Lin Yi is just sitting here alone today, they are not sure that this is the famous Lin Yi.

Of course, it is with Li Wentao, which is intriguing.

Combining the above, no matter how stupid people are, they can guess at the first time, this is that Lin Yi.

"Oh, I'm going, isn't this President Lin? Why did this boss come in person?"

"My God. President Lin of the Nuclear Group is actually on the scene."

"Oh, hey, the organizer is so awesome that he even invited this great god."

Of course, as for those people who didn't even know Li Wentao, they just looked at the two young people in the back row in confusion. Although they looked very familiar, they couldn't figure out who they were for a while.

"Who are these two? Why is the organizer so polite to the two of them?"

"Are you stupid? I didn't hear that it was Mr. Lin! Also, didn't you see who was sitting next to him? Li Wentao, the current vice president of the Nuclear Group! Then think about it again, next to him. Who else? Who else? Have you seen it on TV?"

"My God. Isn't he the legendary Lin Yi?"

To say that at this moment, the most shocked and embarrassed person in the field is the middle-aged man who has been pulled to the door by the security guard and is about to be thrown out.

At this moment, the voices of everyone in the venue and the voice of the person in charge were all heard by him.

Combined with the discussions of the people around him, he also turned his gaze to the young man he had swept across on the rostrum before.

It's just that I only felt a little familiar at the time, but I didn't think about who this person was.

Not only that, but I still clearly remember that when I was lecturing to them on stage, I swept it with contempt.

young man at a glance.

This is not the main thing.

The most embarrassing thing for me is that I am here, shouting that I know Lin Yi, I know Lin Yi.

But in the end, when I passed the other party, I even shouted this sentence, but everyone had already come to me, but I still didn't know the other This is It's just too embarrassing.

It's the first time I've encountered such a thing since I've been in the business for so long.

In class, I went to the person I used to brag, but I didn't know the other person.

This feeling makes me want to find a ground seam to dig into.

In the words of today's Internet, this is the scene of a large-scale social death.

Not only that, but this guy was also thinking about it in his mind for the first time. It seems that this city will not be able to survive in the future. After returning, he will have to think about where his next goal should be.

Although there is no video of today's events, everyone present is bosses from all walks of life.

Today's events can be spread throughout the entire circle in no time to the evening.

He will also become the laughing stock of the entire capital circle.

For a while, the guy was extremely remorseful.

He didn't regret that he failed in bragging today, nor did he regret that his society died.

What he regrets is, why did he just call out the name of his training institution?

Just because he called out the name of the training institution at the end, he also made his training institution directly equated with the death of this company.

As a result, not only did he lose his reputation, but he also became a laughing stock in the industry.

The reputation of his training institution has also become stinky, and it has also become a laughing stock in the industry.

It seems that when I change to the next city, I have to open a new training institution again.

[To be continued. . . .