Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 684

Chapter 684

When he heard this sentence, he was immediately taken aback, and then he quickly nodded and said to me again and again:

'Brother Xiao, you're right, I didn't understand why you had to spend all your money before, but now I know, I understand, your words just woke me up. '

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the field was speechless, and they were completely dumbfounded. They didn't know if it was true or not, and they didn't know Lin Yi of the dignified nuclear group. Are you heartless?

Including Lin Yi, he couldn't bear it any longer at this moment.

He waved to Li Wentao next to him, indicating that he could let someone stop these words and get this guy down.

Isn't this smearing yourself nakedly?

Good guy, if you let him continue, then his IQ will be said to be zero by him.

This is simply too shameless.

If you want to take advantage of my reputation, then take advantage of it, but don't keep bashing me.

Can I do such a heartless thing? Can I say something so heartless?

However, before Li Wentao next to him could stand up, the guy on the stage started to speak again, and what he said even made the nose of the shower almost crooked, and the old blood almost spit out.

"Then Lin Yi asked me a question at the time. He was very distressed at the time and told me, Brother Xiao, I still have a puzzle on me now, I'm very uncomfortable, I don't know how to solve this matter. .

As soon as I heard this, I immediately patted my chest and told him that if there is any difficulty, I will tell my brother directly, and my brother will definitely help you solve it properly.

Then he told me that he said that Brother Xiao is like this.

Many of my subordinates have betrayed me, and I don't know how to deal with them, because they gave me a lot to start a business with me, and now I'm dealing with them, but I'm a little stingy.

As soon as I heard this, I immediately gave him an idea. He immediately stood up and bowed to me after hearing that.

I'll tell him. Is this still difficult for you? Is it still a problem? You directly give 10 million to each of those who betrayed you. Isn't this thing resolved? "

After saying this. There was only one thought in the minds of everyone in the field.

That is, is Lin Yi heartless?

Those who betrayed themselves, return 10 million to him. Does this mean you have too much money?

Li Wentao, who was on the side, couldn't listen anymore, so he stood up and walked towards the organizer on the side.

However, just as he got up and walked over, the guy on the stage continued to speak:

"At that time, Lin Yi and you had the same expressions, they didn't understand it, just like the expressions you didn't understand when I said I spent ten minutes before.

But after my explanation, he immediately understood the matter and the meaning of it, and knew what kind of deep meaning I asked him to give 10 million to those who betrayed him.

I told him at the time that the reason why I gave 10 million to those who betrayed you was not for them, but for your current employees.

Think from a different angle, stand in front of those employees who are still working for you today, and think from their point of view.

You can give 10 million to those who betray you without hesitation, so what about them?

What about them who are loyal to you? How much will that be? How much will they get?

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone will think in their hearts, then I must follow you with all my heart.

When the time comes, what will be waiting for me in the future will not be thousands, but hundreds of millions. "

At this time, Li Wentao had already found the person in charge and directly exposed the identity of the person in charge.

When the person in charge heard that Lin Yi didn't know this guy on stage, he was dumbfounded.

Cold sweat broke out constantly on his forehead.

For a while, he hurriedly beckoned to several security guards next to him, and at the same time he walked towards the rostrum in large strides.

The guy on the stage was talking heartily at this moment, but he didn't expect a group of people to come towards him, which made him very unhappy.

Impatiently waved his hand towards the other party and said:

"What's the matter with the two of you? Didn't you see that I was giving you a lecture, so let me all back down, sit there honestly, and don't understand a bit of politeness. How can you develop your own business just like you? Don't you understand even the most basic courtesy to make the company grow?"

However, in the face of such a question from him, a few strong men were waiting to answer him, but they came over and directly lifted him up, and began to carry him towards the outfield.

This time, the guy panicked immediately, and his originally calm expression couldn't help but feel nervous for a while.

But I have to say, this guy's concentration is really good.

By this time, he quickly calmed down.

On the contrary, while being dragged out by the security guard, he shouted loudly:

"What are you doing? Didn't you see I was lecturing?

Who gave you the right to coax me out?

I tell you do you know who I am?

We were invited by your organizer in person, and called the leader of your organizer!

Be careful with this skin on your body, you have to get out of here. "

Just after he finished speaking, a cold voice sounded behind him.

The owner of this voice is the person in charge of the organizer who invited Lin Yi and the others in:

"Please keep your mouth shut, I am the highest responsible person here, and I want to tell you that I don't care who you are, I am here to slander President Lin, and what awaits you will be a lawyer's letter. "

When he heard this sentence, the middle-aged man was obviously taken aback. He didn't expect the person in charge of the organizer to be the guy in front of him, which made him sigh for a while.

Seeing that my speech is coming to an end, the following topics will be triggered, and my plan will start to be implemented.

But I didn't expect the organizer to stand up at this time and blast him out. Doesn't this mean that he has been talking for a long time in vain?

How can this work?

So, he stopped paying attention to the security guards, and immediately looked at the people in the field, and said loudly:

"Everyone, everyone. This is the organizer you have seen, they don't know the goods, don't you understand?

The knowledge I just imparted to you is all useful!

Did you just watch them blow me out?

[To be continued. . . .