Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 619

Chapter 619

I have to say, the speed of this brother Wang is really fast enough.

Under such circumstances, he was able to hold the thing in his arms tightly for the first time, which was enough to show how important the thing in his arms was to him.

When he saw clearly that it was this kid who broke in, this brother Wang let out a long sigh of relief. At the same time, he gave the other party a sullen look, and scolded directly in his mouth:

"What are you doing, kid? Scared me to death. I thought someone was going to rob me. Go, go, get out."

I have to say that these cultural people don't use dirty words even when they scold people.

Just after listening to Brother Wang's words, the young man did not go out, but fixed his eyes on the box in Brother Wang's hand, snorted and swallowed:

"Brother Wang. What are you doing there?"

After hearing this, Brother Wang's eyes clearly flashed a vigilant look, and at the same time, he glanced at the box held in the other's arms, and asked in a doubtful tone:

"Aren't you holding it yourself? What are you asking me for? We are all on the same level. What is yours, I am sure what is mine too!"

After hearing this, the young man obviously knew that the other party had misunderstood him, so he quickly waved his hand, and at the same time looked around mysteriously, turned around, and closed the partition door of the toilet. .

All of a sudden, this brother Wang became nervous, and he took a step back in a panic, holding the wall with one hand and the box with the other, and his tone trembled:

"What are you doing? I can tell you. I'm not interested in you. I'm a normal person!"

Who knows that the young man couldn't help but feel agitated all over his body after hearing this, and a chill rose from his heart, let alone that disgusting energy, looked up at the old man, and couldn't help but feel a layer of goosebumps growing on his body:

"Oh. Don't be disgusting with me, Brother Wang. Let's talk about business here. What the **** are you doing here? Let me tell you, I just glanced at it and scared me. There are several things in me. thing, look at this."

When it came to gifts, the young man couldn't care about the chill just now. After giving the other party a helpless look, he reached out his hand directly into his box, groped inside for a while, and took out a very delicate little one. Box.

And on this box, it is written on the fruit core 3 mobile phone.

That's right, this small box contains the core mobile phone!

Not only that, he is also the third-generation mobile phone of the fruit core.

You know, only the second generation is released on the market today!

As for this third-generation mobile phone, although the official release time has been given, and the upgraded functions and appearance of this mobile phone have also been given, but it has not been released at all.

And now, he actually received this mobile phone, how can this make him not excited?

Let's not talk about how precious this phone is, just talk about this phone, even after it is released, they are not confident that they will be able to grab it.

After all, since the launch of nuclear mobile phones, until now, there has not been a day that was not sold by hunger.

Even the current full-load production of the nuclear group has still not been able to meet the needs of the market.

There is no way, who makes the function of the fruit core mobile phone really a product of the century.

Moreover, nowadays major mobile phone manufacturers are busy cooperating with the nuclear group, upgrading, or doing processing for the nuclear group and so on.

So that there is no same product on the market that can thunder with the fruit core mobile phone.

This is why the official website of Guohe mobile phone dares to publish all the details of the third-generation mobile phone on the official website.

Because they can tell you clearly, even if I tell you all the parameters and data, you can't copy it.

When he saw the third-generation mobile phone held by the young man, Brother Wang also took out this mobile phone from his box with a look of surprise.

"Damn it! Brother Wang, yours is also this phone!!

This is good, this is good. To my surprise, I thought they put the gift wrong.

This third-generation fruit core mobile phone has not been released yet, and it has already arrived in our hands. Zhuoshi shocked me!

Haha, but this time I really earned it!

The third-generation mobile phone of the fruit core, if I take it out, I don't know how many people will envy me. "

Looking at the excited expression of the other party, Wang Ge should be calmer, after all, he is not too young.

Although it is said that he also loves the fruit core mobile phone, but it is not to the point of fanaticism of the other party.

Even if he knew that this phone was higher than the one on the market today, even if he knew that this phone was different from other phones, he was also not particularly excited:

"Can you be a little more prudent, you have graduated with a Ph.D.

In the future, we must be calm in our work circle, you know?

Isn't it just a cell phone? No matter how advanced he is, he was researched by researchers!

Let me tell you, Xiao Zhang, your temperament is really hard to grind.

Especially when we do scientific research, we must have a stable temperament. Otherwise, after we have researched certain results, we will be so excited that we cannot find Beibei. So how can scientific research continue? "

Listening to the words of the respectful teaching of Brother Wang, and looking at the calm face of the other party, Xiao Zhang suddenly felt that his cultivation was still lacking a lot.

It seems to me that I must learn more from Brother Wang in the future! There is really a lot to learn!

Although I say that I have a high degree of education, but after all I am still young, I can see from this one thing that there is still a big gap between me and Brother Hehe, I This is really exciting, Brother Wang, you are right, we must stabilize our minds when doing scientific research.

Please give me more advice in the future.

Oh, by the way, besides this, there is another such thing, do you have it there too? "

With the admiration for Brother Wang, this time Xiao Zhang's mood is relatively calm.

After carefully putting the phone into the box, he reached in again, and carefully took out another delicate small box.

This small box is not the same as the mobile phone just now. The size of this small box is only the size of a palm, and its front is a transparent glass-like thing.

Because of this, the objects inside can be presented directly in front of their eyes.

However, when he got this thing in front of Brother Wang, Brother Wang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but exclaim:

"Fuck me!"

[To be continued. . . .