Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 618

Chapter 618

"General Manager Lin, our task has now been completed, and the rest is left to you. I look forward to our next opportunity to work together."

This time, the commander in charge of the launch came to Lin Yi's side, extended his palm to Lin Yi enthusiastically, and after shaking hands with Lin Yi heavily, he said with a sincere face.

After reaching this point, their mission has been completed, and they have successfully escorted Lin Yi to launch the spacecraft to the surface of the moon.

After this step, there is no longer their task.

The next thing will be left to the nuclear group to deal with.

This is also what Lin Yi and the old man had already agreed on.

After the base is successfully built, the old man will be provided with some space for them to use. This is the transaction between the two parties.

Of course, during this period, Lin Yi will provide the old man with scientific research materials and all kinds of help they need for free.

As long as it doesn't involve Lin Yi's secrets, it can be shared for free.

Lin Yi naturally understood the hard work of everyone present during this time.

Although this matter has nothing to do with them, everyone treats this matter as their own.

Because of this, every Lin Yi present was very grateful.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yi stood under the big screen in the center and looked at everyone present.

At the same time, everyone present raised their heads one after another, and all looked at the young man Lin Yi, the young man who everyone admired.

After seeing everyone's eyes on him, Lin Yi's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a very gentle smile.

Then organized the language and said:

"Everyone has worked hard during this time. I am here to express my thanks to you on behalf of all the nuclear builders."

When he said this, Lin Yi bowed slightly and bowed to everyone in the field.

And this time, it also immediately caused a round of applause in the field.

For them, this is the best response to Lin Yi.

"Although our acquaintance is still short-lived, only in the past few days, I can feel the enthusiasm of everyone present for their work, their enthusiasm for the world, and everything they have paid for our China to take off.

Although I can't promise you anything, and I don't have the right to promise you anything, but as a person, as a nuclear group, I'm here to give you a promise.

When I leave later, I have prepared a small gift for everyone, please don't delay. "

As for what Lin Yi was preparing for, it doesn't need to be elaborated. Everyone present knew that it couldn't be too bad.

After all, what kind of company is the nuclear group, after all, what kind of person Lin Yi is, everyone present knows more or less.

Among them, there are also colleagues or friends who work within the nuclear group, and the year-end awards they issue every year make them envious.

Now, hearing that Lin Yi had prepared a gift for himself, all of them were filled with excitement for a while.

And the gifts that Lin Yi prepared for them next did not disappoint them.

When they handed over the work at hand to the personnel sent by the nuclear group, they began to gradually leave here.

When they walked to the door, they saw the pile of gift boxes at the door.

When everyone walks over, they will be given a box by the employees of the nuclear group according to their work permits.

Looking at this very delicate box the size of a shoebox in their hands, everyone's heart is very excited, and they are also guessing what is inside?

"Hey, Brother Wang, do you think this is filled with money?"

"How is it possible? Don't be so cheesy, okay? If you really put money on it, Mr. Lin will definitely tell us to pay the bonus directly."

"That's right. If it's really money. Then it can't be so light."

For a while, everyone around was having conversations around this box.

Perhaps it was because many of the people present were from the nuclear group, which made them embarrassed to open up what was inside.

However, although this box is very heavy, it is obviously the same as what the brother said before. If it is full of money, it will definitely not be of this weight.

"Brother Wang, let's go to the toilet?"

It was the young man who spoke before, carrying this box in his hand, and he couldn't hold it any longer.

Pulled that brother Wang and walked towards the toilet not far away together.

On the way, there are many people who are also heading towards the toilet. It can be seen that the purpose of these individuals is actually the same as theirs, and they can't wait to know what is inside.

On the way, after seeing each other, they all smiled embarrassingly, and then nodded to each other knowingly, and walked towards the toilet.

When I came to the toilet, I saw that there were already people in line there.

This kind of scene is actually quite spectacular. For a while, the employees of the nuclear group in the field all felt a burst of laughter, but it was a kind smile.

After all, how could the things sent by the nuclear group not be exciting?

"Damn it!! Is it true? My God! It's not pretending to be wrong, is it?"

It was the same young man from before. After hurriedly rushing into the partition of a toilet, he couldn't wait to open the gift box in his hand.

However, the moment he opened the gift box, his eyes widened, and his mouth couldn't help but It's not just him, the brother Wang who was pulled over by him, this When he was next to him, he also opened the gift box in his hand.

Although he didn't exclaim like Xiao Young, he couldn't help but take a few breaths.

Not only in these two partitions, it can be said that this toilet is full of the sound of sucking air, and this scene is really funny enough.

Fortunately, the toilet is very clean. Otherwise, it's really a bit heavy.

With a bang, the young man quickly closed his gift box, then opened his partition door and rushed out.

However, he did not go out, but quickly ran to the next door and opened the partition door of Brother Wang.

At this moment, Brother Wang, who was looking at the gift box and sucking in the cold air, was frightened by this sudden shock, and his whole body was jolted.

He almost threw the gift box in his hand, but fortunately, he reacted fast enough to hold the gift box tightly in his arms.

[To be continued. . . .