Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 529

Chapter 529

He walked in front of the five robots again, circled around the robot again, and at the same time stretched out his hand to shake the robot's arm twice. As a result, he was surprised to find that the robot's arm could not be shaken.

Even with all his strength, he couldn't shake it.

Not only that, the unwilling Ouyang Lei stretched out his hand in front of the robot.

Facing those two transparent eyes, he punched him directly.

Of course, he didn't intend to actually punch the robot, but only to feint.

If there is really someone inside, he believes that no matter how strong this guy stretches his hand, the moment he is attacked in the face, he will subconsciously make a block action, or make a dodge action.

This is due to human instinct.

However, the next moment, when his fist stopped just one centimeter away from the robot's face, he was stunned to find that the robot in front of him didn't move at all, not even the slightest sign of retreating.

This made his face full of disbelief, and when his eyes turned to Lin Yi, he really didn't know what to say.

At this time, Lin Yi also found him with a smile.

At the same time, under his gaze, he reached out and pressed directly on the disc on the robot's chest.

Suddenly, a blue light lit up on the disc.

Immediately afterwards, the robot's eyes lit up.

Then, under Lin Yi's gesture, he directly reached out and took off a guard plate under his chest.

When the shield revealed what was inside, Ouyang Lei's eyes widened again involuntarily.

Looking at the densely packed lines, Ouyang Lei opened his mouth in astonishment.

After murmuring for a while, he spoke, afraid to say confidently:

"This, this, this is a robot?? Oh no, don't tell me it's true? How can a robot be so flexible?"

Although he couldn't believe it was true, everything in front of him made him have to believe it.

After all, the dense lines and the complex parts inside were enough to show the essence of the robot in front of his eyes.

If it's a real robot, it's crazy and unbelievable for him!

At the same time, in his mind, he recalled a series of actions made by the robots at the moment he just met these robots, which made him really unbelievable.

Just the actions these people made just now, there is not even the slightest difference between them and real people.

As for the feeling of frustration with robots, it no longer exists.

"Haha, didn't you see it? I told you before, this is a robot, then you have to guess on the armor of the Iron Man, what can I do about this?"

Lin Yi expressed his understanding of Ouyang Lei's stunned expression.

After all, anyone who sees these robots will show such a look.

Of course, he still didn't forget to make fun of Ouyang Lei.

As for the Iron Man's armor, he does have it himself, but it's impossible for him to take it out.

After all, in terms of the technological level of your current society, that kind of thing is really too advanced.

If you take out that thing now, it will undoubtedly cause a huge commotion.

After all, no matter what you do, it is about a step-by-step process.

You can come up with advanced things, but you must not cross the times too much.

Otherwise, the simple Taoism that the extremes of things must be reversed must be understood by everyone.

After getting Lin Yi's personal answer, Ouyang Lei's mind fell into a brief blank.

For a while, he looked at Lin Yi, and then at the robot, he really didn't know what to say.

Although I can't believe what I see in front of me is true, but thinking about the things that Lin Yi has done before, and the controllable nuclear fusion technology just handed over to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which one does not break his cognition?

Because of this, seeing Lin Yi come up with this kind of robot now, he quickly made himself agree.

He didn't know when it started, but in his mind, there was nothing that Lin Yi couldn't do.

In fact, not only Ouyang Lei and the others, but even Mu Yunrou's grandfather thought the same way.

This is also the reason why the status of the nuclear group in China is rising again and again.

After all, just relying on the Ouyang family alone, Lin Yi still couldn't be like a duck to water in China.

It is precisely because of Mu Yunrou's relationship that there is no hindrance in the current nuclear group.

"How about it, I'm pretty high-tech, right?

I have prepared five units for you over there, and you can bring them to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for research.

But let me say it first, you can study these things, but the patented technology is always ours. I have asked our people to set up a subsidiary company about this kind of robot, which should be completed in the next few days. "

Having said this, he paused for a while, looked at Ouyang Lei's eyes and said with a smile:

"You should know that I am never a stingy person.

Anything I will think of Huaxia.

But what? I would like to stress my point again.

Anything I invent can be provided to Huaxia for free, but Huaxia is not allowed to transfer it to a third party for use without my permission.

You should know what I mean, right? "

As for Lin Yi's request, Ouyang Lei naturally agreed, nodding his head in affirmation.

It is precisely because of Lin Yi's patriotic that Lin Yi can run rampant in any field so unscrupulously.

If not, even if he has the ability. I am afraid that it has long been targeted by the relevant departments.

Like his rampage in the field, the earth-shaking behavior, if there is no whole Huaxia to wipe his **** behind, then I am afraid that the nuclear group will not know how many times it has been smashed by others.

After all, in various industries of the nuclear group, the title of "industry stirrer" is not for nothing.

"It's still considered that you have a conscience, but let's not say that, with something like you, I believe that the old academicians will definitely research a lot of useful things.

Haha, this time they owe you another favor.

Oh, by the way, when it comes to the academicians, I remembered it. I just came here this time, and I have something I want to tell you. "

Having said this, Ouyang Lei's smile stopped, and then he looked at Lin Yi with a serious look, and his tone became solemn:

To be continued. . . .