Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 528

Chapter 528

I did suddenly feel that my feet were directly off the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the body slammed heavily towards the ground.

All this came too quickly, the smile on the corner of his mouth has not completely disappeared, and there is a pain in the back.

Ouyang Lei, who was complacent by putting his arm on his shoulder for the sake of Lin Yi's carelessness, was hit with gold stars in his eyes.

Above this ground is a hard concrete floor.

In addition, he was thrown straight on the ground this time, and he was not even prepared at all, which made him a little uncomfortable.

The most important point is that he was just thrown from the sky to the ground by those guys in Iron Man clothes.

Originally, the **** was a little painful, but this time it was better, and it came directly again.

Even if you are physically strong, you can't stand to fall like this.

But after seeing Lin Yi and falling to the ground, he suddenly looked at himself in surprise.

His eyes were filled with a look of not being confident, which made Ouyang Lei feel like he wanted to beat this guy to the ground.

Not only that, in addition to some unsure eyes, this guy even opened his mouth to make fun of himself:

"Uh, I'm relying on it. Why are you so weak? I thought you would be able to resist, but I was thrown on the ground like this.?

Is it okay? With such a weak look, I'm afraid that a gust of wind will knock you down, right? "

In the face of these ridiculing words, Ouyang Lei was a little on the verge of tears.

Just by reaching out his hand, Lin Yi could clearly let him realize that he would never be able to beat this guy.

I didn't expect this guy to hide so deeply and have such a strong skill.

Ouyang Lei can be 100% sure that even in the army, there are not many people who are his opponents in the hand that Lin Yi showed just now.

Some embarrassedly got up from the ground and patted the dust behind him, glaring at Lin Yi angrily.

Afterwards, this guy was considered a bachelor, so he didn't mention it at all, as if nothing happened, he took the lead and walked towards Lin Yi's office building.

After seeing this, Lin Yi, who was behind him, was also impressed by this guy's thick skin.

He waved to the five robots behind him, and then walked towards Ouyang Lei together.

After entering the office building and entering a large reception room, Lin Yi sat down on the boss chair in front of the conference table, while the five robots stood behind him in unison.

At this point, Ouyang Lei suddenly felt helpless, and gave Lin Yi an angry look:

"I said what the **** do you want to do, call me here, isn't it just to show off to me?"

He really can't figure it out now, what exactly does this guy Lin Yi want to do?

Isn't coming to the conference room just to say some secret things that are not known to outsiders?

Why did this guy even greet those five people?

Originally, Ouyang Lei wanted to talk to Lin Yi about that kind of controllable nuclear fusion, but now, it is obviously impossible for him to talk with outsiders. After all, that thing is too important.

However, after hearing what he said, Lin Yi waved his hand indifferently:

"Just say it with confidence, don't be polite to them, they don't understand."

Naturally, Lin Yi would not worry about these. Although these robots have strong computing power, they will not listen to some information from the outside world without their own orders.

And the reason why he said that was to tease Ouyang Lei.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Ouyang Lei opened his mouth and finally shook his head helplessly. He didn't say anything, just looked at him strangely.

"Hey, I won't tease you anymore, go and take a closer look at what's going on with these five guys."

These words are a bit mindless. All in all, Ouyang Lei doesn't quite understand what Lin Yi means.

Do you want to go up and check out these mechas?

Thinking of this, Ouyang Lei thought that was the case, so he walked over with some curiosity.

Of course, he wasn't worried about how these individuals would hurt him or attack him, because the guys inside must have listened to Lin Yi.

Although he was thrown into the air by these five guys just now, he was thrown like a sand egg several times, but he was in a hurry after all, so Ouyang Lei didn't observe these five guys carefully.

Now that he came closer, he was immediately shocked by the armor on these five guys.

These five sets of mechas are flawless, both in terms of details and the degree of hardness on the outside.

After just going around the mecha for a few laps, Ouyang Lei was a little helpless to find that he didn't find out how the mecha was worn.

In other words, he didn't know how these people got into the mecha.

Of course, this also made him more excited.

Because you can't find it, it means that the enemy can't find it.

In this way, the people inside are relatively safer.

"Don't tell me, the design of this thing is really clever, but what about the weight of this mecha? Is there any excess? Give me a suit, I'll try it on."

Speaking of this, Ouyang Lei's face was full of eagerness to try.

Like this kind of thing, if the weight and mobility are up to standard, then it is absolutely perfect for individual combat!

At least this is much stronger than those exoskeleton armors. If the bulletproof effect is up to standard, then this guy will be invincible when he opens the way in front.

However, Lin Yi, who was on the side, looked at this guy who was eager to try, and listened to these words he said, and couldn't help but laugh:

"It's not like I said you Xiaoleizi, you can't take a closer look at it?

And What are you thinking about?

Mecha, why don't you say it's Iron Man's armor?

Brother, we are in the real world now, can we not live in movies all the time?

Take a closer look, this is his mother's mecha. "

Ouyang Lei, who was still eager to try, was stunned when he heard Lin Yi's words.

Afterwards, I couldn't turn around in my mind. I looked at the five robots, and then at Lin Yi:

"What the hell? This is not a mecha? What is this?"

Even at this time, he didn't feel that these were five robots.

As for the reason, of course, it is the series of operations just now, which is definitely not something that a robot can do.

To be continued. . . .

PS: I will add more updates for the birthday of "Invisible Wings" later!