Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Remember for a second

But this little episode soon ended with Xiong Cancan interviewing the next classmate.

After Xiao Zihan left, Xiong Cancan took a few deep breaths to calm down.

Instead, he saw a rather average-looking boy approaching. Seeing this, Xiong Cancan calmed down.

The two interviewed before are also quite strange. The first boy may be quite handsome because he looks good, so he can be forgiven for ignoring him.

But now this guy walks in front of him, and he looks very ordinary.

At the same time, this also allowed Xiong Cancan to gradually regain his self-confidence. Generally, many of the boys with average appearance are relatively sullen, and at the same time, it is easy to be unable to walk when seeing beautiful women.

Xiong Cancan was quite confident about her beauty, she believed that the guy on the other side would definitely not be able to resist her own problems.

"Hello classmate, are you nervous about the next college entrance examination? What are you thinking about now?"

This time Xiong Cancan was quite careful. He didn't even ask if he could interview you, but asked the question directly.

Sure enough, this time the boy who didn't look very good stopped, then looked at Xiong Cancan and the microphone in his hand and scratched his head in confusion. Could this be a live broadcast?

Thinking like this, this guy suddenly showed a smile that he thought was very chic:

"Nervous? I'm nervous. My boss will put me at the bottom, why am I nervous? Hehe, besides, with my grades, I can't take the 985 or 211 exam with my hands? Okay, brother still If you want to take the test, go first."

After speaking, he shook his head and walked towards the school gate with proud steps.

While walking, this guy whispered in a low voice:

"Looking at the boss like this on weekdays, it attracts the attention of the little girl a lot, hehe, don't say it, this bragging feeling is quite cool, I think this girl should be shocked by her brother's self-confidence, right? ."

That's right, this guy is none other than Li Huiqun.

And looking at this boy's arrogant virtue, Xiong Cancan almost smashed the microphone in his hand at Li Huiqun.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage at this time boiled. Not only that, because of the previous wave of boiling, at this time, thousands of people had poured into Xiong Cancan's live broadcast room.

Seeing Xiong Cancan interviewing Li Huiqun, the new audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but laugh:

"Haha, what kind of people did Cancan meet! Why isn't there a normal one!"

"This buddy is so bragging, and he is still holding 985 and 211 in his hands. Why didn't he say that Tsinghua Peking University went to his house to invite him?"

"Have you noticed, that guy seems to say that he has a boss? This guy already has this virtue. I'm really curious now, what kind of virtue is that guy's boss!"

"Cancan is lucky today, it's a lot of interviews with three university scumbags in a row! Can Can change his name to Xue Scum Can in the future!"

"'I have a master's degree from Peking University', don't be curious about the person upstairs. I guess his boss must be the first to interview that guy with Cancan, a scumbag of virtue. I said just now, if the two younger classmates in front were not studying The scum type, I live streamed handstand peeing, this time I am adding one, if this guy is not a scumbag, I will stand upside down to my mouth and pee!"

"What a ruthless man upstairs! Sit and wait for you to stand upside down and shush!"

"Wait +1"

"Wait +1"

Not to mention Xiong Cancan and the audience in her live broadcast room, but only Lin Yi who has entered the entrance of the examination room.

Although Li Huiqun and Xiao Zihan were both in the same exam location, the location of the exam room was different, and it was getting late, so leisurely found a place on the playground to sit down and take a nap.

It's just that Lin Yi felt that he had just fallen asleep when the sound of candidates entering the hall rang out on the school radio.

Helplessly, he stood up and stretched, and followed the crowd to find his own examination room and walked in. After finding his own role, Lin Yi still felt very sleepy, so he was different from other people's progress. The goods directly continued to doze on the table.

In a daze, several invigilators walked in, and after reading the exam room discipline aloud and showing the sealed exam papers to the candidates, this year's college entrance examination has just begun.

The first test was Chinese. After Lin Yi's test paper, his eyes swept across the test paper, and it was not what he expected. The test questions above were as simple as the mock test papers he had done before.

After the test bell rang, Lin Yi yawned casually, resting his head with one hand, and quickly wrote the answer on the test paper with the other.

Lin Yi wrote the answer very quickly, as if he hadn't thought about it.

In fact, that's exactly what happened. Looking at Lin Yi's scribbling-like movements, the invigilators in the examination room shook their heads helplessly. There are several such students in the college entrance examination every year.

You don't have to look at it to know that what he wrote is definitely not the answer, it's just a copy of the above question.

Only this point, the invigilator of the examination room confirmed that this is an ignorant student.

Time passed little by little, one minute, three minutes, five minutes.

Slowly, the invigilator looked at Lin Yi who was constantly writing and drawing, and frowned involuntarily.

At the same time, I had a very bad impression of Lin Yi, a classmate, so I could not help standing up and gestured to the deputy supervisor.

^0^ One second to remember

After passing the test of the teacher and his position, he went down by himself.

He wants to remind this ignorant classmate that if you don't answer the questions, don't scribble like this. The sound of brushing, in this examination room where you can almost hear needles falling, will affect the state of the rest of the candidates. .

This can be seen from the frowning eyes of the surrounding students looking at Lin Yi from time to time, and UU reading

Walking up to the classmate, he frowned and looked at the other party's test paper. He wanted to see what the classmate was scribbling, whether he was copying the questions as he thought.

'kindness? Is this writing? ? '

However, when the invigilator saw that what Lin Yi was writing was actually a composition, his brows became even deeper.

Although it is not ruled out that some candidates have the habit of writing essays before answering the previous questions, but this exam has only started for five minutes. This guy has not only written the essay, but also looked at his test paper. It is obvious that the previous questions are also Answers are written, which is a bit too much.

However, when he was about to tap Lin Yi's desk lightly to remind the other party to pay attention to the discipline of the examination room, he also subconsciously looked at the content of the examination paper...

To be continued

ps: Sorry guys, I have something to do during the day and I didn't have time to update you at noon, so I'll make it up for you now!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^