Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Remember for a second

"Son, don't be under too much pressure, take as many exams as you can."

Outside the examination room, the Queen Mother Ye looked at Lin Yi who was about to enter the examination room, and showed a rare gentle smile.

On the other hand, Lin Yi waved his hand indifferently:

"Don't worry, Empress Ye, I will definitely not put any pressure on myself. Hehe, okay, I'll go first. It's alright, you old Lin, go shopping around."

After speaking, he walked towards the examination room carelessly.

When the Queen Mother Ye heard her son's words behind her, she resisted the urge of slippers and kept saying, "This is my son, my son!"

"Okay, viewers, I am now in the first examination room in Qinhuangdao. The much-anticipated college entrance examination is about to begin, and everyone in front of the screen must have felt the tense atmosphere. Yes, I can feel it better at the scene. To the nervousness of every student passing by me."

"Can I get a good grade in the test? Can I get into an ideal university? Presumably these are what the students are thinking now. Let's randomly find the candidate and interview him what he is thinking now.

This classmate, this classmate, we are from Qinhuangdao TV Station. We are doing a live web show 'While the college entrance examination is in progress'. Can I interrupt you and ask you a few questions? "

Lin Yi, who was walking towards the examination room at a leisurely pace, was suddenly blocked in his way. As he walked ahead, he raised his head suspiciously, only to see a fair-looking beauty, holding her forehand. A huge microphone slammed into his mouth.

Suddenly Lin Yi jumped, and quickly stopped his steps and turned his head away a little, so he managed to dodge the thick and long microphone.

Seeing Lin Yi's actions, Xiong Cancan, a reporter at the internship site, saw the handsome little brother who almost hurt him with the microphone, and immediately closed the microphone apologetically, and then asked the question just now:

"Hello, classmate, we are Xiong Cancan, the live reporter of our Qinhuangdao TV station. We are doing a live online program 'The College Entrance Examination'. May I disturb you and ask you a few questions?"

Looking at the live broadcast equipment in front of him, Lin Yi suddenly realized that it was a reporter from a TV station. But then he had some doubts: "Is the TV station even doing live broadcasts now?"

Hearing this little brother's question, Xiong Cancan showed a smile that he thought was charming:

"Keep up with the pace of the times. At the same time as the live broadcast, our programs are also broadcast on synchronous TV stations."

Uh, also sync TV? Is it so advanced? I didn't expect that my buddy's first chance to appear on TV would appear like this?

Thinking of going on TV, Lin Yixin said that image is very important, so he couldn't help but look down at his clothes, then straightened his short-sleeved neckline, a wicked smile hung on the corner of his mouth that he thought was very handsome, and then looked at This female reporter gave her a very sunny smile, revealing two rows of small white teeth:

"Sorry, I'm still in a hurry to take the exam. If you want to interview, you should wait for me to come out later."

After he finished speaking, he gave the female reporter a sunny smile, and then walked towards the entrance of the examination room without looking back.

In a live broadcast room called when the college entrance examination was in progress, the barrage of only a few dozen viewers suddenly exploded.

"Uh, this operation 666!"

"Why don't today's students even have the most basic courtesy?"

"66666, this little boy has a personality. Not only does he have a personality, but he is also very handsome!"

"Hey, the anchor is asking the wrong person. Just because of his appearance, he looks like a super scumbag. Asking him about the college entrance examination is not rubbing salt on the wound."

Although the live broadcast room was during the college entrance examination, not all the viewers in the live broadcast room were parents, and many of them came to join in the fun and make soy sauce.

Therefore, the barrage in the live broadcast room has everything to say. Of course, most of it is to infer that Lin Yi is an out-and-out scumbag.

Looking at Lin Yi who had already walked away, Xiong Cancan finally recovered from that sunny and handsome smile, stomped his feet in anger, and couldn't help but go wild in his heart: 'Who is this! Hmph, I didn't even accept Miss Ben's interview! '

The photographer next to him looked at Xiong Cancan, who was not successful in his apprenticeship. At this time, he coughed a little embarrassingly. While turning the live camera to the candidates one after another, he looked at Xiong Cancan and reminded in a low voice:

"Uh, Cancan, let's interview another girl."

Xiong Cancan felt right after hearing the words, so he nodded, just at this moment, a very plainly dressed girl walked over.

Seeing that the height of the girl is much taller than herself, but at a glance, you can see that the family is not rich, because all the way through, the girl has such a head.

"Hmph, this will definitely not reject me."

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Xiong Cancan continued to greet the girl with her head bowed with a smile on her face.

At the same time, the photographer in charge of shooting also hurriedly followed.

"Hello, classmate, we are Xiong Cancan, the on-site reporter of our Qinhuangdao TV station. May I disturb you and ask you a few small questions?"

Xiao Zihan, who came over, was thinking about the process of solving a math problem. He was shocked when he heard someone talking to him. He quickly stopped and looked at the opposite side with a confused face, and he saw it immediately. Xiong Cancan is holding the microphone.

^0^ One second to remember

Seeing this tall girl wearing big old-fashioned glasses, Xiong Cancan couldn't help but sighed inwardly. If only he could have this height...

Seeing the camera on the opposite side, Xiao Zihan was obviously a little uncomfortable, waved his hand in a little bewilderment, and said in a low voice:

"Sorry, I have an exam."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and bypassed Xiong Cancan and No, no! This"

Looking at the candidates who slipped away from him again, Xiong Cancan almost didn't collapse. What's the situation? How about asking yourself a few questions?

And those soy sauce parties in the live broadcast room also boiled again:

"Wow haha, I saw it, this is the reason of the anchor!"

"Hahaha, sit and watch the anchors get scolded one after another!"

"I have a master's degree from Peking University. According to my inference, these two little classmates are definitely the type of scumbags. If not, I will live broadcast and stand upside down."

"666, handstand boo boo plus one!"

Xiong Cancan glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room and felt a burst of collapse in his heart. At the same time, he regretted that he had eaten enough to support himself and what live broadcast account the platform suggested to operate...

[To be continued. . . .

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^