Return Of The War God - Chapter 7171

Chapter 7171

No one knows what kind of turmoil is in Ming Hai's heart at this time!

Every pore on his body seemed to be trembling!

The whole person is still replaced like a dream!

That, that is a giant!

The giant of the Wu Er Dao Sect is a famous existence in the War Wasteland, a high position, an incomparably brilliant existence!

but now!

But it was cut in two!

There are no earth-shattering battles, nor any life-and-death fights.

Simple two halberds!

Just cut people to death with a knife, and died.

how so? ?

why? ?

This, this is completely different from what I imagined!

These remnants of the Zhan family, these remnants of the Zhan family...

Ming Hai was trembling all over at this moment, he felt an indescribable powerlessness and fear.

The most frightening thing is that his real body was even revealed by that terrifying existence!

In the dead silence of the world, the eyes of the remaining Zhanhuang giants have shown infinite fear and disbelief!

The corpse of the Golden Knife Saint had already slammed heavily on the ground below, kicking up a cloud of dust, and then stopped moving.

Scalp numb!

I feel cold all over!

The fear of death that hasn't appeared in my heart for a long time is now growing crazily!

Master Tianjiao...

This giant Purdue Jingzhai staring at a horn on his head couldn't even speak a word at this moment!

His eyes flickered wildly!

There was a look of fear on his face.

"How is it possible... There is such a thing..."

Master Tianjiao couldn't believe everything in front of him.


In the void, Ye Wuque flicked the Cang Tianba halberd lightly, and the giant's blood stained on it immediately scattered into the void.

The seemingly understatement of the two halberds directly killed a giant!

The huge impact of this kind of record is unimaginable and shocking enough!

But Ye Wuque understood that the two halberds he cut were not really an understatement, nor were they random.

He injected a full 80% of his combat power!

To create such a terrifying visual effect.

The giants in the wilderness are not made of mud.

Otherwise, in the previous battle with the Heaven-Suppressing Dharma King, how could the entire funeral waste be blown up!

However, after entering the War Desolation, after being refined and impacted by the ancient spiritual energy between the Desolate War World and the Heaven and Earth, his Holy Spirit of Fighting became pure again, and his combat power improved, reaching the level of being able to rival the giants alone. The real level!

In this case, if there is one more Heavenly Basher, it will be a real... bully!

Under the heaven's halberd, the ancient treasures in the hands of these war giants are simply incomparable.

Coupled with mental arithmetic and inadvertence, it will result in such a shocking record!

Two halberds forcibly beheaded a giant!


"Whose turn is it?"

Between the dead world, Ye Wuque's indifferent voice sounded again, it was not high, but it fell on the ears of every remaining giant, as if thunder exploded!

In an instant, all the giants subconsciously tensed up!

But no one responded!

All the giants stared at Ye Wuque, their eyes fixed, and the fear and fear in their eyes were beyond words.

Seeing this, Ye Wuque turned his gaze, and immediately landed on Master Tianjiao!

"You, you've been very attractive from the beginning."

"Or just you?"

As soon as these words came out, Lord Tianjiao's body trembled violently!

Then, a pair of pupils were instantly filled with endless evil spirit and fierce power!


Master Tianjiao roared!

"A giant cannot be humiliated!"

As a giant-level existence, he is used to being superior, and being ridiculed by Ye Wuque like this, Lord Tianjiao can't bear it!


"He's not really invincible!"

"It all depends on the big halberd in your hand! But that big halberd must have an unimaginable price!"

"He can't swing it a few times!"

"Go together!"

"We are strong enough to suppress him!"

Tianjiao's roar exploded in the void, immediately causing all the giants' eyes to flicker again!

Things have come to this point, there is nothing to say.

That being the case...

"He's right. I can swing this halberd about three times, and there are only three left."

"So, what are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, Ye Wuque grinned and said so.

The atmosphere became stagnant again!

No one seems to be sure about Ye Wuque's pulse!


The next moment, the horn of the sky moved!

He took the lead!

Terrifying killing light spewed out, sweeping the void, and the horns on the head magnified extremely at this moment, condensing endless killing energy!

"Tianjiao is right!"

"Go together!"

"Suppress this beast!"

The warlords were unwilling to sit still, so they made a choice at this time.

In an instant, almost all the giants moved, besieging Ye Wuque!

If this scene at this moment is spread, it will definitely horrify the entire war famine!

It left countless war creatures stunned, and their souls were about to collapse.

So many giants!

Qiqi surrounds and kills a person!

Simply incredible!

Roaring and vibrating, it exploded the sky and the earth!

The moves of the giants were all fierce and mighty, but after seeing the power of Ye Wuque and the horror of the heavenly halberd in his hand, how dare they have the slightest reservation?

Once he makes a move, it is the most terrifying ultimate move!

The entire void is now illuminated by endless brilliance!

But at this time, there was an indomitable figure who did not attack Ye Wuque, but rushed towards the Sky Fierce Emperor and Shen Tucang!

It was a giant from the Witch Demon Temple!

His whole body was covered with penetrating inscriptions, and when he was walking, it was as if a storm had swept through him, with incomparably terrifying power!


The Heavenly Ominous Emperor and Shentu Cang, who were always paying attention to the situation of the battle, immediately discovered the incoming Witch Demon Ancient Temple giant.

They were both excited and nervous!

But in the past few days, the "Galaxy Buddha Daoist Formation", which has already been practiced to a purely incomparable level, is still an ancient treasure in their respective hands, giving them strong confidence!

Even if you face a giant, you are not afraid!

"Two ants!"

The giant of the ancient temple of witches and demons roared loudly, he seized the opportunity, thinking that his attack was absolutely sure!

The remaining two remnants of the Zhan family are just glimpses of the great perfection!

Facing a giant like him, he doesn't even have the qualifications to resist!

I saw the big hand slamming the void like the undulating mountains!

The tycoon of the Ancient Witch Temple brought a terrifying scene as soon as he made a move!

The Fierce Emperor and Shentu Cang felt a boundless suffocation!

But their eyes are shining with infinite brilliance and faith!

Next moment!

With a loud roar, the Heavenly Fierce Emperor rushed straight to the sky!

"Array... rise up!"

Shentu Cang followed him like a shadow, his whole body glowed with blazing glory of war, his right hand was clenched with five fingers, and the long sword in his hand shone with boundless brilliance!

"Three kills of the ancient gods!"

"One kill..."
