Return Of The War God - Chapter 7170

Chapter 7170

Facing the loud questioning from the Golden Sword Sage, Ye Wuque didn't even have the slightest intention to answer.

At this time, his gaze had already seen all the giants present, and a faint voice sounded afterward.

"There should be more than five forces at the taboo level of death in wartime..."

"What about the rest?"

In the rather dead silence of the world, Ye Wuque's voice was so clear.

The indifference in the tone made all the giants present feel an indescribable absurdity!

They actually felt a kind of disregard and contempt from Ye Wuque?

The Golden Sword Saint was stunned!

Then, suddenly laughed!

Amidst the laughter, there seemed to be endless magma boiling, shocking the heart.

"How many years?"

"I've never seen such a reckless bastard! Forget it, no matter which one of you three can kill my brother, I will ask you to live or die!"

The golden long knife danced in the void, and the Golden Knife Saint moved directly!

The terrifying momentum seemed to explode the nine heavens, causing the entire void to howl in an instant.

"Let's play and play and play and play! Golden Knife Saint, stay alive! These three remnants of the Zhan family belong to everyone!"

"The traces of the mother and daughter need to be clarified. Don't get too high and kill them directly!"

This is the voice of Lord Tianjiao, still casual, but loudly reminding the Golden Knife Saint.

The Golden Knife Saint didn't respond, he had already drawn his sword!

The blazing golden knife light cut across the void, and instantly cut out a golden knife like a golden sun!

brilliant! Strong!


Such a saber intent, such a saber light, even the eyes of the other giants present were slightly flickering at this moment!

"I haven't seen it for hundreds of years, but the Sword Intent of the Golden Saber Sage has even improved to this level!"

"He was beheaded to death for the general! These guys from the Wuer Dao Sect are all lunatics!" Master Tianjiao's tone showed a trace of fear.

All over the sky and plains, swords are boiling!

The Sky Fierce Emperor and Shen Tucang, who were standing in front of each other on the left and right, felt the terrifying pressure coming towards their faces at this moment, and their bodies were trembling instinctively!

"This is Zhan Huang's 'Giant Level'..." The Sky Fierce Emperor's heart stirred up a turbulent wave!

He felt a huge gap.

It's not the same at all!

But at this moment, neither the Heavenly Fierce Emperor nor Shen Tucang had any real loss of composure or fear. They were holding their respective ancient treasures tightly, and there was still a strong excitement surging in their hearts!


A golden lightning-like figure stepped out from behind them, almost to the extreme, it was Ye Wuque!

look from afar.

All the war giants saw that Ye Wuque, who had been standing still, jumped out on his own initiative, and took the initiative to meet the knife from the Golden Sword Sage!

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

"The remnants of the Zhan family, death is not a pity!"

"Hmph! They should cut off their limbs and cut them into sticks!"

This is a sneer from a famous war giant. In their eyes, Ye Wuque's behavior is as ridiculous as moths to a flame.

I don't even know how terrifying giants like Jin Dao Sheng and the others are!

At this moment, the golden knife saint also had a cruel smile in his eyes!

But when he thought of his younger brother's death, the murderous intent in his heart couldn't be restrained at all, and the golden long knife in his hand rolled up like a turbulent wave, as if it was going to open up the world!

"Low thing!"

"Begin to suffer, begin to mourn..."

when! !

The roar of gold and iron clashing enough to shatter the heavens suddenly exploded, and the terrifying counter-shock force poured crazily in all directions like mercury pouring down the ground.

The indomitable figure of the Golden Knife Saint suddenly froze in the void!

His eyes were as wide as copper bells!

He was going forward relentlessly, the knife that was supposed to break everything, could not move forward at this moment!

Because at the sharpest part of the golden long knife, there is an extra big halberd!

Stop him firmly with this knife that he is sure of!


Not just stop!

His own golden sword is whining!

Golden Knife Saint looked over subconsciously, his pupils contracted violently!

His favorite knife, his famous ancient weapon, unexpectedly had a gap visible to the naked eye!

It was cut alive by the euphorbia!

"This, this... no... no... maybe..."

The voice of Golden Knife Saint became sharp, trembling, and ridiculous!

In the distance, the war giants between the heavens and the earth, all of them froze their indifferent and sneering expressions at this moment!

Lord Tianjiao, his eyes are even wide open!

Holding the Celestial Halberd!

Ye Wuque, who directly blocked the Golden Knife Saint's knife, was expressionless at this moment, but the face of the Golden Knife Saint was reflected in his bright eyes, and the dissatisfaction in it was undisguised!

"It seems that you are nothing more than that."

The still indifferent voice sounded!

Ye Wuque suddenly looked back at the Celestial Halberd, and then raised it high again!

Fast as lightning!

The moment Golden Knife Saint came to his senses, he slashed out the second halberd again!

The cold light shines!


The golden knife saint's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously raised the golden long knife in his hand again to block it!

The Celestial Halberd and the golden long knife slammed into one place again!


In an instant, the golden long knife was cut in two abruptly, screaming in the void!

The halberd's sharpness remained undiminished, and it slashed past the golden knife saint who could not be avoided!


Bright red blood rushed up Lao Gao, instantly dyeing the void red!

The two **** bodies danced weakly, dragging out a shocking rainbow of blood, which was beautiful and cruel!

One of the giants of Wu Er Dao Sect!

The Golden Sword Saint, who had a fiery and fierce reputation in the war wasteland, was chopped into two pieces at this time!

Knives cut people to death.

The strong smell of blood radiated almost instantly, filling the void in all directions.

Between heaven and earth, it became dead silent in an instant!

The remaining warlords felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and their minds roared endlessly!

Shentu Cang and the Heavenly Ominous Emperor in the other direction were blushing with excitement at this time, looking at the tall and slender blood-stained figure in the void ahead, as if seeing a heavenly being, the reverence and awe in their hearts almost exploded!

"Brother Ye!"

"Two halberds!"

"Just cut a giant in Zhan Huang into two pieces!"



The Heavenly Ominous Emperor roared excitedly in his heart, feeling overwhelmed!


Ye Wuque's gaze passed over a group of war giants who seemed to have been hit by a fixation spell, and suddenly fell straight on the figure of the bamboo hat that had been hidden for a long time, and he grinned slightly.

"It seems that you are the real Ming Hai."

Ming Hai's body suddenly trembled!

A face under the bamboo hat was filled with an indescribable fear, panic, and trembling!

The kind of conceit and dominance that seemed to be complete and under control not long ago?

It has all disappeared at this moment!