Return Of The War God - Chapter 6605

Chapter 6605

6605 The only wedding dress

"Do you really think that 'the ninth-order Great Perfection of Refining God' is the highest level of the ninth-order Refining God??"

"Do you really think the three of us are the initiators of all this?"

Sima Mo looked at Ye Wuque with a crazy killing intent!

"Ye Wu Que!"

"Let you see the true meaning of the 'Ninth Rank of Refining God'! It is above the 'Nirvana Profound Truth' of the 9th Rank of Refining God's Great Perfection..."

"Nine-nine return to one!"

With Sima Mo's roar, he fell.

I saw a mysterious will of ancient vicissitudes suddenly permeated from the gray realm.


A sigh resounded slowly, as if stirring the void of ten directions.

Next moment!


I saw that from the deepest part of the gray realm, a finger was slowly poked!

Wherever he went, everything seemed to vanish into ashes!

Only that one finger.

Eternal existence!

Suppress everything!

this moment!

The moment he saw the finger poke, Ye Wuque felt a hint of danger!

A trace of intense danger!

This is the power above the ninth-order Great Perfection of Refining God!

But still not... God!

Imaginary holy eyes shine!

Ye Wuque looked over.

In the depths of the gray realm, he actually saw a mysterious group of light that seemed to be close together!

The light group seems to be composed of nine kinds of power, which have been united at this time, exuding a faint meaning of perfection.

"These are the nine powers belonging to the ninth rank of Refining God, why are they together, fused in one place... Ninety-nine united?"

Ye Wuque instantly understood!

Ninety-nine to one!

This is the highest level of the ninth rank of Refining God!


It is a special level between the ninth level of refining gods and gods.

It represents that one foot has already stepped out of the ninth level of God Refinement, a mysterious level that is closer to "God".

in other words!

If you want to become a true "God", the ninth-order Great Perfection of Refining God is simply not enough. You need to achieve "Nine-Nine Unity" to be the true foundation of perfection.


Without the slightest hesitation!

Ye Wuque broke out!

With six arms sticking out, the six supernatural powers are one!

Ye Wuque's ultimate explosion!

nothing left!

He felt the danger and understood the existence of the "Nine Nine Return to One" level to an unimaginable level.

Ye Wuque seemed to have transformed into a splendid starry sky, swept across the ten directions, and slammed into the poking finger!


The entire gray realm exploded at this moment!

The golden color also cracked when it met!

It exploded directly outside the wilderness!

All the creatures are scattered in the void area, as if the end is coming!


The endless brilliance was torn apart, and Ye Wuque's figure burst out from it, and after retreating tens of thousands of meters, he stabilized his figure!

The corners of his mouth are bleeding!

But the eyes are still blazing, staring at the front!

The brilliance gathered, and I saw that the poking finger was still there!

stopped in the void.

Stand still.

Telling a cruel truth!

Ye Wuque... defeated!

"It's not easy..."

I saw that from the depths of nothingness, there was an inexplicable voice at this moment, which turned out to be the voice of a woman.

There is a trace of vicissitudes, but more is dull.

"Within the ninth rank of Refining God, you are completely invincible within the ninth-order Great Perfection of Refining God from ancient times to the present!"

"Only under 'Nine Nine Return to One'."

The woman spoke with emotion, as if praising Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque looked at that finger, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and pulled his right hand into the air, and the Great Dragon Halberd appeared directly.

But the woman's voice sounded again, making Ye Wuque's eyes narrow.

"Not only that, but you have even become a 'False God'!"

"In the soul, you have... become a god!"

These two words, even the woman brought a deep shock and inconceivable!

And from all directions, those ninth-order refining gods gathered again at this moment, showing excited smiles again.

Sima Mo and He Tianxiang were also relieved.

And Xuanyuan Qingtian and the three immediately rushed behind Ye Wuque, advancing and retreating with him.

"Unfortunately, I still can't kill you now."

Ye Wuque held the Great Dragon Halberd in his hand, and spoke directly at this moment, as if he was ashamed.

"kill me?"

The woman suddenly laughed, as if feeling extremely funny.

The mysterious will of the ancient vicissitudes rose and fell, and began to rush.

"The road to becoming a god...has finally opened..."

The woman's voice spoke inexplicably.


at the same time.

Within the wilderness.

Above the original Tianzong ruins.

The brilliance on the sacrificial plaza was already cracked, and it slowly swept across the nine heavens!

But the phantom of the Big Dipper above the void has disappeared.

The seven mysterious beams of light converged again at this time, and they all condensed onto this mysterious beam of light in the original Tianzong!


Next moment!

Above the void of the original Tianzong, there seems to be a strange crack of light, which slowly diffuses upwards!

In the end, he went straight to the area where Ye Wuque and others were located.

But also at this time!

An radiant brilliance pierced through the void, and Brother Chixiao finally arrived!

"I'm exhausted! However, it seems... just right?"

The panting handsome brother stopped in the void. At this moment, his bright little eyes looked at the mysterious beam of light in the original Tianzong ruins below, and felt the mysterious will of the ancient vicissitudes.

"Oh I got it!"

"It's quite bloody!"

Brother Chiba was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, showing a wicked smile.

"Hey! Let brother leave you something good!"


Brother Chisha pointed, and suddenly a stream of light fell from the sky, falling into the mysterious will of the ancient vicissitudes!

However, this mysterious will does not seem to have any feeling.

And the master of this mysterious will...

That is, the woman who stabbed Ye Wuque with one finger above the void also had no feeling.

After doing all this, Brother Chixa looked towards Jiutian Shang, and rushed up with a chuckle.

Beyond the wilderness.

Ye Wuque was still facing off with that finger, after hearing the woman's voice.

His eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Everything should end."

The woman spoke again.

At the same time, the cracks of light filled the air, shrouded it in an instant, and stretched into the distance, as if leading to an unknown space-time and region, which was extremely splendid.

"The road to becoming a god!"

"Finally open!"

"We finally got it!"

Sima Mo and the others were extremely excited at the ninth rank of Refining God.

In the void, the mysterious will of the ancient vicissitudes surged, and the woman who was one with nine nines rushed over at this moment, and rushed to the end of the crack of light with all the ninth steps of refining gods.

Ye Wuque immediately chased after him without hesitation!

But at this moment...

"Wow Kaka! Brother is here too!"


Under Ye Wuque's stunned eyes, he saw a radiant brilliance in the void like lightning that came first, and when he passed by, he immediately saw the handsome brother who also saw him in it!

"Yeah! The little white face of the human race! Are you here too?"

The grinning handsome brother was stunned for a moment, and then laughed even more... wretched.

Then, under the incredible gaze of everyone!

The handsome brother who greeted Ye Wuque rushed forward, surpassing the brilliance of the ninety-nine-returned woman, and winked when passing by her.

"Thank you, beauty."

"Wait for my brother to come back and love you!"


Brother Chisha actually came first, and rushed in front of the ninth-order woman and a group of refining gods, and rushed into the crack of light, and then the crack of light began to close!

The sudden scene made everyone dumbfounded!

"you dare!!"

In the next instant, the woman who had returned to one with ninety-nine let out a roar of incomparable resentment and madness, chasing after him like a madman!

Ye Wuque's mouth is wide open!

He could understand why Brother Chixa wanted to thank the woman who was one of ninety-nine!

Is this thanks to her for opening the way to God for Brother Chi?

Brother Chisha actually enjoyed the success, took the lead to enter the so-called road to becoming a god, and picked peaches!

Let the long-term plan of the ninety-nine-to-one woman be a wedding dress!


The Jiujiuguiyi woman turned to the crack of light, trying to catch up, but failed!

The crack of light that was closed and closed collapsed and flew out. Although it seemed that a little light was pulled from it, it was completely excluded.

And directly hit the chaotic time zone, I don't know where it fell.

"Do not!"

With the woman's unwilling resentment, the blood spilled over that place, and then completely dissipated.

In the next moment, the crack of light in the "Road to God" was completely closed, as if it had never appeared before.

Only Ye Wuque and Xuanyuan Qingtian were left in this area.

Xuanyuan Qingtian and the three were stunned at this moment, their faces dazed!

And Ye Wuque here, also moved his mouth, and then showed a helpless smile.

"Tsk tsk, this woman who is nine out of nine is really miserable!"

"I was pitted by that scumbag, and I only made a wedding dress."

Then, Ye Wuque couldn't help laughing out loud.

But in the bottom of my heart, I was slightly relieved.

The cool guy has appeared!

It turned out to be for the "road to becoming a god"?

But Ye Wuque understood that although this scumbag was not serious and extremely wretched, it was not evil, but a comrade-in-arms.

It must have a purpose when it enters the "road to becoming a god"!

Is it...


Is Brother Chixa here again for the sake of ominousness?

But it doesn't seem like...

Just when Ye Wuque was thinking, he was suddenly awakened by a message. This was a message from the Great Elder of Nether Cloud Spirit Valley. Ye Wuque immediately checked and the message was only one sentence.

"Your Excellency Ye, Lord Shengtian has suddenly woken up."