Return Of The War God - Chapter 6604

Chapter 6604

Chapter 6604 This is impossible

And they understood Ye Wuque's strength even more, and almost everyone who rushed over at this time was more than one step stronger than Han Xingquan.

There are a lot of people in the late ninth rank of Refining God!

But among them!

However, there was a tall and terrifying old figure, hidden within it, like a demon, and at this time, he punched Ye Wuque with a punch!

The void burst, shaking in ten directions.

The power of this punch is simply invincible, unparalleled in the world!

It has already reached...

The pinnacle of the ninth rank of Refining God!

This person's name is Zhai Xiaoqian!

It used to be an invincible existence in a certain era in the history of Tianhuang!

Regardless of age or seniority, he is an old monster.

He is also one of the three leaders of the ninth-order group of refining gods.

At this time, after seeing Ye Wuque's strength, he made a strong sneak attack without hesitation.

He wants to strangle Ye Wuque forcefully!

And this is also the reason why a dozen other ninth-level refining gods dared to charge at Ye Wuque.

"Good come!"

However, Ye Wuque's power of the False God is shining, but he has already captured Zhai Xiaoqian's punch and felt the power of it, not surprised but delighted!

Under the operation of the secret technique, the combat power is boiling, and a real dragon fist greets it directly!


The sky collapsed, and the endless ripples swept across the ten directions!

Dozens of Refining Gods of the ninth rank were directly lifted and retreated.

Ye Wuque and Zhai Xiaoqian had already killed together at this time.

The two seem to be evenly matched!

"He's actually on par with Zhai Kui's leader?"

"Really reached the peak of the late ninth rank of Refining God??"

"It's unimaginable! How old is this little beast??"

The ninth-order teeth of a group of refining gods clenched!

They were terrified by Ye Wuque's power and terror!

Even more, I don't understand how Ye Wuque, a junior who has just walked out of a hundred battles, can be so terrifying?

To know!

Xuanyuan Qingtian and Feng Jiuyuan also came out of the reincarnation of a hundred battles. They were also brilliant when they first emerged, but compared with Ye Wuque, they couldn't compare with the same thing!

But more than a dozen of the ninth-level refining gods rushed up again, the more stunning Ye Wuque was, the more blazing their killing intent.


The brilliance shone, Zhai Xiaoqian and Ye Wuque confronted dozens of tricks, and the magical power was invincible!

"Taizu Sword!"

Zhai Xiaoqian was about sixty years old, with beard and hair, and his eyes were cold, like a demon god.

A cyan brilliance shone in the void, and he directly condensed a huge lightsaber!

Great Ancestor Sword!

Slashing the heavens and the earth, slashing the ten directions, specifically targeting the flesh of living beings, it is full of devastating destructive power!

This is the ancient inheritance obtained by Zhai Xiaoqian, and it is also one of the ultimate moves.

At this time, he did not hesitate to use it, because he felt Ye Wuque's strength, and it seemed that he was not under him.

The void trembled, and the Taizu Sword was like a dark cloud covering the sky and covering the sun.

The sword light whistled, and the clanging sound was like a dragon roar, making the body of endless creatures tremble!

But Ye Wuque was extremely excited at this time!

He stepped out one step, and the whole person rose to the sky, neither dodging nor avoiding, at this time, the fleshly body was shining!

Colorful brilliance shines!

One punch!

The end of the extremity... Chaos form!


In the next moment, the sky trembled, like a thunderous explosion, and all the creatures in the ten directions of the void had their scalps numb and their heads buzzed, subconsciously.

Originally looking indifferent, Zhai Xiaoqian's pupils contracted violently at this time!

What did he see?

The invincible Taizu Sword was broken!

It was broken by Ye Wuque's bare fists!

The fleshly body broke his Taizu sword!

You know, his Taizu sword is specifically aimed at the flesh!

Ye Wuque stood above the void, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a colorful diamond creature!

Infinitely bright!

Brave and invincible!

He looked down at Zhai Xiaoqian and said with admiration at the moment, "It's a good magical power, but unfortunately, it's too brittle!"

"Is there anything more powerful?"

Zhai Xiaoqian was instantly furious!

He was underestimated!

"court death!"

Zhai Xiao shot up into the sky, killed Ye Wuque, and exploded!

Ye Wuque was a simple, no-frills punch that slammed down!

The entire sky seemed to collapse out of thin air, pressing down on everything.

Zhai Xiaoqian fell into an absolute disadvantage and was pressed and beaten by Ye Wuque!

The next moment, the endless brilliance exploded, drowning everything!

And now, in another direction.

Xuanyuan Qingtian, Feng Jiuyuan, and Shen Nanzhi, back to back, even displayed a strange battle formation to confront two terrifying figures!

Sima Mo!

One of the three chiefs, possessing the strength of the late ninth-order peak of the refining god.

He Tianxiang!

One of the three leaders, the peak of the late ninth rank of Refining God!

At this time, the two of them encircled Xuanyuan Qingtian and the three of them, together with the ninth rank of the ten gods, they were simply unmatched.

And among the three Xuanyuan Qingtian, only Xuanyuan Qingtian also reached the peak of the late ninth rank of Refining God!

Shen Nanzhi, like Feng Jiuyuan, was in the late ninth rank of Refining God.

In the ninth rank of Refining God, every small realm is different, let alone the ninth rank of Refining God!

The enemy is full of three!

And Xuanyuan Qingtian is only one person.

Once they really fight, there is no need to fight at all, and they will soon be killed and eliminated.

However, Xuanyuan Qingtian and the three of them relied on the ancient treasure of the Golden Gate of Light to forcibly block the ninth rank of thirty-three gods for nine thousand years!

It is conceivable that Xuanyuan Qingtian and the three of them have paid such a great price over the past nine thousand years!

"Humph! With that ancient treasure, you have been able to survive until now, and dare to take the initiative to jump out? Looking for something dead!"

Sima Mo spoke coldly. He was thin, like a shadow, but his strength was terrifying.

Xuanyuan Qingtian and the three of them were all over the place, but they were still fearless.


Xuanyuan Qingtian burst out laughing loudly!

But Sima Mo and He Tianxiang trembled violently, and they turned their heads and looked at the void in the distance, their faces changed greatly!

"He is... the ninth-order Great Perfection of Refining God!!"

A terrifying roar burst out from the endless brilliance, along with the infinite terrifying fluctuations!

In the next moment, Zhai Xiaoqian, who roared, flew out of it like a tattered bag, blood spurted out of the void, his body was inexplicably twisted, and his face was full of horror and disbelief!


A foot fell from the sky, directly hitting Zhai Xiaoqian's head!

The blood is rushing up, Lao Gao!

Ye Wuque descended from the sky like a colorful **** of war, with infinite brilliance, and I was invincible.

All the ninth-level refining gods were struck by lightning, and once again froze in place!

The ninth-order Great Perfection of Refining God!

Ye Wuque once again gave them a big surprise!

Directly killed Zhai Xiaoqian!

They are like a dream!


At this moment, only Xuanyuan Qingtian let out a wild laugh, extremely happy.

But the next moment...

Nirvana flame appears!

Zhai Xiaoqian returned again.

He stared at Ye Wuque, his eyes filled with endless fear and disbelief.

"You are in the cycle of reincarnation... become a **** in one step??"

Zhai Xiaoqian's voice was hoarse and incredible!

He thought of the possibility!

Only this possibility can explain Ye Wuque's incomprehensible power.

But at this time, Ye Wuque was staring at Zhai Xiaoqian who had just been resurrected.

Just when the Nirvana flames appeared just now, the "soul world" in his mind suddenly trembled.

Exudes a faint longing!

The "Soul Realm" of the False God will definitely yearn for... Nirvana flame?

A thought suddenly popped into Ye Wuque's heart.

The next moment, Ye Wuque moved again!

Kill Zhai Xiaoqian!

Zhai Xiaoqian gritted his teeth and looked at Sima Mo and He Tianxiang, as if he was going to say something!


He was beaten up again by Ye Wuque!

Nirvana fire reappears!

But this time, Ye Wuque's illusory holy eyes suddenly shone with brilliance, and the power of illusory gods shone out, covering the nirvana flames, and then sucked sharply!

He even sucked the Nirvana flame belonging to Zhai Xiaoqian into his soul world.


Vaguely, Zhai Xiaoqian's desperate and fearful roar came from the void, and finally stopped abruptly.

Zhai Xiaoqian was never resurrected again.

The Nirvana fire is gone!

He fell completely and utterly.

The entire gray realm instantly became dead silent.

All of Ye Wuque's ninth-level refining gods, who were originally just jealous and fearful, were struck by lightning at this moment, and their faces changed greatly, like falling into an endless hell.

Including Sima Mo and He Tianxiang!

"He, he killed... Zhai Xiaoqian?? Broken the mystery of Nirvana??"

"This, this is impossible!"

"Is he also..."

Sima Mo's voice trembled, with endless anger and deep fear.

Ye Wuque stood in the void, and a strange brilliance shone in his eyes at this moment.

Zhai Xiaoqian's light of nirvana was sucked into his soul realm, which actually made the evolution of the soul realm faster, and it seemed to be more... agile?

Is the light of Nirvana at the ninth rank of Refining God a tonic for the Soul Realm of the False God?

Ye Wuque understood this and felt strange, and he faintly felt a little unusual from it!

Then he suddenly turned back to look at the remaining Sima Mo and He Tianxiang, showing a harmless smile.

The two chiefs instantly felt numb in their scalps, chilled all over, and shivered!

"You old people!"

"Today will be liquidated! Not one can escape!"

Xuanyuan Qingtian shouted excitedly.

Feng Jiuyuan and Shen Nanzhi were also extremely excited, their eyes looking at Ye Wuque were already filled with deep awe and amazement.

This man is still as invincible as he remembers, turning the impossible into the possibility and creating miracles.

The situation collapsed at once!

All the ninth-level refining gods shivered at this time, one by one as if they were facing doomsday.

Ye Wuque is like a life-threatening devil!

Even the ninth-order Refining God who "cannot be killed in theory" can be completely killed!

How to fight this terrifying enemy? ?

I saw Ye Wuque slowly walking towards Sima Mo and He Tianxiang.

Right now!

That Sima Mo turned his head suddenly, looked towards the deepest part of the gray realm, and suddenly let out a desperate roar!

"In order to completely open the road to becoming a god, you sacrificed the three of us with blood, and used their vitality to replace the tenth treasure!"

"Do you still want to watch us die? Without us, no matter how strong you are, one person can't accomplish anything, and you can completely walk the road of becoming a god!"

Sima Mo's sudden roar made Xuanyuan Qingtian's three eyes narrow.

Ye Wuque was here, and his figure was stagnant at the moment, and suddenly he turned back to look into the depths of the gray realm, his eyes narrowed slightly!

Are there any hidden creatures?

Did he not find out?


And Sima Mo suddenly burst into laughter here. He looked at Xuanyuan Qingtian and laughed wildly: "Xuanyuan Qingtian, I know that you have been exploring our hidden trump card for the past nine thousand years!"

"Now, you can grow your eyes and see clearly!"

"The three of you think that you are the saviors of the world, blocking us for nine thousand years!"

"Actually, you don't know at all, if it wasn't because 'he' needed to sleep!"

"You are all gone!"