Return Of The War God - Chapter 6552

Chapter 6552

Chapter 6552 Getting it is well known

"Master's order is to grab Xie Chong and keep alive as much as possible, but if it's impossible, you can leave, it's not mandatory."

"According to my own inference, Xie Chong has too much sight on his body now. Deep Frost Hell should be the first to contact them, and all their people are the fastest, and then it is our dreamland."

"After this, there will be more forces to kill, they are already on their way!"

"For Orion Chong, every powerful enough force is determined to win!"

"If you can't force it, then it's better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

Ye Wuque raised the barbecued meat in his hand, took another bite, and then said lightly while chewing: "That is to say, killing those refining gods who dominate the reincarnation of a hundred battles, and grabbing Xie Chong, are all the same as what you call dreamland. are all part of the great plan?"

"Yes, it is!"

"If you succeed in catching Orion Chong, where will you go?"

"Tianhuang, the central area, one of the base camps of Dream Township, is there."

"Specific location."

"Central area, Nanhua Mountain."

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, and in his perception, the other Dreamland member who had offered him a reward had indeed been heading straight for the direction of the central area.

"Anything else to say?"

Ye Wuque's eyes were indifferent.

Xiahou Wu desperately recalled, and then shook her head.

"Your master's appearance, name, strength?"

Ye Wuque continued to ask questions.

Xiahou Wu's body trembled, and then trembled: "I, I don't know! Master is just Master. I call him that, only know that he should be a man, and I don't know anything else."

"Do the forces above the wilderness know the existence of 'Dreamland'?"

"I don't know for the time being, we, we have been hiding very well. Hidden in the dark, it is more convenient to act and to be more unexpected."

Immediately, Xiahou Wu seemed to think of something again, and trembled loudly: "If Dreamland finds out that you are not dead, then there will be an endless stream of various methods, until you die! It will stop!"

"Dreamland to do things, either don't do it, or do it absolutely!"

"It's the same, including Orion Chong."

Ye Wuque looked back.

After that, Xiahou Wu's eyes suddenly dimmed, her head tilted, her death was utterly, and the corpse slowly disappeared.

Ye Wuque thought while eating meat.

From Xiahou Wu, he has realized that this "Dreamland" should be an extremely mysterious and powerful special force in the wilderness!

The ranks within it are strict, and the members do not know each other even if they are in the same team, and are only responsible for their own upper limit.

And every member who comes out to do the task can temporarily raise the power to the level of the middle-level **** refining?

And so far, the entire Tianhuang does not know the existence of "Dreamland"?

It is enough to prove the unfathomable and difficult nature of this "dreamland".

"Great goals and ideals?"

For such a statement, Ye Wuque generally sneers.

In the end, nine times out of ten, it was either a public tool for private use, or it was for revenge, or it was to resurrect some existence...

Along the way, he has seen many such combinations of forces.

However, it seems that in the eyes of "Dreamland"...

You are a hidden danger that needs to be cleaned up!

Chong, this is the mission goal they are determined to achieve!

And according to Xiahou Wu, once Dreamland knows that he is not dead, he will continue to want to die!

True immortality!

Ye Wuque suddenly grinned, revealing his white teeth, as if humans and animals were harmless.

"Perpetually dying?"

"I'm so scared..."

I saw Ye Wuque here, suddenly exuding the power of the soul, spreading the void and disappearing.

About half an hour later.

Pavilion Master Tianku came from far to near, and hurried over. After seeing Ye Wuque, he immediately fell respectfully and clasped his fists!

"Master Ye!"

During the whole process, Pavilion Master Zhongtiankui didn't even look at Xie Chong who was sleeping beside him!

Head down.

look steadily forward.

Very respectful!

"There is one thing I need you to do."

"Master Ye, do whatever you want!" The Pavilion Master of Tiankui was respectful.

Ye Wuque said with deep eyes: "There is an organization called 'Dreamland'..."

At the moment, Ye Wuque told Xiahou Wu about several iconic features of "Dreamland".

"Unleash the full power of your Tianku Pavilion, and let the existence of this 'Dreamland' organization spread as far as possible throughout the wasteland."

"Within ten days and a half months, I want all the creatures in the wilderness, especially those big forces, to know everyone about the 'Dreamland'!"

"The most important thing is to know that the 'Dreamland' is planning some kind of ulterior plan, which is enough to overthrow the current situation of the entire Tianhuang, causing countless forces to be greatly affected and strongly threatened."

"All in all, a little bit of oil, but no gibberish."

"The most critical point... At the right time, throw out the 'Dreamland', one of the base camps in the central area, 'Nanhua Mountain'."


"Of course, don't foolishly use the name of your Tianku Pavilion. I want these news to appear out of thin air, and there is no way to check them, but they are real."

Ye Wuque finished calmly.

"As ordered!"

"Don't worry, Lord Ye, as for quietly releasing news, this is what Tianku Pavilion is best at."

"Not only will no one be able to find the head of my Tianku Pavilion, even if the tea ceremony is over, the old man will do it all, but my lord, you have nothing to do with it."

Hearing this, Ye Wuque smiled faintly.

He is more and more appreciative of the old fox of Tianku Pavilion Master!

Not only talents, but also excellent people. They speak well and do their best.

"Don't worry, the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers..."

I saw Ye Wuque here, and suddenly pointed out, and the power of the False God spread directly into the void, pointing towards the Lord of the Heavenly Crying Pavilion.

Seeing this, Pavilion Master Tiankuo subconsciously tightened his body, and then immediately relaxed.

He understood that if Ye Wuque wanted to hurt himself, he could do it quietly, and there was no need for such a big fanfare.

Pavilion Master Tianku calmly accepted.

A bit of False God's power directly fell into the eyebrows of Pavilion Master Tianku!

In an instant, Pavilion Master Tianku closed his eyes, and the whole person froze in place, as if he had fallen into a state of enlightenment.

Ye Wuque's power of False God imprinted all the creatures of the sixth rank of Refining God that he had killed, and transformed the perspective to replace them.

This is the divine power he possesses after breaking through to the "False God".

Brand all opponents, and take it for your own use, and even pass it on to others.

At this moment, Pavilion Master Tianku was comprehending with all his heart the feeling of each and every one of the sixth-order refining gods.

Immersive experience!