Return Of The War God - Chapter 6551

Chapter 6551

Dream Township

The Nine Dragons Binding Sky Lock has never let Ye Wukui look at it.

But this woman made Ye Wuque a little disappointed.

There are no words to use, just pull it directly!

What else is there to say?

However, Ye Wuque directly looked away and continued his barbecue.

The young woman was left hanging there, still mourning, not paying attention.


The barbecue was half-cooked at the moment, the meat was fragrant, and Ye Wuque began to brush various sauces on his own.

It has been a long time since he has been free to barbecue, and now it is rare to relax, so naturally he has to enjoy it.

As a result, a strange scene appeared on the shore of this mighty Spirit Lake...

A person is having a leisurely barbecue and looks relaxed.

A person fell asleep and seemed to be sleeping sweetly.

One was paralyzed on the ground, trembling frantically, begging for mercy.

Until a certain moment, Ye Wuque's eyes lit up slightly.

"It's ripe!"

He picked up a bunch of big barbecued meat and took a bite. His teeth ripped open the muscle texture, the gravy burst open, and his teeth were very elastic. As he began to chew fiercely, his mouth was full of meat and full of satisfaction.

All kinds of seasonings mixed with the aroma of meat are like a storm that penetrates Ye Wuque's forehead!


In one breath, Ye Wuque dried three large pieces of meat in a row before he was able to fill up the speed, and he was still biting continuously.

And the young woman on the side, at this time, is already dying, and is about to faint!

However, with the Nine Dragons Bound in Heaven, she was not even qualified to pass out, so she could only look at Ye Wuque with endless begging and fear!

Finally, Ye Wuque was here, after taking a sip of wine, an indifferent voice sounded in the ears of the young woman.


The young woman immediately kept her spirits high, and said hoarsely and tremblingly, "Xia, Xiahou... dance!"

Xiahou Wu was the name of this woman.

And as she opened her mouth, Ye Wuque did not see any movement here, and the golden chains that were entangled in her suddenly loosened and stopped temporarily.

"Whirring whirring"

Xiahou Wu suddenly surfaced like a drowning person and began to gasp frantically!

The blood-red eyes are full of greed and desire for life.

But at this moment, Xiahou Wu saw Ye Wuque, who was slowly holding the barbecue while moving his eyes and finally looking at Ye Wuque.

The moment he touched Ye Wuque's gaze, Xia Houwu's eyes suddenly filled with endless fear.

In her eyes, Ye Wuque at this time seemed to have become an infinitely terrifying demon!

What is life rather than death?

Xiahou Wu at the end felt it!

"Your history."

Ye Wuque spoke again.

Xiahou Wu immediately replied tremblingly: "I, I... come from... the great... Dreamland..."

Without waiting for Ye Wuque to continue to ask questions, Xiahou Wu did not dare to hesitate at all, and continued to tremble: "Dreamland... It does not belong to any inheritance forces in Tianhuang... but a group of creatures with great goals and ideals... Created together!"


Ye Wuque repeated these three words, but he felt that this was a good achievement.

"What is your so-called great goal?"

"I have no idea"

"I really do not know!"

"In Dreamland, the hierarchy is strict, everyone belongs to their own team, each team has its own tasks at different stages, and there is no connection between each team horizontally."

"All I know is my master. My team is the 'Dream No. 7'. I am only responsible to my master, and my master is the captain of the No. 7 dream."

"All my tasks are told by the master, and my current tasks are among my own."

"Even, I don't even know who the other members of our team are!"

Xiahou Wu kept speaking, her face full of panic.

"But you know me."

"But you're not a creature offering a reward to me, how do you explain it?"

Ye Wuque was noncommittal and just continued to ask questions.

Xiahou Wu suddenly trembled!

Then he said in a panic: "This, this time is a bit special! I was ordered to come to the northern part of Tianhuang, but I found that a member of the rest of the team came before me!"

"Because of curiosity and precaution, I followed the clues to find it, and finally found Tianku Pavilion, only to find out that he went to Tianku Pavilion to offer a reward."

"Everyone can know the content of the reward, and so will I."

"I only then understood that his mission should be related to the 'Hundred Battles Reincarnation', and I also learned that there are many corpses of refining gods in the Gate of Life area!"

"That's how I got to know you."

Ye Wuque was carrying the barbecue, looked at Xiahou Wu at this time, and continued to say indifferently: "Do you think your companion did the killing in the Gate of Life area?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiahou Wu suddenly shook her head desperately: "No, no! It shouldn't be! All the members of the Dream Township who are on the mission, with the help of various external forces and means, will temporarily push their strength to the level of middle-level **** refining, but There are too many Refining Gods who died in the Gate of Life area!"

"As far as I know, these god-refining existences are the ones that lead the reincarnation of a hundred battles to open, and each of them is extremely powerful. It is definitely not something that a mere mid-level god-refining power can do!"

"There is only one possibility..."

"That's only possible when the terrifying 'Judgment Team' I dream of in the countryside will be dispatched in person!"

"Then this reward for you should be specially finished and the task will be completely perfected."

Xiahou Wu said what she knew and inferred.

Seeing Ye Wuque's calm face and indifferent eyes, Xiahou Wu felt more and more fearful, she continued to tremble: "I do things in my dream town, and there must be a purpose!"

"Nine times out of ten my guesses are right!"

"We won't do things for no reason, and we won't kill for no reason, but once we do it, it's going to be thunderous!"

"Those spirit-refining beings who have dominated the reincarnation of a hundred battles must have something to do with the great plan in my dream village!"

"But it may not matter if you are a king sequence like you who walked out of the Hundred Wars of Reincarnations alive, but because of the existence of those refining gods, after all you know them, they have become hidden dangers that must be eliminated!"

"No flaws can be left!"

"So, that's why there is a later bounty!"

"Murder with a knife!"

Ye Wuque listened quietly, looked at Xiahou again and said lightly: "Your mission this time is to rush?"



"Yes, it should be related to the secret on his body! In the whole world, there are already many powerful forces, all of which have their eyes on him! It is said that he is related to a peerless ancient inheritance in a tyrannical and invincible legend!"

"But what it is, it's unclear."

Xiahou Wu replied.

"What is your specific mission?"