Return Of The War God - Chapter 626

Chapter 626


His legs were interrupted and Zhang Lang, who was suffering from intense pain, heard Ximenzun's words at this moment, and immediately fell into an ice cave. His whole body was in cold sweat, and the fear in his heart seemed to flood him like a tide, making him desperate.

Just now, he still played the role of a butcher, slaughtering and tormenting fish like Simon Zun at will, but within a quarter of an hour, all of this was turned around and he fell from heaven to hell.

This violent difference and strong sense of fear completely defeated Zhang Lang's last line of defense, causing him to collapse.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Please don't kill me! Don't kill me..."

Regardless of the pain of breaking his leg, Zhang Lang frantically begged Ximen Zun, completely frightened, where was the slightest cruel appearance?

Some people are so cruel and excited when torturing others, and when it is their turn to fall into the same situation, they are no different from dogs.

When Simon Zun saw Zhang Lang's appearance, there was a slight flash in his deep eyes.

"Is this one of the genius disciples of Qingming Temple? Haha..."

After fainting this sentence, Ximenzun stopped paying attention to Zhang Lang. Instead, he looked at Yu Jiaoxue and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Yu, thank you for this time. If you didn't show up in time, I'm afraid my good luck would have been I'm here to confess."

Ximenzun was grateful for the Yu Jiaoxue who had saved him, and felt a trace of fortune, and at the same time felt magical.

He wanted to die several times, but all came from a desperate situation. He felt a little miraculous and even crooked, but he lived to the end after all. It seems that the **** of luck did not abandon him.

"Sister Yu, this person will be handled by you."

How bitter is the look in Simon Zun's eyes?

He had already discovered through all kinds of clues that Yu Jiaoxue seemed to have a great hatred for the people in the Qingming Temple, and it was probably the kind of endless death!

During the previous challenge of the sacred roads of the heavens, Yu Jiaoxue broke out with earth-shattering killing intent because of Mu Qiushui's spiritual pupil. At that time, it shocked Ximen Zun and left a deep impression.

Everything is now clear.

And just now, Yu Jiaoxue handed Zhang Lang to Ximenzun for disposal because he tortured Ximenzun before seeing Zhang Lang, in order to vent his anger and give him a bad temper.

However, Ximenzun didn't have any interest in a guy who had collapsed and looked like a living dead, and he had no torture habit. So it was better to return this Qingming Temple disciple to Yu Jiaoxue for disposal.

After hearing Ximenzun's words, Yu Jiaoxue didn't open her mouth. She stepped forward and slapped Zhang Lang's horrified eyes!


A huge dent appeared in Zhang Lang's throat. It was obvious that Yu Jiaoxue's Adam's apple had been patted off directly, and he died.

After killing Zhang Lang, Yu Jiaoxue cleaned the surrounding area, removed the corpse, and then took out a Huitian Pill from the storage ring, gently tossed it towards Ximenzun, Ximenzun opened his mouth. , He held this Huitian Pill.

Yu Jiaoxue's figure flickered after facing the head of Ximen Zun's head slightly, her white skirt fluttered, and she went to sit on a boulder dozens of meters away, closed her eyes, and seemed to start training.

Although Yu Jiaoxue only said a word when she appeared from the beginning to the end, she never said a word, but Ximenzun didn't take it seriously. He knew that Yu Jiaoxue was few words.

Right now, Ximenzun closed his eyes, with Huitian Pill in his mouth, and quietly waited for the time of the side effects of the Thousand Miles Shocking Pill to pass, and now with Yu Jiaoxue guarding him, Ximenzun could finally heal his injuries safely.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Ximenzun has completely recovered from the side effects of the Thousand Miles Shock Explosion Pill. At this moment, he is sitting in his original place, and his body is enveloped by the green light. It is the Huitian Pill that exerts its powerful medicinal power.

It wasn't until a few hours later that the vitality of Ximenzun's body slowly dissipated.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a huge roar that seemed to be extremely far away from here, which was comparable to the falling of the Nine Heavens God Thunder!

At the end of my gaze, it seemed that from below the earth, an incomparably tall peak rose into the clouds!

"What is this?"

Yu Jiaoxue and Ximenzun were both startled. After they looked at each other, they immediately moved towards that place.

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On the ancient square where Ximen Zun was randomly transported away, Ji Qingque, who had been sitting cross-legged, stood up suddenly, with long cyan hair fluttering, looking at the giant mountain rising from the ground in the distance. An extremely conceited smile flashed in his pupils!

"It seems that what I expected is not bad, and finally wait until you appear!"

In the next instant, Ji Qingque raised her head suddenly, and then dozens of cyan gloomy lights soared from the monster pupils, spreading in all directions, and then disappeared instantly.

But he himself was flashing, and he sprinted towards the giant peak of the sky!

Du Yuwei walked out of a hidden place in the Zhuotian Peak area of the Four Great Supreme Peaks, her beautiful eyes looked at the giant peak of the heavens at the end of her eyes, and she immediately felt that kind of whim!

"That giant peak has an opportunity to appear in this world!"

Du Yuwei's eyes burned, and then she sharpened her eyes and galloped towards that place.

On the vast ground, a silver dragon rushes with the brilliance of the positive pole, like a real dragon resurrecting. If you look closely, you can find six or seven figures in it!

Suddenly, the silver dragon's brilliance suddenly stopped and disappeared quickly, revealing a slender figure, it was Ye Wuque!

And behind Ye Wuque, besides the original Tie Youxia, Fang He, Wang Jie and Jin Dong, there were two more people.

One is Cheng Ke, and the other is like Jin Dong, with a long sword on his back, but a disciple of the Tibetan sword mound.

In the past three days, Ye Wuque and others have been searching for the life fluctuation light point instructions of the hidden compass, but only three or five of them can only find the corpse on the spot.

There are people from the Three Sects of Qingming and Ming, as well as those from the Holy Way of the Heavens and the Sword Tomb.

All deaths are miserable!

At present, only Cheng Ke and a Tibetan sword mound disciple were found and joined the team.

This made Ye Wuque and the others feel the austerity of the form and accelerated their speed even more, but at this moment the appearance of the towering giant peak in the distance obviously disrupted their pace.

Ye Wuque collided with the concealed compass, and while looking at the towering giant peak in the distance, his bright eyes kept flickering.

"Junior Brother Ye, can Hidden Compass respond?"

Tie Youxia came up and asked first.

"If the hidden compass records are good, that towering giant peak should be the Emperor Mountain in the sky with four peaks and eight holes in the Tianlan Zhenzong ruins! It is also the place where the previous sect masters of Tianlan Zhenzong are located!"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly after hearing Ye Wuque's words.


Ye Wuque hadn't finished speaking, and then said: "The road to leave this Tianlan Zhenzong ruins and the road to return to Tianlan Zhenzong again are within this Emperor Mountain."

The way out of here!

As soon as he said this, everyone's complexion changed again, and then a ray of joy was revealed.

"It seems that this Emperor Mountain, we must go, and I believe that the people of the Qingming Three Sects must not wait!"

Fang He smiled, and everyone nodded.

Ye Wuque stood at the forefront, looking at the direction that Emperor Mountain was located, his eyes shining brightly.

Sun and Moon Emperor Wu incarnates another heaven and earth wonder that needs to evolve. If you want to come, it is also in this Emperor Mountain!

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