Return Of The War God - Chapter 625

Chapter 625


With a weak but indifferent voice, Ximenzun spoke, and immediately changed the expressions of the three Qingming Sanzong disciples!

At this point, Simon Zun is so stiff, insulting them as dogs!

The next disciple of the Heartscar Nightmare Sect couldn't help but wanted to kill him, but he was stopped.

"Good, good! Ximen, you are really hard-hearted, do you think you can arouse our killing intent with this kind of seeming? After killing you, you will be free? Humph! Don't think about it! It's not that easy!"

The disciple of the Qingming Temple was named Zhang Lang. He had the most sinister and vicious personality.

"Since you are such a hard bone, then I must concoct you even more! I have a punishment called Ling Chi in Qingming Shrine. I will do it all on you with one stab and let you enjoy it!"

Zhang Lang grinned cruelly, he strangled Ximenzun's throat, held him high, and increased his strength bit by bit, so that Ximenzun could feel the horror of suffocation a little bit!

The other two disciples of the Heartscar Nightmare Sect folded their arms to admire them, both showing the same cruel expectant smile as Zhang Lang.

Ximen Zun's face was flushed, and his face was full of blue veins, but his eyes were still deep, fearless and fearless, as if he was still so dead.


Simon Zun was thrown onto a dry ground, and Zhang Lang stepped forward and took out a long and narrow thin blade from the storage ring. The cold light shone and was extremely sharp.

Zhang Lang looked at Ximenzun with a thin blade, and licked his lips excitedly and said, "Ximenzun, we are starting now. I hope you can hold on for a little longer. I'm sorry for your hard bones if you die too soon!"


The cold light flickered, Zhang Lang shot quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly, and immediately cut a piece of flesh and blood from Ximenzun's right arm!

But the strange thing is that the wound is not deep, but it is extremely painful, as if it is connected to a nerve.

"First cut."

Zhang Lang showed a smirk at Ximenzun, his eyes were blushing, and he was full of abnormal excitement and cruelty.

"The following is the second cut."

Speaking again, Zhang Lang will cut a second knife.

Ximenzun raised his head, staring at Zhang Lang with deep eyes, and then suddenly said with a smile: "I hope you can continue to laugh so happily in the future, I will watch it carefully."

Ximenzun's behavior caused Zhang Lang's brows to frown, feeling extremely strange, and even confused.

The other two disciples of the Heartscar Nightmare Sect also didn't know what Ximenzun was doing.

However, just at this moment, suddenly there was an extremely cold, killing intent and clever sound from a distance!

"When the tiger is in trouble, it will not be the turn of the jackal to bully, you will all die!"

This sudden daughter's voice instantly changed the expressions of Zhang Lang and the three of them. They also understood why Ximen Zunfang said such a sentence!

At the end of the trio's eyes, a beautiful figure in a brilliant and brilliant battle armor was coming, but just three or five steps away, it came to a few dozen feet away!

His head full of jade-colored hair lingers in the divine glory, as if connected to the endless starry sky, his cheeks stepping on his boots are like stepping on the stars, his body is exquisite and moving, a perfect face is extremely cold, but it is immortal, not like this mortal dust. people.

The person here is Yu Jiaoxue!

After she was teleported from the place of inheritance, she realized that the Tianlan Zhenzong ruins were completely isolated from the outside world. No matter what happened inside, the outside could not know, Yu Jiaoxue was intent on killing in an instant!

Qingming Shrine, it was the murderer who wiped out her Jade Family ten years ago!

She couldn't forget those people day and night, and she didn't want to take revenge all the time, but she knew that she was still too far behind and her strength was not enough, so she could only tolerate it and keep getting stronger.

Now, due to the external environment, this world is completely isolated, and there are geniuses of the younger generation of Qingming Shrine in it. It is God's opportunity to give Yu Jiaoxue revenge!

How could she let it go?

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Therefore, after she came out of the land of inheritance, she walked all the way in one direction, as long as she met any disciple of the Qingming Temple, she would kill without mercy!

So far, the number of disciples of the Qingming Temple who died in her hands has reached four people!

At this moment, she even discovered the fifth Qingming Temple disciple, and broke through the other party's torturing Ximenzun.

"People of the Holy Way of the Heavens? Or come here alone!"

Zhang Lang stood up and stared at Yu Jiaoxue, who was walking quickly, with a smirk on his face!

If you don't go on the right side of heaven, there will be no way to vote in hell!

In Zhang Lang's eyes, if a few disciples of the holy way of the heavens came, perhaps they would want to avoid the edge, but now there is only one person, and she is also a peerless girl who is all over the country, which makes the three of Zhang Lang not surprised. Rejoiced.

Only Ximenzun, who fell to the ground, showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. How could these three people know Yu Jiaoxue's horror?

As a Tianjiao character who was born in the heavens with Ye Wuque, Yu Jiaoxue's light was not covered by Ye Wuque. Even if it was not as good, she was in the same rank. Her combat power was absolutely the same. Order is king!

And Yu Jiaoxue was also extremely mysterious in the eyes of Ximen Zun, unable to predict.

Therefore, after sensing the familiar fluctuations of Yu Jiaoxue, Ximenzun knew that he was saved.

"It's a waste of such a stunning beauty to appear in the Holy Path of the Heavens! I want to enjoy it today!"

The two heart-scar nightmare sects marched forward together, grinning, and shot together, moving towards Yu Jiaoxue's initiative!

Although they already knew that Yu Jiaoxue had obtained the highest level of personal discipleship and was powerful in Fengya Pavilion, they both had a fortune in the former Tianlan Zhenzong ruins, and served as a treasure of heaven and earth. For progress.

It was the two of them working together, confident that they would be able to capture Yu Jiaoxue smoothly and take her down.

"Rock and Sea Fist!" "End of the World War Sword!"

The two shots, and one of them fists together like a stormy sea, and there is a scene of rocks flying all over his body. The whole person seems to have turned into a huge boulder that can suppress a piece of the sea, where the body flashes, rumbling!

The other person's hands shone brightly, as if a pair of fleshy palms turned into two sturdy blades, unfolding, there is a strange feeling that the world is next to each other, which is not to be underestimated.

As soon as they took action, they demonstrated the strength of the two as super sect disciples. Although they were only the initial cultivation base of the spirit realm, their combat power had surpassed their actual cultivation base.

Fist Shadow of the Stone and Yingying Blade crossed the last distance, and attacked Yu Jiaoxue straight!

Facing the combined blow of the two, Yu Jiaoxue's long hair fluttered, and the entwined jade-colored brilliance seemed to burn like a flame. It had an extremely impactful force, but her figure did not mean to stop and evade. It turned into a cross on the chest and cut it lightly!

"Judgment Sky Blade! Beheaded!"

Above the void, a cross light blade exuding horrible waves was born. In the land shrouded by the blade light, everything seemed to be judged and destroyed, and no one was spared!

Above the sky, everything seemed to be illuminated by this blade of light, and the celestial phenomenon had changed!


After the dazzling light exploded, the stream exploded, the Yuanli light flooded everything, and it was completely impossible to see what had happened.

At least Zhang Lang can't see clearly, but his pupils have shrunk slightly, because he can clearly feel that there is an unspeakable horrible power in the cross light blade that Yu Jiaoxue has just hit, and he has also seen the sky. Affected!

The prefecture-level inferior battle is a must-see!

Only when it reaches the prefecture-level combat fascination can it affect the celestial phenomenon and explode such an astonishing power.

However, Zhang Lang still has a hint of illusion in his heart. Even if Yu Jiaoxue is strong, the two disciples of the Heartscar Nightmare Sect are definitely not a waste, and they work together to fight, no matter what, they can compete!

If you add yourself, the chance of winning can be increased by half.


When all the light of the original energy dissipated, Zhang Lang stared at that place, hoping to see the scene he wanted to see.

Unfortunately, when he saw everything there, an indescribable sense of fear soared from the bottom of his heart!

A figure walks unhurriedly, exquisitely beautiful, like a nine-day banter, it is Yu Jiaoxue!

She was unharmed, not even a little embarrassed, but her bright boots were stained with bright red blood!

Because where she went, there was a corpse from a place, which was cut into pieces, and the colorful internal organs were left in one place. At this moment, the two disciples of the heart-scarred nightmare sect fell together with their heads on top There is still the horror and disbelief before death!


In an instant, only this word was left in Zhang Lang's mind!

The opposite Yu Jiaoxue was almost as decisive as a female Shura, and her combat power was extremely sharp. If she confronted him, she would be as dead as the two on the ground.

call out!

It's a pity that Zhang Lang didn't even take the third step. He was strangled by Yu Jiaoxue's throat, and then lifted up high, just like when he tortured Ximen Zun before.

Yu Jiaoxue saw the thin blade of Zhang Lang's right hand who was struggling frantically, and saw the wound on Ximenzun's right arm. She directly severely interrupted his legs, and then left Zhang Lang with a hand. In front of Simon Zun!

At this moment, Ximenzun looked at the howling Zhang Lang with a smile on his face and said: "Feng Shui turns around, it's really fast, so now, how do you want to die?"

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