Return Of The War God - Chapter 6004

Chapter 6004

"As long as I don't die, as long as I can go back, even if I suffer an unimaginable punishment, but my life is still alive, I can start all over again...Puchi!"

An upside-down face suddenly broke through the soil layer, and appeared in front of the Snow King, close to him, almost face to face!

Immediately, the Snow King was struck by lightning, and all the souls of the dead were taken, and they froze in place!

"Did I let you go..."

The indifferent voice sounded slowly, and the fair and handsome upside-down face on the front belonged to Ye Wuque.

At this moment, Ye Wuque, whose face is hanging upside down, is in the eyes of the Snow King, like an infinitely terrifying devil who is about to swallow him up in one bite!

Under the pressure of the surrounding mud, Ye Wuque's upside-down face was so terrifying at this time, his eyes staring at the Snow King, it was too scary!

"you you"

The Snow King was trembling all over, but immediately his face began to twist, and then his eyes became blood red, and he shot directly at Ye Wuque who was in front of him!

He's going to kill a **** way!

He must not die here!

He still has a hole card!

He believes that he can definitely...Puchi!

The soil exploded violently, and a large multicolored hand seemed to be poking out from the sky and inserted it directly to the bottom. It pressed it on the head of the Snow King, and then pulled it upward as if pinching a chick.

The ground suddenly exploded!

At this moment, the young Snow King was lifted up by Ye Wuque's hand from the depths of the ground, and he was carried in mid-air.

The Snow King was still struggling frantically, his face was full of anger.

Not to mention, this little chick is quite strong.

Therefore, Ye Wuque didn't hesitate, and directly under the terrified eyes of the Snow King, he made a move, and then slammed it towards the ground... smash!


The earth collapsed, and huge craters emerged.

The Snow King was trembling all over, and cracks appeared all over his body.

With this one blow, the Snow King fell to the ground like a dead dog, trembling, unable to move any longer, and seemed to have become obedient.

A long snow-white hair was also stained with blood, and it became extremely embarrassed.

Ye Wuque just looked at him condescendingly, with a harmless smile on his face.

The smile that fell in the eyes of the Snow King suddenly made his scalp numb, and a terrifying chill could not stop growing in his heart.

But immediately, the Snow King calmed down, and even showed a sneer, and looked at Ye Wuque, as if he was no longer afraid.

"Zhao Xiafeng of the fifth-floor sky tower, is the chess piece you buried? Just to stop me?"

Ye Wuque seemed to be too lazy to talk nonsense, looked down at the Snow King, and spoke directly like this.

Hearing this, the Snow King sneered and grinned directly. Although the corners of his mouth were bleeding, his hoarse voice still sounded.

"Yes, it's me."

"Unfortunately, I misestimated your strength! It is far from misestimating your strength, but it's just useless."

"Like this time..."

"Once you're dead, your last hope is cut off."

The Snow King seemed to be sighing.

"You want me to die? Not only do you know me, but you also know that I have the 'Monument of Life'. However, after entering the Hundred Wars of Reincarnation, the only one who knows the 'Monument of Life' is the Void Soul Clan."

"Other than that, I've never been exposed."


Ye Wuque seemed to speak to himself again.

The Snow King smiled coldly, and there seemed to be a touch of pity in his eyes when he looked at Ye Wuque, as if it was only at this moment that he found a sense of pleasure again.

"poor guy!"

"You don't know anything, you don't know anything!"

"Here, it's the reincarnation of a hundred battles! Hahahaha!"

The Snow King couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Let such a waste come down, just to facilitate you to observe secretly?"

But when Ye Wuque spit out this sentence again, the laughing Snow King suddenly froze!

He suddenly couldn't understand the meaning of Ye Wuque's words, as if he wasn't talking to him? ?

"Ye Wuque! This is the end, are you still pretending to be a ghost in front of me??"

Only then did the Snow King realize that Ye Wuque seemed to be staring at him, but he didn't seem to be looking at... himself? ?

This inexplicable feeling made Snow King suddenly panic.

Who is the "trash" he refers to?

Is it yourself? ?

"But what I didn't expect is that you can still give this waste the identity of 'receiving people'. Now it seems that this identity has no effect at all, but it is just a smoke bomb you deliberately released, and the so-called flying ninth Layers don't matter."

Ye Wuque continued to speak.

The Snow King became more and more confused, and said sternly, "Ye Wuque! You, what are you talking nonsense about??"

The Snow King suddenly understood, the "trash" and "receiving people" in Ye Wukou were referring to him, weren't they?

But now Ye Wuque's tone of voice...

"But what makes me most curious, and even unbelievable, is that all the news about 'receiving people' can enter the minds of every eight crown champion so naturally. What kind of terrifying means and power is this?"

"Only the ancient will of the seven-pointed star guarding the Nine Heavens Tower can do it."

"Now that I think about it, the chess pieces of the fifth-layer Tianque, which are reversed from the upper layer, can only be derived from the power of the ancient will."

"But you can do that too?"

"But this is contradictory. If you can do this, it's too easy to deal with me."

"But you still spend so much trouble, laying out such a plan in the eighth-layer sky tower, just to deal with me?"

"That's interesting!"

"What did it say?"

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly became deep at this moment.

"It means that you can't use all the power of the 'Seven-pointed Star's Ancient Will', but at most you have stolen a little bit?"

"And from the attitude and power of this waste before, I determined that if I want to get the 'Monument of Life', I must give it out willingly."

"In this way, it seems that everything is explained."

After these words fell from Ye Wukou, the Snow King has become more and more pale, and even shivered.

Ye Wuque seemed to be talking to himself throughout the whole process, but he was staring at himself, and every word he said seemed to be speaking to himself again!

But the content of his words was clearly not meant for him? ?

Such a bizarre situation!

This this

"Ye Wuque! You can never break my psychological defense!"

"Pretend to be a ghost here!"

The Snow King shouted loudly, not knowing whether he was drinking loudly or trying to wake himself up.

And the next moment!

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, as if he finally looked at the Snow King himself, his brows raised slightly.

this moment!

The Snow King could be sure that Ye Wuque was looking at himself, not something else.

"Did I speak to you?"

Ye Wuque's indifferent voice sounded, and the pupils of the Snow King shrank violently!

"Are you still wearing it?"

Ye Wuque added another sentence.

The Snow King seemed to be completely hysterical. His facial features were distorted, and he opened his mouth and sprayed Ye Wuque: "Ye Wuque, you... kacha!"

But before the Snow King's words could be uttered, a vertical crack suddenly opened between his eyebrows!

Blood oozes out of it!

The Snow King was completely stunned, and began to tremble violently!

"what happened??"


At this moment, the crack between his eyebrows began to squeeze frantically to both sides, as if something was about to protrude!