Return Of The War God - Chapter 6003

Chapter 6003

The boiling and cheering all over the world continues!

All the creatures are too boiling!

Such a brilliant record is unprecedented, and it should also be a feat that no one has come after. It really exceeds the limit that any creature can imagine.

above the sky.

Ye Wuque's eyes were slightly closed at this time, as if he was feeling something, and then the corners of his mouth slowly outlined a faint arc.

No one knows the changes in Ye Wuque's body at this moment!

After being killed from the human realm, why did he choose to continue on the wrong way after he entered the Reaper Reef by fate?

It is to be able to break the bottleneck and truly break through to the level of the "Saint King".

Not only because he can continue to become stronger, but also because only after stepping foot in the "Saint King" can he get the "Bronze Jade Slip" on the third layer of the ancient bronze mirror, and he can also gain insight into the secrets...

The patina jade slip that was suppressed with six ancient treasures and a drop of the king's blood.

The Hundred Battles Reincarnation is undoubtedly the fastest, best, and most likely way to break through the "Saint King".

Therefore, Ye Wuque pressed all the way up and stepped into the Nine Heavens Tower in one fell swoop, eager for a powerful battle and assisting fortune!

And the result did not disappoint him. Along the way, his bottleneck of the saint king has really been honed.

In the Supreme Realm, in this nine-layered heavenly tower, he has gone through battles, and only the last third of the bottleneck of the Saint King is left!

And at this moment, in this eighth Chaotian Que.

Fighting against the "eight monsters" with one's own strength, an unimaginable life-and-death confrontation was conducted, and the fierce battle was fought.

In the end, he killed the eight monsters.


He once again took a solid step on the road to the "Saint King"!

"After this series of battles, life-and-death confrontation, the last third of the bottleneck was finally completely worn away by me!"

At this moment, Ye Wuque's heart was agitated, and the meaning of joy was surging.

In the dark.

He looked inside himself, and wanted to look at the supreme scenery of the "Saint King" from afar.

And this time!

The Sage King is no longer aloof and unreachable, but has become... so close at hand!

It seems as if you stretch out your hand, you can touch the level of the "Saint King".

"Is there only one last trace left..."

Ye Wuque "gazing" at the level of "Saint King" in front of him, he was already close at hand, and he could even step in with one foot.

But there is one last strange shackle.

"It's not the shackles of cultivation, nor is it the bottleneck of the realm itself, but it seems to be a feeling of incomprehensible!"

Ye Wuque muttered to himself.

His spiritual sense is telling him!

This last wonder of shackles is both real and illusory.

It was as if he could step over this last marvelous shackle at any time.

It was as if he could only stop there.

As if, as if...

"I'm missing something..."

"What will it be?"

Ye Wuque was immersed in his thoughts, and he could even feel the light of the "Saint King" shining on his face, welcoming him.

The feeling of joy in the dark is real.

For the time being, Ye Wuque has not figured it out yet, but this does not hinder the joy in his heart, because his intuition tells him that this last "wonderful shackle" is not a hindrance to him, it can even be said to be some kind of... fate?

He has more intuition!

From ancient times to the present, every living being who has successfully set foot on the level of "Saint King" should have encountered this situation.

A state of "wonderful special" state.

If you don't understand it, don't think about it.

Under this series of battles, no matter what, he finally achieved what he wanted, grinding the bottleneck of the Saint King to the last trace.

It can be regarded as a complete merit!

As far as this point is concerned, the reincarnation of a hundred battles will not come in vain, and only here will there be such a rapid opportunity and good fortune.

Of course, he also paid for it!

Even after fighting the eight monsters, he was also seriously injured at the moment, and he had never been injured to such a degree for a long time.

However, now is not the time to heal...


The body vibrated, and the wounds all over the body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While the Divine King Gong in the body is running, the life essence in the 160 divine orifices circulates through the limbs and bones like a vast ocean. Under the cold and comfortable feeling, the injuries in the body are temporarily healed, allowing Ye Wuque to continue to maintain peak combat power. .

In the next moment, Ye Wuque opened his eyes and looked in a direction below, with a deep sneer in his eyes.

Whoa whoa whoa!

At this moment, the Snow King is frantically... escaping for his life!

No one knew the anger, fear, and disbelief in his heart at this time, and still the deep panic.

Only the sound of mud tumbling in my ears.

"how so??"

"Why is this??"

"That's the 'eight monsters'! The eight invincible monsters! Each of them is powerful and extraordinary, and their spiritual will is persevering. Even the ninth floor has no way to temporarily control them!"

"He, he alone, actually killed all of them??"

The Snow King roared wildly in his heart, the whole person became more and more panicked, the surrounding soil became more and more turbulent, and his speed became faster and faster.

He didn't dare to stay any longer!

From the moment when Ye Wuque killed the five monsters in one fell swoop, the Snow King was completely frightened!

The matter was completely beyond his imagination. All his previous calculations and intrigues against Ye Wuque, his self-righteous means were instantly useless.

I deeply realized what it means to feel that "in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is so ridiculous".

Only then did he understand why Ye Wuque would take the initiative to take the initiative, come over, take the initiative to deliver it to the door!

Because he is not afraid at all, and the art master is bold, he is confident that he can flatten everything and suppress everything.

This is indeed the case!

But even after fleeing for his life, the Snow King still couldn't figure it out!

He is "receiving people", and he knows much more than the eighth-layer heavenly beings, but it is precisely because of this that he is more desperate and panic-stricken at this time, and deeply realizes what is called Powerless!


"Is the 'future' really unchangeable???"

The roar in the Snow King's heart seemed to become hysterical, and even more deeply unwilling.

However, he was not an ordinary creature after all, so he still forced himself to calm down at this time and run for his life frantically.

"Even though Ye Wuque killed the eight monsters, his injuries must not be fake! His combat power will definitely decline."

"I bet he will never catch up. He doesn't dare, and he is not sure if I have any other cards."

"I can definitely escape!"

"The eighth-layer Tianque has a vast territory. I escaped from the ground without knowing it, and the danger of exposure is minimized!"

"The eighth-floor sky tower can't stay any longer!"

"I have to figure out a way, figure out a way... go back!"