Return Of The War God - Chapter 4996

Chapter 4996

Although there are early signs!

Despite all the signs!

Although I saw the jade slips about "Ten Thousand Beasts"!

Ye Wuque can already be sure here that there is a certain connection between Kong and Yuhua Immortal Earth!

But at this moment, when he saw Kong's figure appear again with his own eyes, the excitement, excitement, longing, and surprise in Ye Wuque's heart still exploded like turbulent water!


"I finally saw you again..."

Ye Wuque muttered to himself.

For him, Sora is a special existence, a teacher and a friend, and he has two lives together. It accompanied him to grow up slowly from childhood, cultivated him, and helped him forge the path to the eternal peak!

Along the way, it is to protect his peace and make him stronger day by day!

Ye Wuque will never forget his pain, anxiety, and reluctance when Kong left!

If it weren't for Senior Chu's explanation and guidance, Ye Wuque would probably need a long time to recover.

But at that moment, after Kong left, Ye Wuque began to truly... mature and grow up!

Although Kong left, what was left behind no longer affected and helped Ye Wuque all the time.

The only white jade bead left by Kong became one of Ye Wuque's most important treasures, carrying Ye Wuque's deepest thoughts.

Once upon a time, under the starry sky, with the help of the heavenly magic pill and the white jade beads, Ye Wuque crossed the eternal time and space, went to the "Route of No Return", once again saw the sky, and saw the secrets of the heavens, endless horror!

Ye Wuque couldn't forget for a long time, saw the misery and darkness in the future, and strengthened his belief in "invincible in the present", and he was deeply moved.

Now, within this feathered fairyland, once again saw Kong with his own eyes, how could he not be excited when he was close to him?

Ye Wuque now has gone through many trials and hardships. He went on the road alone and walked far, far away. He is no longer the boy he used to be!

His feelings are more restrained, deep in his heart, and will not be easily revealed.

But precisely because of this, once you meet the closest person, your expression will become more intense!

Inside the mirror.

Under the mysterious old tree.

Two figures sit in a row!

The eternal time and space are surging, surging out the mystery and surging meaning of the vastness of ancient and modern, as if everything is frozen at this moment!

Ye Wuque stared at Kong closely, stepped out without hesitation, and rushed directly into the mirror.

Before he had destroyed the self transformed by a leaf, he had already understood that there seemed to be an independent world in the mirror, and his power could be sent over, and he had not noticed the danger.

At this moment Kong appeared, how could Ye Wuque still wait?

He missed emptiness deeply!

He has too many things to ask Kong!

Hum! !

But the moment Ye Wuque touched the mirror surface, the entire mirror surface rippled again, and a vast expanse of celestial light rushed out, wrapped in unimaginable power, directly blocking Ye Wuque! !

Ye Wuque's eyes narrowed!

I want to fight against this force, but find that under this celestial light, my current self is as small as... an ant!

Just now!

The picture in the mirror has changed!

I saw the fairy light figure who had been sitting up suddenly pointed out and pointed straight towards the sky!

boom! !

Fairy light is like a knife, brilliant and eternal!

Across the sky and the earth, throughout the ages! !

Even through the mirror, I don't know how far apart, at this moment Ye Wuque felt the hairs on his body stand up, his soul was trembling, his head was broken and numb, and he felt as if he would be crushed to pieces and ashes at any time!

too terrifying!

Obviously this finger was not towards him, just seeing this scene, also let Ye Wuque clearly understand what is called fear and what is called despair!

The fairy light on the mirror was also violently surging at this moment, seeming to isolate everything, preventing the breath in the mirror from leaking out!

Ye Wuque suddenly realized it!

The fairy light on this mirror doesn't seem to be blocking oneself, but in disguise...protecting oneself?

The thoughts in his mind flashed away, but Ye Wuque kept his eyes fixed, staring at the changes in the mirror.

For empty...

Ye Wuque has always been full of infinite confidence.

Although the sitting fairy light figure pointed out a finger that could destroy the eternal age, how could Sora be afraid?


In the next moment, Ye Wuque could clearly see through the mirror, that finger that could penetrate the past and the present, with the celestial light burst, brilliant and eternal, hitting the sky, but it was ten feet away from the distance, so quietly. The sound... disappeared!

Not resist!

Not obliterated!

It just disappeared!

It didn't stir up the slightest wave, and didn't make any changes in Sora, it seemed just a breeze disappeared invisible.

Ye Wuque's eyes looked brilliant!

The appearance of this scene caused the celestial light around the sitting fairy light to suddenly fluctuate!

The world in the mirror immediately boiled, and the endless fairy light burst, shaking nine days and ten places!

Ye Wuque felt the dazzling eyes, but he still tried his best to inject the power of the soul into his eyes, and even circulated the extinct pupil, keeping his sight, not wanting to miss any pictures.

Immediately, he vaguely saw that between the celestial light galloping, a pair of eyes containing the supreme celestial light flashed with sonorous power!

I saw the fairy light figure sitting on the other side slowly standing up at this moment!

With this body, it seemed that the entire world was stretched open, the fairy light rushed into the sky, and the time and space were frozen!

Even the time and space of the ages can't carry the power of the fairy light figure!

In the next instant, Ye Wuque heard a low drink that seemed to shock ancient and modern times!

"Across the years...reverse time and space!"

"Break into my dojo!"

"who are you??"

This voice seemed to be questioning over a long period of time, causing a terrible influence!

Ye Wuque felt deafening, his head was about to explode!

On the mirror in front of him, the fairy light became more blazing and boiling, as if desperately blocking all the seepage inside.

Hearing these words vaguely, even though Ye Wuque felt extremely uncomfortable at the moment and had a splitting headache, he was still desperately supporting it!

Because this sentence revealed some important information, Ye Wuque had a guess.

Inside the mirror.

Sora, who had been moving forward, seemed to have finally stopped at this moment, stopping slightly.

Ye Wuque's gaze could only see Kong's fuzzy back, but his instinct told him that Kong's gaze seemed to sweep towards the fairy light figure.

"who are you??"

The fairy light figure shouted again!

The endless fairy light burst, boiling even more, drowning everything.

Ye Wuque had a splitting headache and his head was humming. Even if only one billionth of a million leaked out, that terrifying aura was enough to squeeze him!

In the mirror, the fairy light figure shot again! !

Ye Wuque can't see the truth anymore, he can only vaguely see the endless gathering of fairy lights, that kind of great freedom, great happiness, and ecstasy aura engulfed the supreme fairy power, transformed into incredible changes, enveloped Xiangkong !

The fairy light drowned everything!

The fairy light on the mirror surface also surging to the limit, a trace of breath overflowed!


Standing Ye Wuque was suddenly struck by lightning, his body trembled, and a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the whole person flew out directly!