Return Of The War God - Chapter 4995

Chapter 4995

It wasn't that Ye Wuque felt the strong sense of summoning himself.

At this moment, "Ao Shi Xiandian" unexpectedly reacted, which made Ye Wuque also surprised.

Turning over his right hand, that piece of oracle bone suddenly appeared again, and the fairy light was already shining on it, and it continued to rush!

"In front of"

As soon as the Ao Shi Xiandian came out, there was a sense of guidance, and it moved forward, consistent with the sense of summoning that came out of him.

Ye Wuque moved forward unhurriedly.

The passage under his feet has changed at this moment, and it has gradually narrowed.

But the light from all directions became more and more intense, an ancient and mysterious breath rushing over, and people couldn't help but breed a sense of hope and fear.

Roar! !

Suddenly, a roar came from ahead!

The roar shook ten directions, and even the light burst, stirring the void!

"This is... the roar of the monkey?"

Ye Wuque's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Why is there a roar of apes here?

Ye Wuque's spirit power had already spread out, covering the void, and everything in front of him was clear.

But this piece of heaven and earth seems to be very weird, with a strange atmosphere surging.

When the passage was narrow and there was only one foot left, Ye Wuque walked in the brilliance, and finally paused slightly.

this moment!

In front of him, I don't know when a cliff has appeared.

Behind the cliff, it was blurred and unreal, but on the top of the cliff, behind a tall and terrifying majestic standing there, at this moment, looking down from a condescending look, a pair of tyrannical and cold pupils reflected the appearance of the leaves below, revealing A touch of cruelty!

This is a great ape with the size of ten feet!

Carrying a dark stick in his hand, he growled again and again, and the fierce and evil spirit was surging and numb.

Ye Wuque looked at the giant ape, his eyes flickering endlessly.

He could feel that this great ape was completely different from the great apes in the monkey valley before, and it was full of cold, negative, and permeating aura.

The hair on the whole body is also pitch black, it seems to be stained with ink!

It's just that this pitch-black giant ape stood on the top of the cliff, constantly roaring, but didn't take the initiative to attack immediately, but stared at Ye Wuque, showing a fierce look.

And Ye Wuque here, after just glanced at the giant ape, he withdrew his gaze and looked on the cliff ahead!

Because there is a huge mirror on the wall of the cliff!

The mirror is extremely brilliance, I don't know what existence is embedded in it, and it is horizontally displayed in this place, reflecting everything.

The mirror is facing Ye Wuqian!

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Wuqian could clearly see himself in the mirror and everything around him.

But in the next moment!

"Ye Wuque" in the mirror has changed!

It suddenly showed a weird smile at Ye Wuque!

This scene was terrifying, enough to make your scalp numb.

However, Ye Wuque was expressionless, just looking at himself in the mirror indifferently, and then...

boom! !

A big hand slammed into the mirror! !

Ye Wuque chose to shoot directly.

Soon the weird scene appeared!

The mirror didn't even break, but the mirror surface rippled like ripples, as if it turned into mercury, constantly twisting.

"Ye Wuque" in the mirror saw Ye Wuque's sudden move, the strange smile on his face turned into a touch of disdain and mockery.

But Ye Wuque's big hand poked out here, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any effect.

"Ye Wuque" in the mirror let out a sneer at this moment.

"Something stupid like you!"

"How to be worthy of carrying the name'Ye Wuque'?"

"This name, this identity, everything about'Ye Wuque', should belong to me!!"

"You do not deserve!!"

"Ye Wuque" in the mirror said these few words unexpectedly, and his voice was exactly the same as Ye Wuque!

At the same time, "Ye Wuque" also reached out a hand!

The mirror surface oscillated, endless ripples seemed like a stormy sea that had exploded, rolled up the terrible waves, brushed it, and suddenly a big hand came out from the mirror and grabbed Ye Wuque! !

This scene is very strange!

Across a mirror, the two Ye Wuques both shot, as if dreaming.


Puff! !

After touching Ye Wuque, the hand protruding from the mirror cracked directly, as if torn apart.

It was like an egg hitting an iron block.

"Ye Wuque" in the mirror was taken aback!

boom! !

In the next moment, in the mirror!

A big hand seemed to be photographed from outside the sky, and from the side directly patted "Ye Wuque" in the mirror, with a strong purple spirit enveloping it, as if to control life and death, controlling fate!

"Ye Wuque" only had time to widen his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost in the day, and screamed in surprise!

"The Great Samsara??!!!"

"This can't be...puff!!"

"Ye Wuque" in the mirror was directly slapped by a big hand! !

Its body directly became rags, turned into brilliance, and began to collapse.

Ye Wuque's face was expressionless, but the big hand that was leaning into the mirror was lightly fishing out of the collapsed brilliance at this moment, as if it had fished something, and then suddenly withdrew it.

The mirror surface rippled again, and after Ye Wuque retracted his hand and spread it out, his eyes moved slightly.

On the palm, there was a green leaf lying silently!

The leaf was surging with fairy light, but it faintly exuded a heavy meaning.

"Turned by a leaf?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

Hum! !

Suddenly, there is another change in the mirror at this moment!

Endless brilliance scattered across ten directions, fairy light surged, and at this moment a quiet world slowly evolved in the mirror.

Between the heavens and the earth, a mysterious old tree that is as high as the sky, with green leaves and vast expanse of celestial light, stands tall, exuding a kind of peerless and heavy feeling that suppresses the universe!

The moment Ye Wuque saw this ancient tree, his eyes condensed!

This old tree...

He has seen it before!

Like the former ancestors of the ape tribe, they were one of the mysterious visions they saw when they used the oracle bone fairy map to cross the passage to the fairy burial!

But the next moment, Ye Wuque's pupils shrank suddenly! !


Just under the mysterious old tree, I don't know when there has been an extra table and two stone benches.

There are two figures, one on the left and the other on the right.

It seems that after eternal years, crossing endless cause and effect, they are finally in the same time period temporarily!

The figure on the left is sitting!

Its whole body is surging with vast celestial light, like a celestial sun, oppressing the world, brilliant and eternal!

There is also the meaning of being exalted, free and happy!

Just sitting upright, but even time and space have to look up, infinitely great.

And the one on the right...

It's just a moving back, very vague.

Wearing a white dress, gradually drifting away, graceful and unique, eternally unique!

It seemed to be on the road all the time, never stopped, never sat down, just passed by here temporarily, passing by the great fairy light figure sitting on the left side.


Ye Wuque stared at the vague back, a shock was stirred in his heart, extremely excited.