Return Of The War God - Chapter 4826

Chapter 4826

Lan Yitian's crazy laughter brought a final stubbornness!

Even though he was defeated and maimed by Ye Wuque's punch, he still refused to accept it and didn't mean to beg for mercy.

Who is he?

Thousands of tempers, brave and diligent, all the way to this level of Tianjiao!

There are countless difficulties and trials, and I can hardly remember it!

Similar to this kind of torture and torture, he was even more prepared one day, his mind and will were unyielding, and he was fearless!

The smile on Lan Yitian's face became even more awkward and crazy.


Ye Wuque, who was surging with harmless smiles of humans and animals, didn't mean to be angry, just spit out such a word gently.



Lan Tiantian's body suddenly seemed to become a cooked prawn, arched with violent convulsions, his face was directly distorted and deformed, his face was instantly replaced by boundless pain and misery!


With the constant tremor of the golden chains, a brilliant golden flower turned out, and the whole person of Lan Tiantian was enveloped in it.

Blue one day directly suffocated!

Blue veins burst!

Blood vessel knot!

Every inch of his body was directly sprayed with blood mist, once again dyeing the inside of the golden flowers red, full of a tragic and shocking beauty.

He convulsed to the limit!

The facial features have been distorted, blood oozes from the scarlet eyes, but he is so clear that he is suffering that indescribable pain.

His mouth has grown up long ago, but apart from the first few penetrating howls, he can no longer make any noises at this moment, even screams.

It's just convulsions and tremors changing back and forth.

Ye Wuque stood with his hand in his hand, standing quietly on the spot, watching the blue day he was enjoying calmly.

After a few dozen breaths, until Lan Yitian looked at him with difficulty, only endless pain and fear were surging in his eyes, which finally turned into a touch of...please for mercy!

But Ye Wuque didn't mean to stop, still watching quietly.

After ten more breaths.

"Rao... Rao..."

Within the golden flower, Lan Tiantian's weak and trembling roar came. This was his last strength and hope.

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque finally shook his head slowly, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"I thought I could show the sixth character today, it seems I was thinking too much..."


Ye Wuque snapped his fingers lightly.

The golden flowers in the void suddenly withered, and the nine golden chains rattled, temporarily suspending their power. Lan Yitian hit the ground directly, lying there like a pile of mud.

"Whirring whirring"

He only had the strength to linger, and he was already bleak, desperate and painful looking at Ye Wuwei who looked down at him condescendingly, and there was endless fear and tremor.

There is no longer the initial jealousy and superiority!

It was completely turned into a pile of rotten bones.

"Let's talk about how you are not affected by the illusion, the reason for free movement."

Ye Wuque's faint voice sounded.

Lan's body trembled one day, instinctively trying to resist, but then the boundless fear overwhelmed him, and he trembled without hesitation: "I, I have something...a god..."

"It was left by an ancestor of our clan in the past years. When Yuhua Xiantu was born last time, this ancestor of our clan entered into it, won the opportunity, obtained many treasures, and finally left the Yuhua Xiantu alive. Since then, it has shined and achieved remarkable results."

"And the most important thing is this divine object, which was finally left by the ancestors to future generations until it passed on to my hands..."

Lan Yitian unreservedly revealed the whole story, for fear that the slowness of speaking would make Ye Wuque unhappy.


Ye Wuque's eyes flickered slightly.

Lan Yitian continued to speak: "I didn't know what the gods did, but I carried them with me. After entering the feathered fairyland, the illusion struck. I should have fallen into the illusion, but at a critical time. The power of the gods dispelled the illusion, so that I did not fall into it, and by the way, the dozen or so local creatures were exempted, so we could move freely."

"And I was also aware of the mystery of this fetish, excited and joyful, thinking that it was my creation, but immediately this fetish released a kind of faint guidance fluctuation, I immediately followed the guidance all the way, this Just came here."

"You mean, the ruins of this square where your fetish guides you?"

Ye Wuque asked back.

Lan Yitian nodded desperately.

Ye Wuque glanced at Lan Tiantian's neck, and with a move with his right hand, a strange ancient talisman flew out!

After falling into his hand, it was rough and mottled and looked ordinary, but at this moment Ye Wuque also felt the faint guidance fluctuations released from the ancient talisman, which was this square area.

"But I have searched it all, and still haven't found anything..."

Having said that, Ye Wuque naturally knew what was going on.

Indeed, Ye Wuque had only seen Lan Yitian search here many times, but found nothing.

Holding this ancient talisman, Ye Wuque temporarily suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and continued to look at Lan Tiantian and said, "What's the secret of Half-Step Legend Realm?"

Hearing this, Lan Yiyi was taken aback!

"You, don't you know?"

"Are you really a native creature of Heitian Domain?"

The blue day is incredible, with horror in his heart!

Ye Wuque looked at him expressionlessly, Lan Yitian suddenly trembled, and hurriedly said: "Heitian must have spread the'Half-Step Legendary Realm' but it is a miserable and pitiful realm that has fallen after breaking through to the Legendary Realm, but this Actually right and wrong."

"For ordinary creatures, when they want to break through the legendary realm for the first time and knock on the door of the legend, it is the easiest and greatest opportunity. If they fail the first time, then there will be no chance again!"

"So, the half-step legendary realm is indeed a fallen realm that waits for death after a breakthrough failure."

"However, this is only for ordinary creatures with a general background!"

"For the true Tianjiao who has a strong foundation, amazing talents, and a powerful force to support and help behind, the half-step legendary realm is a singular realm that actually builds a stronger foundation, accumulates the potential for terror, and opens up more hope! !"

Speaking of this, Lan's eyes changed slightly all day!

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly.

"Nine-aperture quasi-Legendary Great Perfection, successfully opened up the nine divine orifices, based on this, communicate the power of heaven and earth, you can sense the door of legend!"

"The legendary gate is in this world. Only by knocking on the gate and truly walking in, can the nine divine orifices be completely integrated into the heaven and the earth, and oneself with the complete heaven and man, has the power to control the heaven and the earth, ever since Yifei soaring!"

"There are three opportunities to knock on the door of the legend, the first is the easiest, and the third is the most difficult."

"But! For those Tianjiao who have a strong foundation, unfathomable potential, and extraordinary heritage, it is not difficult to knock on the door of legend, especially for the first time."

Hearing this, Ye Wuque immediately rang Wu Qingyang, a lunatic Wu from the ancient gods of the ancient alliance, and it seemed that he knocked on the door of the legend for the first time, stepped into the level of the true god, and succeeded directly.

"However, if you really step directly into the door of the legend and break through to the realm of the true gods, you will actually be really stupid and wasted a rare good fortune!"

"As the saying goes,'If you want to promote first, suppress it,' if you want to get it, you must give it first!"

"From the ashes of failure can the infinite glory of true success bloom!"

"So, the biggest secret of Half-Step Legend Realm is...pass the door and not enter!!"

Pass the door but not enter!

These five words moved Ye Wuque's heart slightly.