Return Of The War God - Chapter 4825

Chapter 4825

At this moment, the black crystals covered in pitch black all over him unexpectedly changed again!

I saw an endless blood mist from the depths of his body!

He actually consumed his own essence and blood and released it from his body without hesitation, apparently performing some terrifying secret technique.

Sure enough, as the essence of blood turned into blood mist and sprayed out, the black crystals that had originally covered him changed strangely at this moment!

Covered by blood!

Stained red by blood!

The black crystal finally became... the blood crystal!

An extremely brutal and terrifying aura overflowed from Lan Yiyi's body, flooding the sky and the ground.

At the same time, Lan Tian's cold and merciless voice resounded from all directions.

"To be honest, I really hate my next state..."

"Because it makes me ugly."

"However, this is a killing method that I painstakingly practiced to deal with Emperor Lu Yu, Feiyu Jiang, Wuming Nie and others!"

"I didn't expect to use it on you first..."

Lan Yitian turned into a blood-colored monster, like a human-shaped beast, full of blood, and his body swelled to the size of ten feet, standing upright.

At this moment, he was spraying a red blood mist from all over his body, and it exuded an unparalleled high temperature, which evaporated everything.

"Keep your eyes open and see clearly!"

"What distinguishes the ants from the real Tianjiao...what!!"


The moment the words fell, Ye Wuque clearly saw that the nine gods appeared on Lan Tiantian's body!

Incomparably bright and brilliant, it is precisely the nine divine orifices condensed on his legendary road, all of which are shining at this moment.

But the next moment!

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly moved.

Because just above Lan Tianyi's body, the peculiar aura that belonged to the half-step legendary realm at this moment turned into an unprecedented...strong vitality! !

At this moment, on Yu Lan Tianyi's body, in addition to the nine divine orifices, the tenth... divine orifice appeared!

Can Ruo Lieyang!

Turned out!

Like a raging vitality!

Bring out great potential and hope!

Ye Wuque's eyes lit up!

Tenth God Aperture!

Lan Yitian actually opened up the tenth divine aperture in his body.

This is totally breaking the rule!

You know, as far as Ye Wuque knows, whether it's a quasi-legendary or a legendary realm, only the nine gods are right!

In an instant, the question and incomprehension about the Half-Step Legend Realm flashed in Ye Wuque's mind.

Could it be that

This is the secret of "Half-Step Legendary Realm"?

"Breathe... Try your best for the last breath..."

Lan Tian's roar sounded again.

At this moment, he is like a humanoid monster, with blood boiling, more like a monster than a monster, and more like a devil than the devil!

Cruel and tyrannical.

Crazy and desperate!

"Because this is the last thing you can do..."

"Because the next will..."


Lan Yi's weather is like a rainbow, the limit erupts, and the ten gods suddenly shine, and the whole person is like a **** demon coming out of the sky, his fists are united!

"Scarlet... Human Armor!"

"Overlord destroys the world!!"

As if a blood-colored meteor was born, with the tyrannical intention of breaking a realm, it blasted towards Ye Wuque!

Wherever he passed, the blood mist rolled, reddened the void, and the high temperature transpired, destroying everything.

Lan Yitian is like a demon **** who destroys the world, destroying Ye Wuque into nothingness.


The terrible boiling horror heat wave was mixed with boundless killing intent, blowing Ye Wuque's hair and dancing wildly.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a touch of sincere joy and excitement.

Raise your right hand!

Five fingers clenched!


Gold and silver flames are burning!

Behind him, the giant ape phantom looked up and roared!

One-third of the power of the undead fetus boils into the limbs!

Combat power burning!

Step out!

Punch... boiling! !

Tear...Boom! !

Two figures, one big and one small, collided hard!


In the next instant, there was boundless blood rushing up in the void, staining all directions.

Lan Tiantian's expression is fierce and crazy, his eyes are extremely ferocious, and there is more...

Because there is a **** gold hand on his face!

As if holding down a little chicken cub, Lan Yitian pushed the whole person from the sky to the earth.


The blood in the mouth spurts out as if you don't need money!

Through the fingers on his face, Lan Tiantian saw Ye Wuque's expressionless face and the cold and deep eyes that were close at hand, and a kind of endless unwillingness and despair grew in his heart!

Not reconciled because you lost!

The despair is because... the whole body has been cracked, full of **** cracks!

Lan Yitian was beaten alive by Ye Wuque's punch!

Click! !

Lan Tiantian's back hit the ground fiercely, and Ye Wuque pushed his face and his head directly into the depths of the earth!

The earthquake trembled, the cracks tore, and every inch of it shattered within a radius of thousands of miles.

Only two legs were left hanging upside down, shaking slightly!

Ye Wuque stood up slowly, grasping Lan and gently pulling one leg one day...


Lan Yitian's whole body was pulled out from the ground like a radish, and blood spewed suddenly, as if a dead dog was lifted up by Ye Wuque, and lifted to the void, until Lan Yitian's blood-stained face was square with Ye Wuque's face. Just stopped.

The corners of Lan Yitian's mouth kept overflowing with blood, but his eyes were still full of unwillingness and craziness, staring at Ye Wuque, as if he could eat people.

"Don't worry, you can't die for the time being."

"I have some questions I want to ask you, you..."


Lan Yitian exhausted his last strength and spewed blood towards Ye Wuque!

After gently avoiding the spray of blood, Ye Wuque let go of his right hand, Lan Yitian suddenly smashed to the ground, let out a miserable howl, and his whole body was paralyzed like a dead dog, panting!

"Another hard bone?"

"Then I like the most..."

Ye Wuque showed a harmless smile.


In the next instant, from behind Ye Wuque, nine golden chains flew out, directly binding Lan Tiantian tightly, lifting it from the ground, and being imprisoned in the void.


"Want, want... torture me?"

Lan Tian showed a frantic smile, looking down at the golden chains that trapped him with difficulty, revealing a frantic smile on his head.

"Do your...Spring and Autumn Dreams!!"
