Return Of The War God - Chapter 4741

Chapter 4741

Ye Wuque looked at Zhang Qinghe's back, realizing that his will to die had disappeared, and then his gaze passed through the small valley and looked at the entire ancient league.

"It's time to restore everything..."

With a single word, Ye Wuque's figure slowly came to the sky above the ancient alliance.

Looking down, the entire Ancient League is deadly silent at this moment.

However, as Pan'er died and disappeared, her power had disappeared, and the incomplete space-time secret technique was actually water without a source, which would collapse at any time.

Ye Wuque stood in the void.

The power of the soul gushes out, traversing the void, and finally enveloped the entire ancient alliance, and then directly set off a soul storm! !


The entire ancient league was immediately enveloped by a vast invisible storm. Under the storm, all traces of the space-time secret method were instantly swept clean, and all the remaining traces and breath belonging to Pan'er were completely wiped out.

A quarter of an hour later.

The deadly silent ancient league suddenly recovered its former appearance, all the disciples woke up from their lethargy, and the second seater also returned to normal.

Chu Xingkuang and the other seven first seats also stayed in their respective halls.

But in their memories, there is no longer any memory of "Pan'er".

Ye Wuque cut off all memories of "Pan'er".

In the entire ancient league, only the first seat of Qingyuan, the three seniors of God, Wenren Chuuxue, and Zhang Qinghe remember everything.

This is enough.

The top of Sixue Peak.

Ye Wuque is alone.

Looking at the noisy and boisterous ancient alliance returning to normal, even him had a illusion that everything that had happened before seemed to be just a dream.

His figure flashed, Ye Wuque returned to the hall and sat down cross-legged.

Just when he was about to take out the ancient bronze mirror for inspection again, his forehead suddenly lit up, and his breath suddenly condensed!

"The unity of the gods... succeeded?"

A touch of joy was revealed in Ye Wuque's eyes.

Shen Yuan is one!

This is the secret that Sheng Haoxuan told him about the dark star realm.

When the life level re-evolves to the same level as the Dark Star Realm Yuanshen, a perfect state can be formed.

In this state, innate suppression and blur can be performed at the same time, and there is no need to choose one.

At this moment, Ye Wuque could clearly feel that the power of his soul and the power of cultivation in his body had reached a certain delicate balance. This was a temporary perfect feeling of water and milk blending evenly.

In the normal state, the power of the soul and the power of cultivation are separated, and they are distinct, and the heart is activated to unite the soul, the two are unified, and the two powers are also instantly unified.

This feeling is strange and mysterious.

Sitting cross-legged, Ye Wuque's thoughts moved, and the power of the soul immediately shone on his body, the state of light and darkness was turned on, and he once again entered a state of vain.


Hum! !

In the inner universe of the soul, the little golden man of the soul shines, and the dark star will overflow, with the power of the soul to press the ten directions of the void!

There is no more shackles that you can only choose from before.

It is equal to him now, if he encounters Pan'er again, after the unity of the gods is opened, the Dark Star will directly overwhelms him, and he will lose 30% of his power before he opens the Pan'er.

Because Pan'er is just the Great Sun Realm Great Perfection.

"I have to say that the state of light and darkness and the suppression of the dark star's will are one! When displayed at the same time, it is a nightmare to the enemy!"

Ye Wuque carefully experienced the wonderful feeling of the unity of the gods and essence, and also experienced the power of this state.

This is equivalent to the enemy being suppressed while still unable to defeat you!

It is equivalent to a certain degree of opening and cheating!

"Sheng Haoxuan said that as the dark star realm continues to break through, the state of the unity of the gods will also improve. When the dark star realm reaches the Great Perfection, the power of the unity of the gods will reach a whole new level."

Ye Wuque's eyes were bright.

"Perhaps in the next period of time, the unity of the gods can become another hole card for me."

Of course, Ye Wuque also understood that the trump card of "Shen Yuan Unity" was only temporary, not permanent.

Because he couldn't stay at the level of the Dark Star Realm Nirvana Great Soul Sage forever, and the enemies he encountered could not always be at the Great Sun Realm level.

Once surpassed the dark star realm, the power of the unity of the gods was no longer so terrible.

But when that happens, Ye Wuque is confident that he will become stronger!

Having converged the state of unity of the gods, Ye Wuque returned to his normal appearance, and his heart was also very good at this moment.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, flipped his right hand, and the ancient bronze mirror finally appeared in his hand again.

There was a trace of excitement in my heart!

Ye Wuque laid the bronze ancient mirror flat in his hand and looked at it carefully.

At this moment, the entire ancient bronze mirror no longer gleams with a faint brilliance, it seems that the "seed of time and space" has been completely finished.

But Ye Wuque's eyes still showed a touch of surprise and excitement!

Because, at this moment, he clearly saw that the bronze mirror had changed again.

The volume of the black hole that originally appeared on it has obviously grown a circle, reaching the size of a broad bean!

And at this moment, a layer of light appeared again on this **** hole!

It was exactly the same as the light film in front of the image of the Temple of Time when I first left the Great Sky Demon Burial!

And the previous light film was left by Fubo, and even left him a few words.

"Is it the light film left by Forber again, let me tear it open again?"

Ye Wuque's eyes were burning, and he immediately thought of this.

So he did not hesitate to stretch out **** again and gently put them on the new layer of light film, wanting to tear it apart again.

But this time!

Everything is different!

On the new light film, no words left by Fu Bo appeared, and Ye Wuwei discovered even more incredible that he could not tear this new light film! !

Ye Wuque naturally wouldn't give up and began to exert his strength.

But still can't tear it off!

In the end, he used ten fingers, and even used all of his own cultivation power, but he still couldn't help this new layer of light film.

This made Ye Wuque frowned!

"How could this be? Can't tear it apart? Could it be...restrictions on cultivation base?"

Ye Wuque's soul power had already enveloped this new layer of light film, but it was impossible to invade it at all. The light film completely isolated the prying eyes of the power of the soul.

"My current strength is not enough to tear the light film?"

Ye Wuque stared at the light film and could only draw this conclusion.

"and many more"

But in the next moment, Ye Wuque suddenly discovered something.