Return Of The War God - Chapter 4740

Chapter 4740

There was a dead silence before the ruins of the Patriarch Hall.

The three faces of God were calm and his eyes were firm. He looked at Zhang Qinghe, his will to die was alive.

Zhang Qinghe still stood on the spot blankly, and his whole body was still trembling. God III's words made him look up suddenly, tears in his eyes!

Ye Wuque stood quietly on the side, standing with his hands in his hands, with a calm expression.

He has told Zhang Qinghe all the truth of the facts, and he will not ask what Zhang Qinghe will do next.

After all, for the person involved, the vengeance of murder is not something that can be really solved by a manslaughter.

For some things, some pains, the parties must make their own choices in order to solve the problem from the root cause.

Sometimes, it's not about yourself. You go to stand on the moral high ground and exhort others. It seems to be amazing, but is it really the case?

Because tragic things did not happen to you, and you have not experienced the pain that life is worse than death, you can naturally watch bystanders and calmly advise others not to do anything.

Zhang Qinghe was the person involved. He was suffering from the loss of his daughter day after day, and it was such a miserable way of death.

No one can make a choice for him.

The first seat of Qingyuan also understood this, so no matter how much he respected God III, he chose to shut up and watch.

Wen Ren Chuuxue did the same, choosing silence.

After a full quarter of an hour, Zhang Qinghe's body no longer trembles so much, and his eyes are still filled with tears. At this moment, when he looks at the begging **** three seniors, he gently wipes it away. Tears in the eyes.

Then took a step forward and walked towards Shensan.

Qingyuan's first eyes flashed!

Ye Wuque's complexion was calm.

Wen Ren Chuuxue is also a little nervous.

Did Zhang Qinghe choose revenge?

God III saw Zhang Qinghe slowly walking towards him, and finally a smile of relief appeared in his eyes. He gently closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

In front of Shensan, Zhang Qinghe stopped.

Shensan has a serene and calm face.

But in the next moment, Shensan didn't receive revenge from Zhang Qinghe, but suddenly his body trembled and was gently lifted up by Zhang Qinghe.

Shen San opened his eyes again, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

"Zhang Zhi..."

"Senior God Three."

Zhang Qinghe's voice sounded first, and his expression had long since returned to calm, with a deep sigh in his eyes.

"You are the great hero of my ancient alliance. You stand alone against the black hand behind the scenes. Yaxin's death... is not your fault!"

"The real culprit is the black-handed Pan'er behind the scenes. She has been slain by Master Ye, and Yaxin's vengeance has already been paid!"

"Senior, you are not at fault, but Yaxin, her life is not good... You are not at fault..."

Zhang Qinghe's voice was hoarse, but after all, he chose to forgive.

"Deacon Zhang..."

Senior Shensan was trembling slightly, he wanted to say something, but when he saw Zhang Qinghe's close and sincere eyes, he couldn't say a word.

"Senior, you should not die, you should live well, you are a hero, the greatest hero of the Ancient League."

After saying these words, Zhang Qinghe lightly opened his hands holding Shensan, bowed to him, and turned away.

Zhang Qinghe's back, with a trace of hesitation, seemed to have put everything down and didn't care about anything.

Senior Shensan trembling all over, he looked at Zhang Qinghe's away back, his lips wriggling constantly, and finally tears fell in his eyes.

Wen Ren Chuuxue and Qingyuan's first seat directly rushed over to support him.

After all, Zhang Qinghe chose to forgive the three predecessors of God, which was a choice he made himself.

Ye Wuque looked at Zhang Qinghe's fading back, his expression calm, but at this moment he slowly said, "Deacon Zhang..."

Zhang Qinghe's figure suddenly stopped!

"You forgave the three seniors of God, you shouldn't give up on yourself."

"It's easy to die, but you once said yourself that you have to live well, because only you can prove that Zhang Yaxin once existed."

"If you die, will anyone remember Zhang Yaxin again..."

Ye Wuque's words made Zhang Qinghe tremble slightly again.

Just now, Ye Wuque had already seen Zhang Qinghe's will to die in his heart. He had been suffering for so many years, and he was already in pain. Now that he learned of his daughter's enemy, he finally chose to forgive the three seniors, which is equivalent to the complete dissipation of the obsession .

People without obsessions are like lights out.

Zhang Qinghe is about to die.

Since Ye Wuque could see it, naturally he didn't want to let him end himself like this.

"Deacon Zhang!"

At this moment, the voice of Qingyuan's first seat also slowly sounded, with a trace of solemnity and respect!

"Zhang Yaxin will never die in vain!"

"I Qingyuan will build the Martyrs' Shrine in the Gu League. All the disciples who died because of this incident will be sent to the Martyrs Shrine. Their lives and experiences will all be announced. League disciples incense worship!"

"Zhang Yaxin is also a hero, a hero who sacrificed heroically for the ancient alliance!"

"She, including the disciples like her, will never disappear in obscurity, but should be remembered by the world and never forgotten!"

The first words of Qingyuan were categorical, with an unquestionable firmness!

He is one of the first members of the Ancient League and the next leader of the Ancient League. He speaks naturally with great weight.

Zhang Qinghe turned around tremblingly at this moment. He was already in tears, but he held his fist and bowed deeply towards Qingyuan's first seat, and then bowed deeply to Ye Wuque!

"Thank you, the first lord!"

"Thank you... Master Ye!"

"Thank you..."

Zhang Qinghe's voice was trembling, but Ye Wuque could hear him. His voice was no longer dead, but more angry.

"Don't die, live well, for Zhang Yaxin, live well, your daughter must also hope that her father can live happily and live happily for her."

Ye Wuque's voice rang softly again.

Zhang Qingya couldn't cry!

He turned around again and left slowly, but this time, even though his figure was still huddled, his footsteps were more firm and relieved.

do not die!

Live well!

For her daughter, live well for her!

Zhang Qinghe muttered to himself, drifting away.