Return Of The War God - Chapter 4347

Chapter 4347

boom! !

The gray world is like being divided into two by a splendid long knife, the boiling brilliance sweeps across the void, bringing up an indescribable cruelty and fierceness!

Du's posture is as vigorous and swift as a flying phoenix, and a pair of slender hands swings in the void, just so straight and straight!

The two-headed ancient corpse raised its arms to resist, and its arms became pitch black in an instant, as if it had become two demon arms, hideous and ferocious!

The two collided in one place again.

The entire gray world was destroyed violently, without moving, the black martial skirt hunted in the wind, a pair of eyes bloomed with peerless brilliance, just like the Valkyrie, brave and invincible.

The two-headed ancient corpse stepped backwards, and with each step back, the void there was directly shattered, as if a small world had been stepped on!

Sit down!

Even in the face of an ancient corpse that has turned into a weird double-headed corpse, Du is still strong and vigorous!

After retreating for tens of thousands of miles, the two-headed ancient corpse stabilized its figure, its arms have become chapped, and the cracks were shocking, as if it was about to split at any time!

However, the two faces of the two-headed ancient corpse, two heads, and two faces, were still mocking and mocking expressions surging at this moment.

"How long has this king been so embarrassed?"

"Assembled the power of the two kings, still at a disadvantage, it is incredible!"

"Witness of Destiny...well-deserved reputation!"

The two-headed ancient corpse sighed softly at this moment, seeming to have a trace of emotion, but immediately he smiled, there was a tyrannical overriding sentient beings.

"But so what?"

"The door of the seal is about to open, and everything has become a certainty!"

"This king is really happy..."

The two-headed ancient corpse laughed, and the arrogance and mockery in the laughter were so vivid.

Dufasi danced wildly, her expression did not change, and she did not even have any extra emotions in her eyes, but slowly stepped towards the double-headed ancient corpse. With every step she took, this gray world seemed to collapse. Destroy, the boiling killing intent that penetrates ancient and modern erupts!

"Before that, I will cut you off and send you to the burial ground, so that you will never be born again!"

The voice of crossing is like the judgment of death.

The two-headed ancient corpse's eyes condensed, only to feel a murderous intent that had erupted from the beginning of the ages!

But the smile on its face became stronger and stronger, and even laughed out loud.

"This can only prove one thing, that is, if you are powerful, you can't do anything, you can only watch it all!"

"A truly weak and sad declaration..."

A slender hand lightly patted!

Brought endless waves, evolved a shocking killing technique, causing the dark heads of the two-headed ancient corpse to start to vigorously shake, obviously feeling a strong threat.

The look of the two-headed ancient corpse suddenly became hideous, and the whole body was boiling with pitch black and radiance, without dodge or avoid, and resisted directly!

But still don't forget to laugh wildly!

"Poor times, poor times!"

"Finally, a human junior who controls the power of the supreme was born, but they can't stop them from destroying the sacrifices, and they will become food, but you can only watch! Hahahaha..."

Du's eyes reflected the sky, and one hand directly pressed against the back neck of the two-headed ancient corpse, destroying the dead, the world is invincible!

But deep in Du's gaze, there was a sigh surging.

Due to her own special reasons, the power of recovery was limited, and she miscalculated the existence of the second king, so she fell into the calculation and was forced into this fault space by the ancient corpse, temporarily unable to get out.

As for Ye Wuque, the way forward was also blocked, and he could only watch ominously rushing into the altar, unable to do anything.


Will the long-lasting agreement fail after all?

The consequences will be endless disasters.

This era... is about to end!

This side.

Ye Wuque stood in front of the mirror barrier, his eyes staring at the ominousness of those fierce altars getting closer and closer as if condensing endless blades, his fists clenched his fists! !

Is there really no way?

Right now I can't stop those ominous things!

Ye Wuque's heart gradually became cold.

But even in this case, despair was in front of him, he still remained calm, and countless thoughts in his mind crashed wildly, thinking about ways.

Du Fangcai's big drink is still echoing in his mind!

Stop the ominous!

Stop the ominous!

Otherwise this era will come to an end!

In the old tomb of the **** Tongtian, Brother Xiaosha's roar seemed to echo in Ye Wuque's ear again. Once the door of the seal was opened, once the ominous world appeared, it would be a disaster and countless catastrophes.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Wuque's eyes became a little scarlet!

Wow! !

At the altar, the humanoid being bound by iron chains seemed to feel the end of the world at this moment, struggling crazily, and the iron chains roared!

Ye Wuque looked over subconsciously.

Hundreds of ominous things are only two floors away from the altar!

"Stop the ominous!"

"Stop the ominous!"

The only thing that was surging in Ye Wuque's heart at this moment was only these four words!

"Stop it... wait!!"

Just now!

Ye Wuque, who stared at the altar, seemed to understand something, his eyes lit up suddenly, like a spark in the cold night, shining brightly!


"It was wrong from the beginning!"

"Frontal prevention of ominousness... has never been the most direct and effective way!!"

Boom! !

The people in the four great palaces only felt the earth tremble at their feet, and then they saw the figure of Lord Que Ye rushing out like lightning! !

Obviously the way down is blocked!

There is no way to stop those terrible ominousness!

Where else can Queye go?

Tear! !

The void roared, and the sharp whistling air current exploded, Ye Wuque's speed was reaching the extreme, his body rubbed against the void, and the fluctuation was shaking the sky!

And the direction he rushed out was naturally not the road that could stop the ominous, but a completely different road! !

It is the direction leading to that altar!

up! !

Going down to prevent the ominous road is blocked by the mirror barrier, this is the calculation of the ancient corpse, but the road up is not blocked!

Ye Wuque was almost at the extreme, and rushed directly to the upper level!

And this layer!

It is the first floor where the altar is located!

Ye Wuque was already flush with the altar at this moment, facing away, on the same floor.

But he still couldn't go there, because if he wanted to go to the altar, he had to rely on the blocked road down.

The ring-shaped cliff was suppressed by ancient forces and couldn't fly at all!

Ye Wuque could only look at the altar on the other side from a long distance, his whip was beyond reach!

This is also the greatest strength of the ancient corpse calculations.

Hundreds of ominous places are only the last floor from the altar!

this moment.

Ye Wuque, who was looking at the altar, had infinite sharpness in his eyes! !

With a thought, the big dragon halberd suddenly appeared in his hand, and Hou Ye Wuque suddenly raised his head, and looked at the dug in the gray world on the other side of the mirror above, and the sound was like thunder and explosion! !