Return Of The War God - Chapter 4346

Chapter 4346

Ye Wuque felt that he was falling fast!

An irresistible evil force directly imprisoned himself!

What happened just now was too fast!

Almost to the extreme!

Ye Wuque hadn't even reached the end of the brand new passage, but was restrained by the sudden black hands and dragged back.

The power of that pitch-black giant hand is extremely terrifying, it is not what he can resist now!

At this moment, Ye Wuque was falling continuously under this force, as if he was about to fall into the deepest part of **** without end.

"In this whirlpool passage, not only the ancient corpse and a king! There is also one hidden!!"

Ye Wuqian looked like a knife.

With Du's presence and with Du's strength, that ancient corpse had no spare power to deal with them, otherwise Du would not transmit a sound to let him find a new channel to enter it.

But now this pitch-black giant suddenly attacked them!

It can only prove that there is a second king hidden in the whirlpool passage!

Only when the two kings are lighted and darkened can they be overwhelmed by the ferry.

I have to say that Ye Wuque and the four great palaces at the moment seem to be in a mortal situation!

But no one saw it!

In Ye Wuque's right hand, I don't know when there was an old jade charm, which had a kind of warmth.

Escape the virtual world! !

The trump cards left by the mysterious creatures.

As long as the power of the soul pours into it, it can be activated instantly.

With the Escape World Breaking Void Talisman, Ye Wuque naturally has confidence in his heart. No matter how powerful this pitch-black giant hand is, he will probably kneel when he encounters a mysterious creature.

But the most important thing is!

Ye Wuque felt a little keenly!

That is the power of this pitch-black giant hand is certainly not something he can resist now, but at this moment in the palm of this pitch-black giant hand, he keenly feels the...

As if there was only an empty shell, all its power seemed to have been taken away, and I didn't know where it went.

The remaining power can only imprison them and drag them, but it cannot kill them at all!

"This Wang Ming who is hidden in the dark knows that its remaining power is not enough to kill us, but it still drags me and the people from the four palaces from the new passage."

"It means they will never allow us to enter that new channel!"

"In other words, even if we can't kill us, our hope will be extinguished. As long as we can't enter a new channel, then they can revive the ominous, and the sealed door can be opened!"

"The life and death of me and everyone in the Four Great Palaces is irrelevant. It's better to die, not to doesn't matter.

"Therefore, the pitch-black giant hand will still make a move even if it knows that it cannot kill us."

Ye Wuque, who was falling, had deep eyes, thoughts surged in his mind, and immediately calmly analyzed the calculations of the two kings!

Immediately, he saw Ye Wuque flipping his right hand, and quietly put the Escape Realm Breaking Void back away.

Since he can't die, he hasn't really fallen into desperation before, and there is still a chance to turn the tide!


Suddenly, Ye Wuque felt a violent vibration, and the darkness in front of him became bright again at this moment!

He fell to the ground, a flash, and immediately stabilized his figure.

On Thursday and Thursday, the people in the Grand Palace fell one by one, one after another, and only King Zhuo stabilized his figure, all with a look of horror.

When they saw Ye Wuque, the four of King Zhuo suddenly rushed over as if they had seen their father.

Only when you are close to Que Ye, can you feel safe enough.

"Your Excellency Que Ye!"

"Your Excellency, what is the situation?"

"I saw a terrifying black giant hand!"

The four king Zhuo spoke in fear.

But after Ye Wuque raised his right hand gently, the four of Zhuo Wang shut up immediately.

Ye Wuque looked at all directions carefully at this moment.

He found that the place he was at was very peculiar, it was a cliff with multiple loops!

From top to bottom, circle after circle, forming a ring, and their position is on the circle of one of the ring cliffs.

And further up the ring-shaped cliff, it seemed to be a huge mirror. On the other side of the mirror, there was another world, which was gray and completely unclear.

A mirror separates this world!

Ye Wuque looked around, he found that the circle cliff standing under his feet was about a hundred miles in diameter, but it was not narrow, but...

Bang! !

With a flash of figure, Ye Wuque slammed out a punch, and suddenly seemed to blast on a layer of diamond iron wall, bursting into a roar!

In the void, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared, erected here, like a mirror, completely sealing the way down Ye Wuque and the four great palaces!

As a result, they cannot go down and can only back up.

"This mirror barrier is extremely hard, and it will never appear here for no reason..."

Ye Wuque stared at the transparent barrier with sharp eyes.

The power of the soul suddenly spread, covering the entire circular cliff. In the next moment, Ye Wuque suddenly raised his head and looked to the left!

I saw an ancient altar in the ring-shaped cliff higher on the upper left.

On the altar, there is a humanoid creature with countless chains **** and down, and is alive and confined there!

Wow! !

As if sensing Ye Wuque's gaze, the humanoid creatures on the altar began to struggle frantically!

Ta Ta Ta! !

At this moment, Ye Wuque heard a burst of rumbling footsteps, and he was moving from bottom to top, like a thousand thunderbolts, rushing wildly!

He immediately looked down, and in an instant his eyes filled with infinite killing intent and sorrow! !

That is a group of humanoid creatures!

About hundreds of thousands!

But there is a strange...gray mist all over the body!

Exudes a desperate and doomsday atmosphere!

Ominous! !

After the battle of the Tomb of the Tongtian God, Ye Wuque's ominous identification of these gray and strange figures has long been imprinted in the deepest part of his soul! !

These hundreds of ominous speeds have reached the extreme, as if rushing upwards, and how amazing is Ye Wuque's eyesight?

He suddenly realized that these ominous targets were the humanoid creatures struggling frantically on the altar! !

Click! !

A earth-shattering roar suddenly exploded from a high distance above, and the entire circular cliff shook violently!

Ye Wuque suddenly raised his head and looked up.

Suddenly saw two figures killing each other in the gray world separated by the top mirror!

It is the ancient corpse of Wata and that!

But at this moment, the ancient corpse is no longer the same as before, but it seems to burn a layer of black mist!

On its neck, there was a second dark head unexpectedly!

Seeing the pitch black head, Ye Wuque immediately thought of the pitch black giant hand that had just dragged them.

Crossing across the void, a pair of slender hands swept across ten directions like two pieces of the sky, and shot the two-headed ancient corpse flying away!

Taking this opportunity, Du suddenly lowered his head, and looked at Ye Wuque through the mirror with a pair of eyes, and his voice resounded like Huanghuang Tianyin, with a touch of sternness!

"Stop those ominous!"

"Never let those ominous ones have the slightest contact with the eternal sacrifices on the altar!!"

"Never let the ominous kill the eternal sacrifice!!"

"Otherwise, the door of the seal will open, and the world will be ominous, and the era you live in will be completely... over!"

"Stop the ominous!!"

The voice of crossing stopped abruptly, because the two-headed ancient corpse had been killed again, with a joking and mocking chuckle, and no longer gave him any chance to speak.

The people in the four palaces were at a loss, and they didn't understand at all!

Only Ye Wuque was here. At this moment, a pair of eyes reflected a terrifying light!

At this moment, there are only less than three circular cliffs left from the ominous altar of hundreds of thousands!

Ye Wuque suddenly rushed towards those ominous things like lightning from top to bottom, but...

Bang! !

Ye Wuque's figure suddenly stagnated, because he hit the mirror barrier heavily and couldn't rush through!

In an instant, Ye Wuque's pupils shrank slightly!

He understands it all!

It's no wonder that the black giant hand has to do its best to drag them into a weird passage!

Because if they pass through a brand new channel, they can directly reach the place where the altar is, and they can directly rescue the sacrificed humanoid creature, which will destroy the ominous plan to open the sealed door.

But then Ye Wuque's expression became difficult to look!

The place where he was, was completely blocked by the mirror barrier, and he couldn't rush to the ominous front at all.

It means that those ominous things cannot be stopped at all!

I could only watch the thousands of ominous rushes towards the altar, killing the sacrifices, and releasing the sealed gate.

Falling into the calculations of the ancient corpse, he has no power to deal with the ominous supreme power, but it will not help!

Everything fell into a desperate death.