Return Of The War God - Chapter 3857

Chapter 3857

At the moment when he heard this voice, both the second wife and the third wife were silent!

Sitting in their respective sedan chairs, they seemed to have become good babies at this moment, no longer speaking, just quietly listening to the words from the lady.

Standing with his hand, Ye Wuque's eyes condensed on the old man who was driving the big lady. From this old man, Ye Wuque once again felt the feeling of facing the swallowing leader and the old man. Obviously, this is also an extreme The terrifying master is the guardian of the eldest lady without any accident.

Compared with the pomp of the second lady and the third lady, the eldest lady is undoubtedly much simpler, but it is precisely because of this that the eldest lady is not simple.

"Are you the Master Ye who successfully refined the tortoiseshell magic film pill?"

Suddenly, the old lady's words came from inside the carriage again, but they were no longer related to the second wife and third wife, but turned to Ye Wuque's body.

"I have seen the lady."

Ye Wuque arched his hands slightly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Yes, I have such achievements at a young age, what anyone can do, and has contributed to my dark hall. My lady actually wants to see you when she is here today. Only strong and fresh blood is constantly added to the dark hall. My dark palace can be passed down for a long time..."

The eldest lady's tone contained a touch of piety, and what she said was completely higher than the second lady and the third lady at the realm level.

"Thank you, Madam."

Faced with the praise of the lady, Ye Wuque also responded politely.


Zheng Kaixian, who had a full view of all this, still had a gentle smile on his face, but a pair of eyes looked at Ye Wuque, but there was a cruel and playful look in the depths!

"I was so excited that I couldn't find North after being praised by the big lady? What a pitiful thing, I don't know what I will face next..."

Zheng Kaixian was full of joy and excitement!

In the past three days, he not only used the power of the third lady to retrieve all the old information about the tortoiseshell divine membrane pill, but also confirmed one thing!

That is, even if the real tortoise shell divine membrane pill is placed in the storage ring, it can still be sensed by the tortoise **** urn at close range, and there will be a change!

This made Zheng Kaixian's heart completely relieved, and it was also completely determined that the tortoiseshell magic film pill refined by Ye Wuque was fake!

"Even the lady is here, which is really great..."

Behind him, in the blue sedan chair, the third lady's low voice, also joking and cruel, came.

"My lady is really looking forward to Chai Mengdong's expression for a while, seeing with her own eyes that her high hopes subordinates are killed alive!! Cuckold..."

The cold laugh of the third lady was quite permeating. She didn't expect that the eldest lady would actually be there this time. This would be even more exciting, and it would make the second lady even more faceless.

"See the three ladies!!"

In front of the Zhengxun Hall, the three figures saluted the three marching wives, clasping their fists in a respectful posture.

"Zongshi Ye, these three are the three deacons responsible for the Zhengxun Hall, they are Deacon Yunli, Deacon Haiqing, and Deacon Bao!"

"These three deacons come from the three channels, and the Haiqing Deacon is our own."

Mrs. Black Feather's voice rang in Ye Wuque's ears to help him. At this moment, the deacon Haiqing, who was wearing a white robe among the three, nodded slightly to him, obviously saying hello.

Ye Wuque also nodded slightly.

"Deacon Yunli is the eldest lady. As for that deacon is the third lady, it is this deacon that we must guard against today."

Deacon Bao is a fat man with a short stature and a pair of small eyes turning round and round, giving people a shrewd meaning. At this moment, he is greeting Zheng Kai first.

Only the deacon Yunrye stood blankly, just bowing his hand to the lady's carriage, and there was no extra action.

"The witness is here!"

"Open the hall!"

"Enter the hall!!"

As the three deacons spoke together, the door of the Zhengxun Hall, which was already half-opened behind him, opened completely outward at this moment, and Ye Wuque, who was Zhengxun, naturally rushed in first.

The carriage and sedan chair of the three ladies also slowly approached!

Inside the hall, there is a quaint, full of years and ancient atmosphere!

The empty ground is horizontal, and there are three raised round stone platforms at the end. There seems to be some pattern on the stone platform, and many ancient patterns are also engraved on the ground, giving people a sense of vicissitudes of life.

The carriage and the sedan chair slowly came to the three places of the Zhengxun Hall, each occupying one place, and they were quite distinct from each other.

The three deacons have each walked to a stone platform at this moment, turned their backs to the stone platform, and looked at Ye Wuque. The master Yunli is in the middle. Obviously he is responsible for taking the initiative among the three deacons. This is also due to his arrogance. The wife is related.

In the dark palace, the authority of the elder lady is evident!

"The witness...Ye Wuque!!"

"Please come forward!!"

As Deacon Yunli spoke loudly, the mighty voice resounded from all directions, and the entire Zhengxun Hall immediately became brightly lit. Here, Ye Wuque had been informed by the second wife of the Sanmai authentication process in the past three days. Nature knows it.

Stepping out slowly, Ye Wuque walked to the center of the Zhengxun Hall, where the ancient patterns on the ground also intersect, like clusters of flowers, supporting people.

"According to the temple rules, today in this Zhengxun Hall, under the three veins, you need to prove on the spot that you can personally refine the tortoiseshell divine membrane pill!"

"Ye Wuque, would you like to prove?"

Deacon Yunrye spoke loudly again.


Leaves without fault head.

"Ye Wuque, the witness, you can start..."

After the words fell, he saw Ye Wuque's right hand move, and immediately flew out of the storage ring 23 kinds of raw materials, and they were the 23 raw materials of the tortoiseshell magic film pill.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Wuque's body!

Wow! !

In the next instant, the spirit butterfly and colorful flames flew out, and the pill cremated the pill furnace!

Twenty-three kinds of raw materials immediately flew into the flame pill furnace, and the Divine Phoenix immortal fire came out again!

After 30 breaths of effort, Ye Wuque used his hand to become a pill, once again staged this gorgeous and magical alchemy technique! !

Rumble! !

When the thunder resounded suddenly, and when the pill disaster came, there was a coercion in the entire Zhengxun Hall!

The whole process is perfect!

Inside the carriage!

The lady revealed a faintly shocked look!

Obviously, Ye Wuque's hand pill cremation pill furnace, his 30-breath pill formation technique was truly stunning!

Inside the red sedan chair!

There is a hint of surprise and surprise in the eyes of the second lady!

Although she had already learned about Ye Wuque's magical and gorgeous alchemy techniques from Mrs. Black Feather, after seeing it with her own eyes, she couldn't help being shocked and inexplicable!

Please within time!

The eyes of the third lady were cold and...sense! !

An unconcealable terrifying killing intent was reflected from the beautiful eyes of the third lady, and there was also an unbelievable shock.

"Chai Mengdong was able to find such an extraordinary alchemy master!!"

"This person must die today!!"

"Otherwise, if he really allows him to gain a firm foothold, with this alchemy technique, it will inevitably become a great help for Chai Mengdong and become a big trouble for me!!"

The murderous intention of the three ladies is unprecedentedly fierce!

How influential is such an amazing alchemy master?

It is impossible to imagine!

Now it's not just to regain Zheng Kaixian's seat as an elder and let the second wife sweep the face, but also to completely eliminate the right arm of Chai Mengdong who is about to take shape!

"Zheng Kaixian!!"

The sound transmission of the third lady suddenly sounded in Zheng Kaixian's ear!

Zheng Kai, who was also furious and shocked, shook his body suddenly, and immediately replied in a deep voice, "Madam, please order!!"

"No matter what method you use!"

"This lady does not want to see this Ye Wuque walking out of the Zhengxun Hall alive today! This lady wants him to become a corpse!!"

"Do you... understand?"

Zheng Kaixian's eyes shook slightly, and he heard the infinite blazing killing intent and chill from the voice of the third lady, and his heart trembled!

But immediately he looked at Ye Wuque's eyes with endless evil aura, killing intent, insidiousness, and... jealousy! !

"Madam, don't worry, he won't even leave a dead body today!!"