Return Of The War God - Chapter 3856

Chapter 3856

"Thank you madam."

Ye Wuque bowed his hand and smiled faintly.

The sedan chair stopped staying, and Ye Wuque also started again.

Since arriving at the headquarters of the Dark Palace, Ye Wuque has been staying in the Second Lady's Xiaozhu for the past three days, and has not left half a step. At the moment, walking in the headquarters of the Dark Palace, Ye Wuque saw everything in the Dark Palace.

Strictly hierarchical, well-rounded.

Along the way, the customs and customs of the Dark Palace can be considered as insightful, and I also vaguely understand the various arrangements in the Dark Palace, as well as the almost endless guarding and prohibitions in all directions.

The terrifying and vast guarding and restraining waves swept endlessly like stormy waves, especially above the earth, which seemed to be quiet, but in fact many restraints were placed under the ground. Once activated, the entire dark palace will not only instantly become an impeccable fortress, but also As long as the heart is moved, anyone who is in the headquarters of the dark palace can be killed instantly with the power of restraint.

This can be seen from the original auction house of the world.

The headquarters of the Dark Palace is naturally a gathering of masters!

The line went west, wherever it passed, all the creatures in the dark palace no matter what they were doing, where they were going, where they came from, when they saw the sedan chair of the second lady, they all knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads, and did not dare to look. Take a look, they can't stand up until the sedan chair walks far away.

As the second lady of the headquarters of the Dark Palace, a noble person!

This is the concrete manifestation of power and glory.

After half an hour.

The sedan chair stopped, and Ye Wuque also stopped.

In the other direction, a sedan chair also stopped, facing away from the second lady's sedan chair!

The whole body of this sedan chair is cyan, in terms of attitude, sophistication, and luxury, it is not inferior to the sedan chair of the second lady, and there are eight people carrying the sedan chair.

These are eight giants, all wearing battle armor, all nine feet tall, but what is horrifying is that on their faces, noses and mouths are all there, but there are only two eyes...empty! !

The eyes of these eight giants were all dug out, leaving only empty eye sockets, which made the scalp numb.

The two sedan chairs face each other far away, clearly distinct!

Eight patrons, eight eyeless giants, like sixteen kings, exuding great deterrence.

After Ye Wuque's eyes swept over the blue sedan chair at this moment, he finally stopped on the figure walking in front of the sedan chair, and the interest in his eyes was three points thick.

That person is naturally Zheng Kaixian!

And the owner of the blue sedan chair behind Zheng Kai is naturally the third wife!

"Master Ye, we meet again..."

Zheng Kaixian's voice sounded slowly, still with a gentle smile on his face, his eyes looked at Ye Wuque, as if an old friend had met.

"Elder Zheng, don't come here unharmed..."

Ye Wuque also showed a faint smile.

The two looked at each other and laughed, but the scene looked a little strange.

"Sister, haven't seen him for a long time, but are you okay?"

In the next instant, a woman's voice came from the cyan sedan chair, as if she was born with a hint of coolness, but there was a trace of charm surging invisibly, which made people feel like they could not stop listening.

"I worry about my sister. My sister is okay, but I heard that my sister is not thinking about food and eating lately, so she can't sleep comfortably. Why is this?"

The second lady's voice also came from the sedan chair, with a hint of concern, as if really worried about the third lady's situation.

"My sister missed it, but I often have nightmares recently, dreaming that someone would eat my meat, drink my blood, and want to take away everything that belongs to me, so I naturally can't eat and sleep well, alas. , The world is difficult, sometimes it is really involuntary..."

"My sister is right. Being involuntarily is the hardest thing, just like many things that originally belonged to you, sometimes you have to watch it step by step away from yourself, but there is no alternative."

The two ladies seemed to be fighting against each other, but there was a harmony between their words.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's gaze was already looking straight ahead, the hall that stands between heaven and earth...the hall of Zhengxun!

Before the Hall of Chengxun, three figures were already standing!

The three of them stood with their hands holding hands, expressionless, and seemed to be looking at Ye Wuque.

Step on...

Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes stepping on the ground suddenly came from far and near, breaking the silence here, and saw a carriage slowly approaching, and three white horses were pulling the carriage.

Ordinary horses and ordinary carriages are not so luxurious and low-key. There is only an old man driving on it, looking skinny, still coughing, and very weak.

But when the two carriages arrived, whether it was the sedan chair of the second lady or the sedan chair of the third lady, they landed at the same time, and the voices of the two people came from the sedan chair!

"I have seen the lady!"

"I have seen the lady!"

The eldest lady of the dark palace was carried in this carriage! !

Regardless of whether it is the second lady or the third lady, they must worship when they see the eldest lady, and they say "the eldest lady", all because of the special status of the elder lady.

It is said that the eldest lady was already by the side of the palace lord before the rise of the palace master, and the two had a feeling of chaos, which was by no means comparable to the second lady and the third lady.

However, the eldest lady did not raise children, but gave birth to a young lady.

Although the eldest lady is a woman, she does not let her beard, but she is a talented female arrogant who has long been known as Po Suo Zhou, and she is the only woman among the five great arrogances of the young generation in Po Suo Zhou.

Therefore, in the entire dark hall, the position of the eldest lady is unmoving and extremely special.

It's just that the eldest lady has long lived in simplicity, and she doesn't ask about world affairs. In these years, she has rarely left her own small building, and she has become more and more mysterious in everyone's eyes.

But today is the proof of the three pulses, the major event of the headquarters of the dark palace, no matter how deep the lady is, she will naturally have to take this trip.

"You two, just don't stop..."

Suddenly, a calm middle-aged woman's voice came from inside the carriage, with peace, but with an aura of no anger and prestige.

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