Return Of The War God - Chapter 3712

Chapter 3712

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Wow! !

The surging sound of the mighty waves resounded like a muffled thunder, and the void was filled with water vapor, and a great river that stretched between the heaven and the earth and stretched from west to east was majestic and agitated.

The scenery is magnificent and open-minded!

But what is even more shocking is that on this big river, it is across an ancient and strong suspension bridge!

The suspension bridge is like a meandering wild dragon, which traverses both sides of the river, and is motionless in the wind and waves, which proves the strength and safety of the suspension bridge.



This is exactly the name of one river and one bridge. In the entire Moyun Prefecture, the Hengtian River and Hengtian Bridge are both famous places.

Because everyone knows that after the Hengtian River, through the Hengtian Bridge, you can enter the legend, which is dangerous, nine deaths, and the mysterious ruins that don't know how many creatures were buried for a long time... Dakong Devil Burial!

To enter the Great Sky Demon Burial, you must first cross the Hengtian Bridge.

This is the law that has not changed since the ages!

However, although Dakong Demon Burial is famous in the world, it is rarely seen, because the danger of Dakong Demon Burial is accompanied by countless terrifying legends.

Therefore, the Hengtianqiao is also very quiet on weekdays, unless every few years, some dying creatures, some heavenly creatures that are chased and killed, some careless creatures will enter the big empty burial, and no one will set foot. Here.

Available today!

On the side of the Hengtian River, there were a lot of voices, gathering countless creatures!

And on the hard but lonely Hengtian River, one figure standing on the left and the other on the right, opposite each other, exuding an aura of terror!

A tall and handsome figure, dressed in a purple robe, with a magnificent head, is full of brilliant brilliance, like the sky, and you know it is an incredible young arrogant!

Confronting him is a thin old man.

It's just that although this old man is skinny, his black robe is dark, and the old face full of folds is full of coldness at the moment, especially his eyes, which are not muddy at all, staring at the young man in purple robe opposite, flashing cruel and sly. color!

"Little guy! You chased this ancestor for five days and five nights! Do you really think this ancestor dare not kill you?"

The skinny old man spoke slowly, giving people a feeling of cruelty, like a tiger with barking teeth, the whole body breath transpired, the void was trembling, even the roar of Hengtianjiang seemed to be suppressed!

Prove that the old man is a terrifying master!

"Ancestor Kun Xu, as long as you hand over your quota, I will naturally let you go, and I hope you don't make mistakes."

In the next moment, the purple-robed young man's voice sounded, with a strong indifference!

The eyes of the ancestor Kun Xu suddenly narrowed!

"Hey! It really is because of the quota!!"

"I'll just say why Mu Daoqi would hunt down and kill the ancestor Kun Xu all the way! It turned out to be so!"

"What?? That young man in purple robe is Mu Daoqi? Mu Daoqi, one of the top ten young masters in the Western Regions of Moyun Prefecture? This is a genius who has gained fame in the Western Regions in recent years!"

"Only a genius like Mu Daoqi can dare to chase down the fierce Kunxu ancestor! It is really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward! Are the younger generations so fierce now?"

"Nonsense! Don't look at who Mu Daoqi is! It is said that he was born with extraordinary talents, and he is very likely to be the legendary... Primitive King Spirit! I don't know if it is true or not!"

"Original, original Wang Ling??!!! My God!!"

There was a lot of discussion on the side of the Hengtian River, and when the words "primitive king spirit" appeared, countless creatures changed their colors, and there was a deep breath of surprise and disbelief in their eyes!

But there are more creatures who came here for unknown reasons, so I asked inexplicably!

"What happened on earth? What quota? This is why Mu Daoqi chased and killed the ancestor Kun Xu?"

Hearing someone asking questions like this, countless pairs of eyes looked at him with contempt, a look of idiots.

But there are still some good newcomers patiently explaining: "You don't know the quota? It's the supreme quota!!"

"Extreme quota? Hiss!! Could it be...that event??"

The inquiring creature suddenly exclaimed sharply!

"Damn! It's fighting!! Look at it!!"

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly exploded from the center of the Hengtian River, and the terrifying fluctuations swept like a storm tearing the sky, and the river was flooded!

Mu Daoqi on the Hengtian Bridge did not know when he had already soared into the sky, looking down at the ancestor Kunxu, a three-pointed two-edged sword appeared in his hand, the cold light flickered, and Baohui rose, and he was no ordinary product!

"Give you one last chance! Hand over your quota! Forgive you for not dying!!"

Mu Daoqi, who sounds like a Hongzhong, oscillates in all directions, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, standing proudly in the void, looking down on the ancestor Kunxu, with a cold expression, like a son of a god!

Such a demeanor immediately shocked countless onlookers!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"The young people nowadays are really amazing!"

"Dare to force me?"

"Then go to hell!!"

The ancestor Kun Xu laughed grinningly, the strange color in his eyes became stronger!

"Stubborn! Send you on the road!"

Mu Daoqi's patience was finally consumed, and the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand burst into a blazing cold light, like a mad dragon, tearing through the void, and slashing down!

This shot was shocking, and the three cold lights fell like cold stars, directly covering the head of the ancestor Kunxu, the river trembling, and the terrifying coercion made all beings tremble!

Even though the countless creatures onlookers were far away, their scalp was numb at this moment, and the eyes looking at Mu Daoqi became more and more in awe!

On the horizontal bridge, in the face of Mu Daoqi's powerful blow, Kun Xu ancestor was strangely motionless, so he let Mu Daoqi slash it!

Mu Daoqi's heart was stunned, but he had already made a move, so there was no reason to keep it, besides, he believed that his strength was enough to suppress Kun Xu's ancestor.


But in the next moment, the cut three-pointed two-edged sword suddenly solidified in the void, unexpectedly blocked by three waves!


Immediately afterwards, the entire Hengtian River boiled, and the river water poured out, and the waves swept like a mad dragon, turning into a earth-shaking formation, sealing Mu Daoqi in the formation!

"Poseidon stunned the waves! Did you deliberately lure me here? In order to use the power of the waves of the Hengtian River?"

Mu Daoqi's voice became low, and his face was a little ugly!

"Isn't this smart? It's a pity that you know it too late! You want my ancestor's place, and my ancestor also wants... your life!"

"Kill you, bathe in the blood of Tianjiao! This old ancestor's fierce reputation will be more prominent!!"

Kun Xu ancestor finally laughed wildly!

His whole body was filled with blue vitality fluctuations, and there was also a group of golden gods burning up, brilliant and dazzling, proving his strength... the peak of the golden god! !

At this moment, the fluctuations all over the sky have burst, and the power of the entire Hengtian River has been mobilized, trapping Mu Daoqi in that place!

The Sea God's Thrilling Array is the method used by the Kunxu ancestors to press the bottom of the box. At this moment, with the help of the power of the Hengtianjiang, it has been brought into full play!

Mu Daoqi has become a turtle in the urn in the eyes of the ancestors of Kun Xu!

"It's over! The Seagod is stunned! Thirty thousand years ago, the inheritance of the Seagod family's ultimate move, I did not expect to fall into the hands of the Kunxu ancestor! These Mu Daoqi is over!"

"Could it be that a famous Tianjiao will die here today?"

Countless creatures changed color suddenly, and they looked at Mu Daoqi with regret and intolerance.

"Mu Daoqi, it is said that you are born extraordinary and talented. It is very likely that you are the legendary'primitive king spirit'. This ancestor is very curious!"

"Now your death is imminent! If you are really the'primitive king's spirit', then the ancestor is looking forward to your'primal magical powers', and quickly display them, let alone that the ancestor did not give you a chance! Jie Jie Jie Jie... "

The ancestor Kun Xu suddenly spoke with interest, staring at Mu Daoqi as if looking at a fish on a chopping board.

Poseidon is within the stormy formation!

I don't know when Mu Daoqi has recovered his calm, expressionless, but his eyes are staring at the fierce-faced ancestor Kun Xu, his gaze has become fascinating!

"If I were the'Primitive King Spirit', you would have already died!"

"However, it is not difficult to kill you."

During the words, Mu Daoqi's right hand was slowly placed on his forehead, and his voice became full of deterrence!

Hum! !

With a touch of his right hand, Mu Daoqi's forehead faintly appeared a fiery red mark, and a terrifying fluctuation was looming!

The ancestor Kun Xu smiled more ferociously, he enjoyed the look of the prey struggling.

"Really? I hope you don't..."

boom! ! !

The ancestor Kun Xu hadn't finished speaking yet, a shocking wave suddenly exploded from the opposite bank of the Hengtian River, in the direction of Dakong Devil Burial, like thunder and roar, shaking the world!

This sudden change attracted everyone's attention!

Next moment!

Under the incredible shocking gaze of everyone, they suddenly saw a gray death spirit that was boiling all over, like a gray figure crawling out of **** from a crazy impact, and there were terrible fluctuations all over the body!

With a puff, he slammed directly into the seagod of Kunxu ancestor's turbulent wave formation, and continued to rush forward without stopping, there was a panic of panic!