Return Of The War God - Chapter 3711

Chapter 3711

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"According to time calculations, Ye Wuque is probably still looking for the laws of natural storms to come out! It's really pitiful..."

"But even if he has rushed out of the natural storm now, it will take at least a few days to find the exit of Dakong Demon Burial! I had already left by then, and I even found the sect. Even if he has 18 legs, it won't help!"

"Young people are young people after all, immature and stupid!"

At this moment, Huang Yangyun's heart was filled with intense pleasure, and his skinny face was also replaced with a conceited smile.

After planting in Ye Wuque's hands, he finally let out a bad breath! !

"Wait! When I enter the branch of the Moyunzhou Sect, all the real news about the flesh and blood of the instrument, the extraordinary holy things, and you Ye Wuque will be known to the world!!"

"Ye Wuque, Ye Wuque! When you walk out of the Great Sky Demon Burial, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that you have become the target of countless creatures in Moyun Prefecture who are crazy to chase and kill! Hahahahaha..."

After Yang Tian let out a wild laugh, Huang Yangyun stopped staying, stepped out again, and swiftly moved towards the exit of Dakong Demon Burial!

But just when he just took the second step, his feet still had time to fall...

boom! ! !

A void between the big empty demon burial exit and the wild cloud suddenly exploded, the bronze brilliance gleamed, and a space crack appeared, and immediately two figures, one large and one small, appeared from the space crack!

With a bang, Ye Wuque stepped on the ground, the whole earth was shaking, black hair was turbulent, Ye Wuque slowly stood on his body, a pair of bright and indifferent eyes looked directly at the opposite side, like a deserted cloud struck by lightning. , Senran's voice seemed to float from hell! !

"Old stuff, where do you want to go?"

There was even a monstrous boiling killing intent emanating from Ye Wuque's body, sweeping across all directions, suppressing the void, and the sky was trembling!

"You, you..."


At this moment, Huang Yangyun had already changed color, his pupils shrank violently, and his face was filled with endless anger and... fear! !

He just felt that his brain was going to explode! !

How could this be?

How could this be? ?

It shouldn't be! !

Shouldn't Ye Wuque and Little Fatty in front of them be trapped in a natural storm?

How can you appear here across the endless distance?

"Idiot! Nothing is impossible!"

"Or do you really think I can't perceive the two Thunder Spirit Dzi Beads that can't be put together?"

Ye Wuque spoke indifferently, and the two words immediately exploded like thunder in Huang Yangyun's ears! !

"Haha! This time it's true! Brother, do you want me to hang on?"

The little fat man's voice sounded, but his face became paler, apparently the third teleportation had completely exhausted his power.

"Let me go! How did this old thing become inhumane? It's ugly!"

The little fat man looked at the lonely cloud, and his face was suddenly disgusted.

"You, you... deliberately let me escape!!"

Huang Yangyun's voice trembled, his eyes were splitting, and he stared at Ye Wuque, an indescribable humiliation and despair rippled through his heart!

He understands everything!

Ye Wuque just let him go on purpose!

"Dakong Devil Burial is unfamiliar with the place where you live, so it is best to have you lead the way."

Ye Wuque spoke coldly again, but Huang Yangyun trembled violently, and the corners of his eyes were about to split! !

"you you"

The arrogance of talent and the despair at the moment are intertwined. From the very beginning, he was played with by Ye Wuque's applause. All of this almost caused Huang Yangyun's will to collapse! !

In front of Ye Wuque, he was defeated!

"Ye Wuque!! Do you think you've taken me down???"

"I didn't hesitate to sacrifice this physical body in exchange for a powerful force!! Now the **** person... it's you!!!"

Huang Yangyun screamed at the sky, and the whole body suddenly burst into endless death, completely boiling, and the meaning of destruction was permeated, and the entire sky was dimmed!

boom! !

The figure is like electricity, and the boiling death will envelop Huang Yangyun. He blasted Ye Wuque with an angry punch. The surging power has surpassed his previous limit, and the earth is shaking!

"I wipe it! Brother, be careful! How did this old thing become so terrible?"

The little fat man trembled and hid behind Ye Wuque.

"Such a strong death?"

Ye Wuque frowned slightly, and it was clear that Huang Yangyun's burst of power at the moment exceeded his expectations.


Huang Yangyun saw Ye Wuque's frowning brows, and finally grinned again in his heart. He sacrificed this body, and even the soul was contaminated by the power of the Burning Blood Nether Fruit in exchange for powerful power!

Now I succeeded!

Although Ye Wuque pushed himself to the top of the road again!

But so what?

The power of Burning Blood Nether Fruit will surely make him fight back!

Yeah...Boom! ! !

A slap severely slapped Huang Yangyun's face! !

As if the forces that were tearing apart the world came together, the void exploded, and when the terrifying power transpired, Huang Yangyun's half face was directly blown open by the fan! !

The absolute anti-kill punch he blasted was directly obliterated without even showing off, and dissipated into the air!

The wild cloud with half of its face exploded and flew out with a miserable howl of pain and despair, and hit the ground fiercely, like a puddle of mud, blasting a huge hole in the ground there!

Ye Wuque slowly withdrew his right hand, but his brows were still slightly frowned, because his eyes were filled with deep disappointment!

"Sacrifice the power of a switch?"

"That's it?"

"The sorrow of the weak is really pitiful..."

"Wild Yangyun, your weakness even makes me lose my interest in killing you... a waste thing!"

But Ye Wuque still strode forward and walked towards the huge pit, and his indifferent voice continued to sound slowly.

"Is there anything more powerful?"

Within the giant pit!

The remaining half of Huang Yangyun's face trembled crazily at this moment, and it was full of despair, resentment, anger, powerlessness, killing intent, etc., when there were more, it was still... fear! !

Fear from the heart and soul! !

Ye Wuque's power and horror were as powerful and terrifying as the mighty demon, and he defeated all his power and belief in an instant! !


Under the strong threat of death, Huang Yangyun let out a hoarse roar, and saw that his whole body's life suddenly broke out at this moment, and his flesh was broken every inch, and a wave of violent and direct power raged!

This self-harm in exchange for the strength brought wild clouds to the sky! !

But he didn't even look at Ye Wuque. He directly brought an incomparable storm of death, rushed to the exit of the Great Sky Demon Burial, and rushed directly in!

The Huang Yangyun at this moment had been completely crushed by Ye Wuque's will and belief, he didn't even have the courage to find Ye Wuque desperately, and the last strength was only to escape.

"Big Brother! This old thing escaped!"

The little fat man jumped suddenly!


Ye Wuque smiled sorrowfully.

In the next instant, the golden light exploded and traveled through the void, like a flash of lightning, directly covering the little fat man. He also rushed out of the exit of Dakong Demon Burial and disappeared completely.

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