Return Of The War God - Chapter 2487

Chapter 2487

Seven Limits of Swallowing Heaven and Destroying Earth

This is the peerless good fortune that Balao bestows on Ye Wuque, and it comes from the inheritance of the immortal creature Hao An!

This supernatural power is infinitely powerful, difficult and obscure!

Previously, I could barely use the first limit of the seven limits... A limit broke through the sea, and with this, defeated Wu Wanxin in the Beidou Dao Supreme Sect Grand Competition, and won the honor of the first chief!

But now he has successfully opened up the nine attributes of Shenquan, and his combat power has soared to the peerless king, how much stronger than he was when he was still in the Beidou Dao Extreme Sect, and now he finally has the qualifications to display the seven limits of devouring the world. The second limit, namely... the double limit thunderstorm landslide!

This move is more terrifying and more comprehensive than the first limit of Jingpahai. In other words, it can be single attack or full attack. The essence is the word "collapse"!

Ye Wuque took out the big dragon halberd, just to end the siege with this trick!


The heavens and the earth trembled, the sun and the moon were dark, and the sky of the earth abyss was shattered. Only a figure holding a golden halberd stood high above the sky.

"That...what is that!!!"

The enemies whose eyes were sore by the golden light pierced through tears and stared up to the sky with their eyes open, all of them suddenly roared with horror, their bodies were cold, and their souls trembled endlessly!


Stars rushing with thunder and lightning one after another!

Each piece is a hundred pieces in size!

violent! Tianwei! Mighty! Towering!

It is like coming from the sky, coming to this world, to drive away all evil!

The entire Earth Abyss Realm was instantly illuminated by endless lightning, lightning intertwined, thunder rushing, like opening the world, this scene is magnificent and terrifying to the extreme!

A soldier of the enemy camp, whether it is a commander, a commander, a brigadier, or a high general, all of them are trembling at this moment under the thunder and lightning stars that are coming down, feeling The smallness of oneself, and the infinite fear of death!

"He is not a human! He is not a human! A monster! He is a monster!"

"Run! Run away!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die here!"

The desperate howls of despair sounded one after another, and the original fighting spirit and indomitability were crushed under the halberd of Ye Wuque. They collapsed completely, discarded their helmets and armor, and began a crazy escape!

Unfortunately, it is too late!

Because nearly 200,000 fighters from the other side gathered here, let alone escape, even if they hide, they can't hide!

And Ye Wuque's double-limit thunder and landslide aimed at the most central position of 200,000 enemies!

"Everyone in our camp... retire!!!"

As early as the moment Ye Wuque took out the big dragon halberd, the three of General Mosang, General Guangchong, and General Fury at the center of the battlefield heard the sound transmission from Ye Wuque at the same time, and let them lead all the soldiers of our camp. Retreat to avoid being affected.

At this moment, under the leadership of the three pinnacle generals, all the fighters in our camp have retreated to the edge of the earth abyss in time!

Soon, the thunder and lightning stars arrived!

What is the scene of ruining the world?

At this moment, all the soldiers in our camp can see it very clearly!

One after another thunder and lightning stars the size of a thousand meters just fell from the sky, smashing into the center of 200,000 enemies!

All the desperate howls resounded through the clouds, but soon they were drowned in the endless thunder light!

Hundreds of thunder and lightning stars fell all together, and the terrifying power that came down directly crushed thousands of people!

But this is not the true power of the dual-limit thunderstorm landslide!


High above the sky, Ye Wuque's bright and cold eyes holding a sword looked down at the 200,000 enemies that were smashed down by a hundred thunder and lightning stars in the center, coldly spit out this word!

Boom boom boom...

When the word collapse fell from Ye Wukui, the waves were magnificent, and an incredible scene happened!

I saw that the hundred thunder and lightning stars that fell in the center of the enemy burst all at once!

In an instant, that place seemed like a sky thunder shook the ground fire, and the earth-shaking roar echoed, and the power ripples formed by the bursting of the thunder and lightning stars spread out. Accompanied by the blazing thunder light, wherever he passed The enemy is directly turned into powder, dissipates the void, and there is no whole body, directly ashes!

He couldn't even hear the miserable howling, and was completely submerged in the thunder and roar of the earth shaking the earth!

At the bottom of the edge of the Earth Abyss, the soldiers of our camp were all stunned at the moment, their hearts roared, and their eyes were full of endless excitement and shock!


Even the three top generals are the same, the minds of watching are trembling!

"It's terrible! Is this Master Ye's strength? Is this the horror of Peerless King? It's so, so..."

General Mo Sang opened his mouth in a daze, his throat was extremely dry, his voice became hoarse, and the following words could not be said.


At this moment, at the moment when the power of Ye Wuque's double-limit thunder and landslides completely erupted, the same earth-shaking sword chant suddenly sounded in another direction, and a brilliant sword light came out!

"Zhantian...drawing swordsmanship!"

The same icy voice exploded, echoing the entire Earth Abyss Realm, it was from the elegant minister!

"Master Feng has also taken action!"

"What a brilliant sword light! What a brilliant sword light!"

"Master Ye is mighty! Master Feng is mighty!"

The sword light with a length of tens of millions of feet turned out, with a kind of peerless edge and dominance, it slashed towards the enemy who had been blown up by the double-limit thunder explosion landslide!


The lightning burst and the dazzling sword light are intertwined, and each other is radiant and erupted once again!

After dozens of breaths!

The sky of thunder and sword light slowly dissipated, revealing an already messed up and terrible enemy!

Two hundred thousand enemies!

With the combined force of Ye Wuque and Feng Caichen, tens of thousands of people died at this moment!

As for all the remaining enemies who were seriously injured, they were extremely embarrassed and bloody!

Remnant rider cracked armor, spread the red horizon!

The enemy is wailing, desperate, the mind and will are completely collapsed, and there is no longer any intent to fight, and some only have endless fear!

"All soldiers obey orders!!"

"The enemy has been destroyed by Master Ye and Master Feng, and the rest should be given to us!"

"It's time to take revenge and kill my enemies!"

"Let me... kill!"

The three pinnacle generals roared up to the sky and uttered in unison from the three directions of the earth abyss, the iron and blood aura burst out!


"Hahahaha! I want to kill you!"

"With Master Ye and Master Feng, today we will surely win a big victory!"

"I want to kill ten!"

The deafening shouts of killing erupted, and all the soldiers of our camp rushed into the sky one by one, like a hungry tiger leaping against a sheep, and excitedly killed the remaining enemies!

One side lost his helmet and armor, with no intention to fight, and his body was bruised.

One side is like a rainbow, fighting intent, and murderous!

The final result of this battle is already doomed.

After half a day.

The terrible realm of the earth was finally calmed down, the battle was completely over, and the dust settled.

At this moment, Ye Wuque was standing side by side with the handsome minister, standing on the highest mountain in the Earth Abyss Realm, hunting in his martial arts robe, looking at the entire Earth Abyss Realm stained with blood, his expression calm.

The soldiers of our camp are cleaning the battlefield and harvesting the spoils.


General Mosang, General Guangchong, and General Fury landed on the mountain, looking at Ye Wuque and the handsome minister in front of him, but his blood-stained face was filled with endless respect and gratitude!

"Master Ye! Master Feng! The 200,000 army of the enemy camp has already been wiped out! We have achieved an unimaginable victory!"

General Mo Sang spoke excitedly!

Annihilate 200,000 soldiers from the enemy camp!

Including a nine-fold stepping day, five pinnacle generals!

This is an extremely brilliant result, enough to shake the base camp!

The crisis on the Southeast Front has been resolved!

"My lord, please instruct us, what should we do next?"

General Guangchong asked respectfully.

Hearing this, Ye Wuque did his part and turned around, with a faint smile on his face: "The situation of the enemy's siege has been temporarily resolved, and immediately sue all the soldiers who were hunted down in our camp on the southeast front. Let them gather in the Earth Abyss Realm as soon as possible, and when there is a crowd, it will be when we leave the Southeast Front!"

Hearing Ye Wuque's words, the three top generals were taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed!

"Follow the order of Master Ye!"