Return Of The War God - Chapter 2486

Chapter 2486

"How is this possible? The floating battleship exploded?"

"Look! It's Master Lingpeng! Master Lingpeng is showing his power, tearing the entire floating battleship apart!"

"Hahahahaha! That Human Race Peerless King is over! He has angered Lord Lingpeng, his fate is doomed, he will only be torn to pieces by Lord Lingpeng!"

"Lingpeng talent is invincible!"

In an instant, the soldiers of the enemy camp laughed wildly, with a final madness and excitement in the laughter!

"My lord! Be careful!"

In our camp, the three pinnacles like Mo Sang looked nervously towards the sky at this moment, with a kind of worry.

Tang Yu and Kong Su, who followed closely behind the handsome ministers, also looked at the infinite blue magic sword shrouded in the sky above with horror!

Only the handsome minister still did not look up here, but continued to swing the fifth and sixth swords...

With every sword swing, it brings thousands of desperate howls, harvesting lives, and pouring blood!

High above the sky!

The Lingpeng that exploded the floating warship stood in the void, his form at the moment was like a big bird!

The wings that were originally three feet long soared to ten feet!

To be precise, it should be Jianyi!

That cyan divine sword kept swallowing the light of the sword, the void was wailing, the tip of the sword was all erected, aimed at Ye Wuqian, densely packed, thousands!

The Green Feather Spirit Emperor flashes...One hundred thousand cracked sky flashes!

This is the ultimate ultimate move controlled by Lingpeng!

It is also a supernatural power that can completely explode his Nine Stepping Heaven cultivation base, and even soaring combat power!

As the sword light was swallowing, the clouds above the sky were shattered, and the entire Earth Abyss was trembling, terrifying to the extreme!

Lingpeng stands proudly in the void, his sword wings are flying, and he is ready to go, like a sword saint from the outside world!

His pupils have completely turned into the vertical pupils of birds, staring at Ye Wuque at this moment, a kind of superior tyranny and brutality surges within him!

Here, Ye Wuque, with his martial arts robe hunting and hunting, with his hands on his back, stood quietly in place, without any fluctuations and overflows, calm as water, no sharp edges.


Lingpeng laughed wildly again, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, cruel and bloody!

He looked down at Ye Wuque, the ultimate hideousness in his vertical pupil!

"Human, do you feel desperate?"

"You are proud to be able to force my ultimate ultimate move, 100,000 Sky Splitting Flash!"

The cyan sword wings trembled lightly, and the tip of the one hundred thousand divine sword also trembled, and the leaked hint of sharpness destroyed the void. Lingpeng spread out his hands, changed his grip, and experienced the power of his body, something inexplicable. Enchanted!

Immediately, he smiled nervously at Ye Wuque!

"Before I eat you alive, I will peel off your skin bit by bit, crush every bone of you bit by bit, and appreciate your wailing and struggle before you die. After I get bored, I will Start eating slowly from your feet, all the way up, until you eat..."


A terrifying force that tore the entire Earth Abyss realm exploded, and two golden hands that seemed to be cast from gold came out of the sky, like two collapsed firmaments, covering the sky and the sun with a kind of roughness. , Savage, simple crushing force cut through the sky, and directly caught the two blue sword wings behind Lingpeng who was still grinning like crazy neurotic!

Then just gently tear it toward both sides! !

Puff! !

Condensing Lingpeng's greatest ultimate move, the terrifying sword intent cast by a full 100,000 handles of the blue magic sword was just torn off by two big golden hands!


A miserable howling full of despair and unbelievable resounded through the sky, countless flesh and blood flew across, and warm blood splashed into the void!

Lingpeng's body has been split, and the whole person knelt in the void. The position of the two shoulder blades behind him is now like a fountain, spewing blood like money, and instantly reddened the high sky of the earth abyss!

He has been bleeding from seven orifices, but the expression on his face is still solidified on the ferocious grin before. Only a pair of oozing eyes staring at Ye Wuqian, who is carrying a **** wing in each hand, is filled with despair. Frightened, unbelievable, spiteful, cursed!

"You, you are not a peerless king! You are... a heaven!!"

After exhausting his last strength, Ling Peng roared out these words, and then a pair of scarlet eyeballs completely exploded, because his body had been split in half!

The rain of blood splashed down, and the torn in two Lingpeng fell into the void so weakly, and finally smashed onto the earth of the earth abyss, becoming a pair of rotten meat!

"The ultimate ultimate move?"


"That's it?"

Ye Wuque spoke indifferently, and immediately tossed his hands at random, throwing away the cyan wings that had been torn from Lingpeng.

Immediately he turned slightly, his dazzling icy eyes drooped down, and he looked down at the deadly earthen realm like this!

The gaze swept across the pale face of the famous name, his eyes filled with endless despair and fear, like enemies who had solidified like sculptures, Ye Wuque grabbed his right hand out of thin air!


The ancient dragon roar resounded loudly, shaking the earth!

In the next moment, I saw a golden spear born out of the sky, extremely large, shining with an icy luster, and a dazzling golden flame surging, and an ancient and mysterious power rushed out of it, majestic and vast, held by Ye Wuque In the right hand!

Holding the big dragon halberd, Ye Wuque's cold and bright eyes flashed a touch of murderous intent!

"Everything, it's over..."

The big dragon halberd clanged in Ye Wuque's hands. Although it was covered with hideous cracks, its mysterious and vast aura was like a wave, and with Ye Wuque's peerless king's kingly pressure, it suddenly crushed the entire earth abyss boundary. !

Kaka Kaka...

The Earth Abyss began to shake violently, and the ground where the enemy camp was located began to collapse, and a series of hideous cracks swept away, directly engulfing a large number of enemies!

"Master Lingpeng is dead! There are two peerless kings facing each other, how can we fight?"

"Why? Why is it like this? Why does the Peerless King appear here!!"

"Fight! Kill!"

"There are so many of us, we can definitely rush out!"

Feeling the arrival of the breath of death, it also completely aroused the fierce madness of the enemies of the enemy camp, making them start to attack frantically, even if the king's pressure is enveloped, they want to kill from the earth abyss!

Ouch! !

However, in the next instant, an ancient dragon chant that shook the sky and the earth came from Gao Tianzhi in the earth abyss!

With Ye Wuque's Great Dragon Halberd in hand, his bright eyes suddenly slammed!

An ancient, great, and eternal breath rose slowly all over his body!

"Seven Limits of Swallowing Heaven and Earth!"

"Double limit thunder...burst landslide!"

The cold low drink resounded through the sky, with a sonorous and domineering that seemed to penetrate the past and present!

Immediately, the halberd came out, the void shone, hit all directions, and smashed down!


Suddenly, the high sky of the earth abyss was illuminated, like a ten-day sky, bringing infinitely bright golden light!