Return Of The War God - Chapter 1908

Chapter 1908

Law enforcement team!

This troop that made the entire star sea frightened came and went hurriedly, dragging three dead dogs-like guys and quickly disappeared from the sight of countless star-gazing apprentices, as if they had never appeared before.

But there is no doubt that this news will spread among the nine cities at a rapid speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone knows it!

And soon someone will remember why the law enforcement team was dispatched for no reason? Why go to Cha Ruisuk for no reason?

Who can make the law enforcement team willing to be driven?

Some wise and savvy apprentice Wangxing combined with some past events and quickly inferred a person's name... Ye Wuque!

Only this hot and influential new clover alchemist has such qualifications and skills!

After all, when Ye Wuque participated in the Hundred Refinement True Dragon Trial, many apprentices of Star Watching had a deep memory of the battle against Rui Shu!

Now thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, Ye Wuque has become the supreme fifth clover alchemist in Pill City. He is in control of boundless power. Isn't it easy to deal with a little white robe protector?

However, no one has sympathy for Ruishu and Yan Zongheng here!

Because everyone has seen that the law enforcement team did not bully others, but came with iron evidence. Rui Shu was originally a generation of corruption and violation of the law, guarding and stealing. Such a person has violated the clan rules long ago and is a white-robed law protector. For the unimaginable bad influence, it is right to be severely punished and not allowed to do so!

Even if it is in capital punishment, it is not an exaggeration!

Has this matter progressed to the end? Ruishu and Yan are fighting for the law, and everyone in the entire nine cities is even more in awe of Ye Wuque, the hot clover alchemist!

Invisibly, the deterrence of Ye Wuque's name under the entire sea of stars has once again increased to the limit. His power is overwhelming, and he is not inferior to the other four masters, or even worse!

Dancheng, the fifth Danfeng.

At the summit of Danfeng, in the hall, Ye Wuque had been sitting quietly, his eyes closed slightly, his whole person exuding a quiet and far-reaching aura, as if sitting outside the red dust, not among the five elements.

"Humble job Chen Xiong, come and return!"


Suddenly, a respectful voice sounded, and the sound of the urn sounded and the urn sound was Chen Xiong!

"Captain Chen doesn't need to be polite, come in..."

Ye Wuwei opened his eyes slowly, and immediately saw Chen Xiong stepping into the hall.

At this moment, Chen Xiong is still wearing a hideous and cold armor, and his tall body is like a demon god, but the face that should have been extremely ferocious has a hint of flattering and flattering smile, which looks very strange.

"With such a breath, it is vast and profound, and it is impossible to see exactly what cultivation level it is. It is unfathomable, worthy of Master Ye!"

Feeling Ye Wuque's breath, although Chen Xiong's face was smiling, his heart was filled with wonder!

As the leader of the law enforcement team, Chen Xiong's strength is beyond doubt. Otherwise, he would not be able to discourage countless star-watching apprentices, but even so, he couldn't see through Ye Wuque's true cultivation level at this moment!

In his perception, Ye Wuque seemed to have turned into an endless starry sky, mysterious and unpredictable!

This couldn't help making Chen Xiong's heart even more awe-inspiring towards Ye Wuque!

"Master Ye, this time I went there and really gained a lot. The evidence is as strong as a mountain. The three black sheep have been taken down, and they are all imprisoned in Xinghai Prison!"

"Sui Shu is a white-robed law protector, but he has corrupted the law, guarded and stolen himself, and has now been abolished for cultivation according to the clan rules, and has been imprisoned for a hundred years!"

"As Ruishu's grandson, Yan Zongheng is the direct beneficiary of his greedy medicinal pill. According to the rules, he pierced the bone of Pipa and was imprisoned for fifty years!"

"Gao E, Rui Shu's subordinate, a third-level receptionist, with little power but great greed, deprived Wangxing of his apprenticeship in accordance with the rules and imprisoned for fifty years!"

Chen Xiong bowed slightly and reported all the final fate of the three to Ye Wuque, without any errors.

On the futon, Ye Wuque listened to Chen Xiong's report, his face was indifferent, without any emotions. After Chen Xiong had finished speaking, he showed a faint smile and said: "Black sheep, it should be the case. This is really troublesome for Chen. Captain."

Hearing Ye Wuque's words, Chen Xiong's body straightened immediately, the flattering and flattering smile on his face became more intense, and a hint of panic appeared in his eyes and hurriedly said, "Master Ye, where are these words? It is the meaning of the humble duty to be able to solve the problems for Master Ye! And we want to thank Master Ye for helping our law enforcement team find these black sheep. It is reasonable, it should be our law enforcement team thanking Master Ye!"

In the empty and quiet hall, Chen Xiong's voice was so clear, the whole posture was placed extremely low, the tall body that looked like a demon **** was actually tightened at this moment, and the steadfast and serious expression on his face was really just right!

The appearance of Chen Xiong falling in Ye Wuque's eyes also caused his eyes to flash slightly, revealing a faint strange smile.

This Chen Xiong looks rough and ferocious, but he is a man of exquisite heart, very interesting!

A hint of thought flashed in his eyes, Ye Wuque immediately flicked his right hand, and a stream of light flew towards Chen Xiong, and at the same time Ye Wuque's voice sounded again!

"Captain Chen has made a serious statement. This time Captain Chen and his brothers have a hard time. Ye Mou is also sorry. Please accept a little gift."

Chen Xiong subconsciously grabbed the flying streamer, and found it was a small jade bottle after falling into his hand!

The moment Chen Xiong saw this small jade bottle, Chen Xiong's eyes lit up, and there was a flash of heat within it!

"There are a total of ten Xiaoluoxia Pills, ten Enlightenment Pills, and ten Kong Destruction Pills. They are all gadgets that Ye Mou casually refined. Please also Captain Chen not to dislike them."

"It turned out to be Xiaoluoxia Dan! God Enlightenment Pill! Kong Destruction Pill! My God!"

After hearing Ye Wuque's words, Chen Xiong's heart was unstoppable, and his heart was full of excitement and excitement!

With the intelligence capabilities of the law enforcement team, how can you not know how hot and crazy these three eight-tier pill from Ye Wuque's hands are now selling?

Countless star-gazing apprentices in the entire nine major cities gather under the shops of the five major forces in Xuancheng, just to be able to buy one of them!

The price of just one Xiaoluoxia Dan now has soared to a full contribution value of nearly 50,000!

Now Ye Wuque directly gave him thirty!

How much sectarian contribution should this be worth?

Chen Xiong couldn't even think about it!

"A great deal! What a great deal! As expected of Master Ye! A generous shot, this is a big profit!"

Holding the small jade bottle, Chen Xiong was roaring excitedly!

Such a huge gain is far beyond his imagination!

But he was the captain of the law enforcement team after all, and he desperately calmed down his mood immediately.

After a while, Chen Xiong, who calmed down slightly, held a fist to Ye Wuque and gave a deep salute: "Thank you Master Ye for the reward! In the future, if Master Ye has any dispatch, the law enforcement team from Chen Xiong and down will surely go through fire and water. Don't hesitate!"

This sentence Chen Xiong said was categorical, and his expression was even more solemn and serious. There was nothing to please and flattery before. Obviously this sentence was sincere from the heart.