Return Of The War God - Chapter 1907

Chapter 1907

But after all, she has been a white-robed law protector for many years and has gone through some storms. At this moment, although Chen Xiong and the law enforcement team are directed at her, if she bows her head to confess guilt, how can Rui Shu be willing?

"Blood-mouthing! This is framed! This is framed! As a white robe protector for decades, Ruishu has always been loyal and has worked hard for the sect. I have never made any mistakes! Someone must have framed me! Who is it! Who the **** is it?"

Rui Shu's voice became crazy and gloomy. At this moment, even if he died, he could not admit it, otherwise everything would be over!

Moreover, Rui Shu is also extremely confident. All the medicines she has been greedy for these years have been extremely concealed, just to prevent anyone from watching, and if there is no evidence, she is not afraid!

The hoarse voice of Ruishu also made countless apprentices of Wangxing become a little bit convinced. They recalled everything about Rui's protection before and found that apart from being grumpy and cold, there seemed to be no bad rumors.

"Blood spitting? Planting and framing? Hahahahaha..."

Chen Xiong immediately looked up to the sky and laughed, but the evil spirit on his body rose to the sky!

In the next moment, Chen Xiong's laughter stopped abruptly, and he stared at Rui Shu sternly, "Do you want evidence?"

Chen Xiong flipped his right hand, and a piece of jade slip suddenly appeared, turning into a light curtain and shining in the void, the line of writing on it was revealed, and more pictures continued to appear!

That line of handwriting is exactly the number of pills that Ruishu has greeted ink from within the city of Pill every time, and the pictures are the scenes where Ruishu colluded with the personnel of the city of Pill!

Look at it a little bit, this is almost ironclad!

"Hi! My goodness! Nine... 918 pills!"

"Among them, there are 200 six-tier pill, 562 seven-tier pill, and 156 eight-tier pill!"

"It's horrible! It's simply unforgivable! As a white-robed law protector, he was guarding and stealing!"

"Severe punishment! Must be severely punished!"

As evidenced below the mountain, countless star-gazing apprentices in the entire mission hall immediately became full of righteous indignation, raging to the sky, and the crowds were simply excited!

"No...impossible! Impossible! How could you find out? Who is it? Who is it against me?"

Looking at the light curtain above the void, Rui Shu's heart felt like a thousand thunders exploded, her ears buzzed, her eyes were red, and she was full of despair and fear!

"Take it!"

Chen Xiong didn't want to talk nonsense with Rui Shu, he had to rush back and return to Ye Wuque.


Ten dark chains were born, covering Ruishu with incomparable imprisoning power, and he was to be directly suppressed!

"Who is it? Who is it?"

Ruishu is completely mad. She knows that if the law enforcement team will not investigate her for no reason, someone will give instructions behind her back!

In the next moment, Rui Shu's blushing eyes saw Chen Xiong's sneer, and then thinking of Chen Xiong's identity as the captain of the law enforcement team, there seemed to be thousands of mountains bursting in his mind!

A calm and indifferent, handsome face appeared in his mind!

"Ye Wuque! Did the little beast Ye Wuque send you? Was it that little beast! Ahhhhh! Little beast! I want you to die!"

Rui Shu screamed frantically, cursing Ye Wuque in her heart!

Apart from the new clover alchemist, who can command the law enforcement team?


A fierce light flashed in Chen Xiong's eyes, and his right hand was directly lifted, slapped Rui Shu's face with a slap!


This slap was so fierce that Rui Shu was directly fanned out, blood spurted wildly, and blood teeth filled her mouth!

,_Look at the 9th edition chapter of iZheng? Festival@^

Rui Shu let out a miserable howl, painful!

"What are you? Do you dare to call Master Ye by name? Do you dare to insult Master Ye? Seek death! Slap your mouth three times to try to emulate you!"

Snapped! Snapped!

Two more fierce slaps resounded, Rui Shu was fanned out like a torn sack, her cheeks were swollen, her face was covered with blood, her mouth was slanted, and blood was constantly spurting out. How miserable it is!


Ruishu, who fell to the ground, was trapped by ten pitch-black chains. No matter how she struggled or howled, she was like a dead dog, unable to move!

In the end, Ruishu seemed to have accepted her fate and did not move again, but those scarlet eyes were full of intense resentment and hatred, staring at Chen Xiong!

"Little beast! That little beast! Why didn't I kill him directly in the first place! Let him gain power for a while! I am unwilling!"

However, even with such a crazy curse in Rui Shu's heart, there is still hope!

"Aspect! You must practice hard and take revenge for me in the future! Let the little beast not die!"


Even with such a miserable end, Ruishu never despaired, because she still has the grandson Yan Zongheng, as long as Yan Zong is still there, she believes that with Yan Zong's talents, she can rise up in the future, and she still has a chance to see the sun again!

Yan Zongheng is Ruishu's all hope!

However, in the next moment, just when everyone thought Chen Xiong was going to arrest Ruishu back, they saw Chen Xiong slowly walk up to Ruishu and squat down. The fierce eyes were filled with people. With a sense of fear, a sneer flickered at the corner of his mouth!

"Good look, I like it very much, by the way, let you see someone..."

As Chen Xiong's voice fell, three figures came directly from outside the main hall door, two of them were members of the law enforcement team, and in their hands were carrying a languid, blood-stained body. Young figure!

At the moment when she saw that figure, Rui Shu's scarlet eyes suddenly burst into endless fear!

"No! No! Vertical and horizontal! Vertical and horizontal!!!"

That young figure in despair is Yan Zongheng!

It is also all the hope in Ruishu's heart before!

"Hey! My law enforcement team has always been vigorous and vigorous, and will never send any criminals! Do you really think I don't know that Yan Zong is your grandson? Really think you can't find out the whereabouts of your pills? Naive! ""

After saying this, Chen Xionglai's ferocious voice resounded!

"Yan Zongheng, Ruishu's grandson! He is the beneficiary of Ruishu's corruption and betrayal of the law! Swallowed sectarian pill, a total of 823 pieces! Now we are arresting with Ruishu!"

"Ahhhhh! Aspect! Captain Chen! Please forgive him! Forgive him!"

Rui Shu was struggling crazily and screaming. She had never expected this scene. She was completely shocked by the horror of the law enforcement team in her heart, terrified!

Her only hope was directly dashed by Chen Xiong, and there was nothing left!

"Rao? Pay attention to your words, you broke the rules, this is what you should end up! And..."

Having said this, Chen Xiong paused slightly, with a sneer on his face, gently approaching Protector Rui's blood-filled face and then said softly: "Offended Master Ye, do you still want to live? Seek your own death! Do you think Will I let you go? I want to thank you too. If you don't have these three idiots, how would I behave in front of Alchemy Master Ye? Hahahaha... take it all away!"


With a long laugh, Chen Xiong slowly stood up and turned to leave. The law enforcement team members dragged the three dead dogs behind him!

Rui Shu didn't struggle anymore, she stared at Yan Zongheng not far away, and the words of Chen Xiong echoed in her mind, the resentment in her eyes had long since turned into boundless fear!

"Why? Why should I offend him! Why? Why..."

Endless regrets exploded in Rui Shu's heart. She murmured repeatedly in numb and despair, her eyes were full of dead gray and gloom, and there was no more anger.

Unfortunately, there is no if and no why in this world.