Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 968

Chapter 968

Chapter 968 New investment

In 2005, Penguin had already made its mark, especially in the Internet instant messaging industry, occupying most of the market share in the domestic market.

However, many people still feel that the future of this company is worrisome, and it is absolutely inferior to the Internet giants that have grown up like Sina, Ali, and Baidu!

Because instant messaging software like Penguin is facing a very serious problem that cannot be solved.

That's how to monetize traffic!

Penguin's "predecessor", ICQ just can't solve this problem, so it can only "sell itself" to other companies.

Although the price is quite high, reaching 200-300 million U.S. dollars, it also shows that the ceiling of the Internet instant messaging industry is so high...

No matter how you look at it, Penguin is no match for ICQ.

Not to mention the issue of when it will be released sooner or later, who copied who, but in terms of popularity, ICQ is popular all over the world!

And penguins can only "dwell" in the country...

So, many people are not optimistic about the prospects of penguins.

Only Wang Ye is firmly optimistic about this company, and even every round of financing of Penguin is led by Polar Bear Investment Company, which gives a relatively high valuation!

By the time Wang Ye came to Pengcheng this time, Polar Bear Investment Company had already become the largest shareholder of Penguin, holding nearly 60% of Penguin's shares!

This is still the equity structure after several rounds of financing...

Therefore, it is not too much for Wang Ye to say that he is the largest shareholder of Penguin.

Because of Xiao Ma and several founders, the shares in his hands are far less than that of Wang Ye.

Brother Xiao Ma only has 12% of Penguin's shares in his hands now, and the rest of the founders are even lower, and their personal share is less than 5%!

The founders' team together account for 20% of the shares.

The remaining 20% is reserved for other new investors.

Of course, this shareholding ratio will be further adjusted when Penguin actually goes public.

Major shareholders like Polar Bear Investment also have to give up part of their shares as employee incentives or tradable shares, and the proportion of shares may drop to less than 50% by then.

However, Wang Ye had a requirement in this regard, that is, the minimum shareholding ratio of polar bear investment in Penguin must be 40%, which cannot be lower than this ratio.

Because only he knows how terrifying the penguin will grow to in the future!

As far as he knows, the highest market value of Penguin is at the beginning of 2021, with a market value of more than 900 billion!

Beautiful knife!

Almost got into the trillion dollar club...

Look at the companies that rank before Penguin's market capitalization, Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, JP Morgan Chase, no more...

Oh, among these companies with a market value of more than one trillion dollars, Wang Ye has already invested in four companies, including five companies including Penguin...

So, of the many large group companies under Wangye, perhaps the most eye-catching ones are energy giants such as Yukos and Gazprom.

Or companies with more political significance such as Crimea Investment, United Airlines Group, and Russian Automobile Group.

But only Wang Ye knows that his real "core asset" is precisely the polar bear investment that is currently inconspicuous and often overlooked!

It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Ye has quietly returned the "gifts" that Hovchenko has given to Wang Ye ten or even a hundred times.

It's just that Hovchenko hasn't noticed yet...

Of course, not only Hovchenko did not understand the potential of the companies Wang Ye invested in, but Mayor Zhang also did not understand.

So now when he heard Wang Ye say that Penguin's market value will exceed trillions in the future, his jaw almost dropped in shock!

You know, in 2005, no company in the country had such a high market value, including those state-owned giants...

Wang Ye was afraid of scaring him, so he didn't say the word "beautiful knife" later!

Otherwise, I guess Mayor Zhang will jump up...

In the previous life, without Wang Ye's participation, the penguins achieved a market value of more than 900 billion U.S. dollars. Now with his promotion, there should be no suspense for the penguin's market value of more than one trillion U.S. dollars!

After all, Wang Ye has already arranged for Facebook, and handed over the operating rights in the mainland to Penguin, not even taking a controlling stake in the joint venture company!

Of course, this is also to circumvent the corresponding domestic laws and regulations...

It is equivalent to adding another "insurance" to Penguin, almost monopolizing domestic Internet social networking!

Penguin + Facebook, competitors will feel desperate when they see this combination...

"This...Mr. Mikhail is so optimistic about Penguin Company? It seems that I still don't have enough understanding of these emerging industries. I pay too little attention. I need to make up for it in the future."

After recovering, Mayor Zhang said repeatedly.

He didn't doubt what Wang Ye said, because since the other party dared to say it so definitely, and invested real money, it showed that he was really optimistic about Penguin.

Plus what he learned, those giant companies under Mikhail.

A person who can achieve this level in the business field, no smarter person will question his judgment...

Originally, Mayor Zhang wanted Wang Ye to spend more money to invest in Pengcheng, but he already had two large investments.

Although he didn't know how much money Wang Ye had invested in Penguin, it was definitely not a small amount. Otherwise, it wouldn't be worthy of Wang Ye's valuation of trillions on Penguin...

Combined with Joy City's billions of RMB investment, Wang Ye may have already invested tens of billions in Pengcheng, which is not a small amount.

So, if Mayor Zhang wants to attract more investment, he will be a bit speechless...

He was embarrassed to say it, but Wang Ye spoke it out for him.

"Mayor Zhang, I actually have another investment plan in China, and I'm considering which city to put it in. Are you interested in hearing it?" Wang Ye said with a smile.

Mayor Zhang is so interested!

His eyes lit up immediately, and he said impatiently: "Please tell me, Mr. Mikhail! As long as you want to invest in Pengcheng, then our local government will definitely cooperate to the greatest extent and will provide what we can. Show the greatest sincerity!"

Speaking of this project, it was actually not Wang Ye's impromptu idea, but it was already planned.

This is a project of the Russian Automobile Group. It is to build a large-scale automobile production base in China.

After all, since last year, the three major brands of the Russian Automobile Group, Land Rover Jaguar and Volvo, have officially entered the domestic market on a large scale.

But the three brands are all produced abroad by foreign brands, so they face a big problem in domestic sales.

That is, import tariffs are high!

In addition to the expensive transportation costs, like a Land Rover that sells for 100,000 dollars abroad, the price must double when it arrives in China, so as not to lose money...

The price is very high!

Although in terms of the positioning of Land Rover and Jaguar, it is normal to sell millions of cars, and other high-end brands also operate in the same way.

In those years, the joint venture brands produced in China, including BBA, only produced low-end cars, and high-end models were always produced abroad and then imported.

So the price of Land Rover Jaguar is not outrageous.

In addition, during the marketing promotion, the "British royal lineage" of Land Rover and Jaguar was emphasized. In addition, there are indeed many European royal families and high-level executives on Da Mao's side who are driving Land Rover and Jaguar.

So after these two brands entered the country, they sold quite well, especially the Land Rover Range Rover, even though the price was as high as 1.78 million, they were still sold out!

However, Volvo is a bit embarrassed.

This car is originally positioned as a mid-range car. Although it is not a cheap car like those in Japan, it is not so expensive abroad.

Now in China, the price is a bit high with the addition of tariffs and transportation fees, which is similar to the price of BBA.

But this brand does not have the influence of BBA, so the sales volume is relatively poor.

A while ago, Kajia discussed with Wang Ye that they would build a production base in China to localize Volvo production.

However, according to domestic laws and regulations at the time, foreign auto brands had to set up a joint venture company if they wanted to produce and sell domestically, and Chinese capital must account for the majority, so that they could be localized.

Katya was a little hesitant. She didn't want to hand over the controlling stake to others, because in this way, the dominant power would be in the hands of others. She could only provide technology and capital, and only share a small part of the profits. I'm a bit wronged...

I also contacted several large domestic automobile groups, such as FAW Group, GAC, Dongfeng, etc., but these companies have a relatively high attitude and the conditions for joint ventures are also very strict.

No way, they already have a good partner, so naturally they look down on the Russian Automobile Group.

Everyone in the auto industry knows that the three brands of Land Rover, Jaguar and Volvo have changed hands several times in recent years, and they were once on the verge of bankruptcy...

Now that it is in the hands of the Russian Automobile Group, who can say how it will develop in the future.

So, when Wang Ye returned to China this time, his plan was to talk to relevant departments before he left to see if he could use a "back door".

That is, the Russian Automobile Group came to set up a wholly-owned company, and did not cooperate with domestic companies, or it could take the lead in the joint venture, and the shareholding ratio was higher!

Don't think that Wang Ye is "taking advantage" or something, and using the name of foreign capital to take advantage of policy loopholes.

He is really not that kind of person.

The biggest difference from other foreign capital is that the money earned by Wang Ye in domestic investment projects will basically not be transferred abroad, but will be "digested" on the spot and reinvested!

Continuously expand the scale of domestic investment, create more jobs, pay more taxes...

Therefore, it can also be said that the money he earned in the country is quietly fed back to the country and the people!

Because of this, Wang Ye can ask the country for some special policies and treatment with a clear conscience.

Since you plan to build a production base, you need to choose which city to build it in.

Wang Ye originally thought that it was built in the provincial capital of his hometown, so it could be regarded as contributing to the development of his hometown.

But the last time I went back and took a look around, I felt that the timing was not right, because the development of the provincial capital in my hometown was too slow, and there was no corresponding supporting enterprise at all.

If we insist on putting the production base there, we will face various problems in the future.

So after much deliberation, let's put it on the side of Pengcheng, which I am more familiar with.

At least this is a coastal city with a developed economy, and various supporting enterprises are also very complete. After all, there is the giant Guangzhou Automobile Group in Yangcheng.

The upstream and downstream supporting factories of the automobile production industry are all available!

Pengcheng is next to Yangcheng, and the supporting enterprises in Shangyangcheng can also be used.

Regarding this matter, if he hadn't met Mayor Zhang today, then Wang Ye would not have contacted Pengcheng City on purpose, but had asked Kajia and the others to come and talk after returning to Moscow.

But since I met Mayor Zhang today, and it was easier to talk to him, then Wang Ye might as well chat with him directly.

This is why Wang Ye told him his real identity.

Facing Mayor Zhang's expectant eyes, Wang Ye said calmly:

"The Russian auto group company under me is engaged in automobiles, and plans to build a production base in China, and the cars produced will be sold to the Asian market.

Currently Pengcheng is one of the options, and Yangcheng is also a good choice. "

For business negotiations, of course he won't just say that he will invest in Pengcheng.

In fact, Yangcheng is indeed within the scope of Wang Ye's consideration. After all, Yangcheng has a larger area and more land, so it is easier to get an industrial park with a large enough area.

Mayor Zhang became anxious when he heard it. This kind of large-scale production base is still in the automobile industry!

That is definitely one of the best investment projects.

Because the automobile industry is a capital-intensive, technology-intensive and personnel-intensive industry!

It can also drive the upstream and downstream industrial chain!

This is a very good project for any city, and he certainly doesn't want this project to fail.

He quickly said: "Mr. Mikhail can definitely put the project in Pengcheng with confidence, our conditions here will only be better than those in Yangcheng!

In addition, didn't you just say that in the development plan of Pengcheng, the industrial and commercial land should be further reduced. This will be discussed in the city after I go back, and I will come up with a plan as soon as possible.

Then your car production base can enjoy more favorable policies. In terms of land, taxation, etc., Pengcheng will give the most lenient policies and environment! "

Wang Ye smiled slightly, "This is not the most important thing, there is a problem that needs to be resolved now, so that the project can be implemented.

Even Mayor Zhang, you know that if foreign car companies want to enter the domestic market, they need a joint venture company.

But now I don't have a suitable partner here, so can the city and the Russian Automobile Group jointly come forward and apply to the higher authorities to establish a sole proprietorship.

Oh, if this is really difficult, you can also change it.

It is to allow the Russian Automobile Group to take a controlling stake in the joint venture company. "

Both of these options are acceptable to Wang Ye.

If it is a sole proprietorship, it is naturally good. Production, research and development, and sales are all done by yourself, and you have the greatest autonomy.

It really doesn't work, if you have to have a joint venture, then Wang Ye can also accept it.

And he has already thought of a joint venture partner, that is Pengcheng BYD...

(end of this chapter)