Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 967

Chapter 967

This young man is even more aware of Pengcheng's strengths and weaknesses than himself, and can come up with a corresponding development idea.

This is not something ordinary people can do...

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang, who are you...!

Being able to say the words that inspired me just now, I don't think you can be as simple as an ordinary assistant.

Otherwise, your company is really too...

What a waste of talent.

If you are really an assistant, then even in front of Mr. Zhang, I would like to invite you.

I don't know if you are interested in working in Pengcheng, come to the city hall, and be my secretary. "

Mayor Zhang stared at Wang Ye, and said sincerely.

After he finished speaking, he smiled apologetically at Zhang Xiaoxi, poaching other people's corners is indeed a bit too much.

But he is thirsty for talents, and really thinks that if Wang Ye is just a company assistant, it would be too wasteful.

Why don't you come to Pengcheng and work by your side, I can definitely provide him with a big enough stage!

To be honest, at this moment, he hoped that he had misread it just now, and he would rather that Wang Ye was indeed an ordinary assistant.

In that case, his job invitation should be quite attractive to him.

After all, this is Pengcheng!

Besides, as the mayor of Pengcheng, I will definitely not treat him badly when I come here.

Any ambitious young man should not refuse his invitation.

Zhang Xiaoxi was a little surprised that the mayor actually wanted to poach Wang Ye...

She was not dissatisfied, but felt a little ridiculous in her heart.

Just kidding, what is Wang Ye's identity!

First Deputy Speaker of the Duma!

The richest man in Russia!

The biggest oligarch!

To be a little more bold, it can be said that he is recognized as one of the two most powerful people in Da Mao...

For such a person, Mayor Zhang actually "tempted" him with a job opportunity from the Pengcheng government, isn't it a bit funny!

But Mayor Zhang doesn't know Wang Ye's identity, so it's understandable.

This topic, of course Zhang Xiaoxi can't decide for Wang Ye, how to answer it can only be decided by Wang Ye himself, so she looked at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment when he heard Mayor Zhang's invitation, and then burst out laughing.

It seems that if I can't get along in Moscow in the future, I can find a pretty good job when I return to China...

Of course, this is all a joke.

No matter how poor I am, I can't be someone else's secretary or assistant.

It's not that he looks down on this kind of work, but that he has been in a high position for a long time, and then he is asked to do that kind of work How should I describe it, it is a kind of attachment to other people's work, which is impossible for him to accept.

However, Wang Ye is not good at introducing his own identity, it seems like he is showing off himself...

So he gestured to Zhang Xiaoxi with his eyes, asking her to talk.

Zhang Xiaoxi understood, immediately cleared his throat, sat upright, and said:

"Mayor Zhang, I'm sorry, let me introduce it again now.


In fact, his real identity is not my assistant, but the boss of our company!

His name is Mikhail..."

Mayor Zhang didn't react for a while, but blinked, Mikhail?

Why does this name sound like a foreigner's name!

Could it be that Mr. Wang is still some kind of foreign Chinese...

But I guessed it right. This young man is not just an assistant. His real identity is the boss behind Mr. Zhang's company!

He also has a general understanding of this company, and it is said that it is very strong!

There are two shareholders, one of which is a very low-key asset management company, and the other is the famous Russian Yukos Group!

So now there is a new question, which company is this Mikhail the boss of...

Just as he thought of this, Mayor Zhang suddenly realized something, straightened his back, and looked at Wang Ye in shock.

At his level, he must also pay close attention to domestic and foreign news.

So, the name "Mikhail", this is not the first time he has heard of it...

I just didn't react for a while!

This is also normal, even if you often see the name and reports of a certain big man on TV or in the news, but you have never seen him in reality, when he suddenly appears in front of you one day, it is very likely that you will not be able to Linking myself to the one in the news...

"Mi... Mikhail... Speaker?" Mayor Zhang, who was still eloquent just now, suddenly stuttered.

He looked at Wang Ye in disbelief, and asked in amazement.

Wang Ye smiled and nodded, and said frankly:

"Sorry, I came to China this time as a business visit, so I didn't reveal my identity when I first met.

It's just that I had a more speculative conversation with you, Mayor Zhang, and the chat has reached this point, so it can only explain my identity. "

Mayor Zhang got up quickly, stretched out his hands, and said repeatedly:

"I am too rude! Speaker Mikhail, it is an honor for the people of our city to come to Pengcheng!

In the end, I invite you to eat... pig's knuckle rice, which is too outrageous. "

To be honest, he was really a little nervous at this moment.

Inviting important foreign guests like Mikhail to eat pork knuckle rice in the village in the city, he is probably the only one among domestic officials...

This stuff, maybe it's a diplomatic dispute!

In those years, in order to attract foreign investment and the people's tradition of hospitality, they treated foreign guests, especially the more important foreign guests, with meticulous service.

A foreign guest like Mikhail is definitely a heavyweight foreign guest!

Not to mention his job level, just the big group companies under him are enough for him to go to any country, and he will be warmly welcomed!

Seeing that Mayor Zhang was so nervous, Wang Ye laughed, and said casually: "Sit down and say, there is no speaker of the Duma or mayor in this small restaurant now, let's just chat among friends, no Engage in those forms."

If he is not the Speaker of the Duma, but an ordinary person, it would be inappropriate to speak like this, because these words are only suitable for "superior people"...

Sure enough, after hearing what Wang Ye said, Mayor Zhang looked happy.

It is an honor to be regarded as a friend by a big man like Speaker Mikhail, even if he is the mayor of Pengcheng!

People outside the political arena cannot understand and feel the "strict hierarchy" in the political arena!

Pengcheng, although it has a special status, is a special zone city.

But in terms of administrative level, it is actually only a sub-provincial city. As the mayor, he is only a sub-provincial cadre!

Mikhail's deputy speaker of the Duma, that's a real deputy...

There is a huge gap between the two!

In the following conversation, Mayor Zhang seemed a little reserved.

He smiled carefully and said, "Speaker Mikhail's Chinese is really good! To be honest, if Mr. Zhang hadn't revealed your identity, I would never have thought that you are a foreign friend. "

Mayor Zhang didn't know much about Mikhail's specific information. He just glanced at the news and roughly knew that such a figure appeared in Da Mao's political arena.

It is said that he is very young, and he has already held a very important position while still in college.

As for why he was able to hold such an important position at such an age, it may be because of his prominent family background. Of course, he doesn't know the other inside information, nor does he know much.

After all, he is not engaged in diplomacy. He is too busy with matters within his jurisdiction. How can he have the energy to learn more about a foreign official...

So, he doesn't know why Mikhail speaks Chinese so well and looks exactly like a Chinese!

But naturally, this topic should not be asked directly, that would be the real faux pas.

At most, I am curious to ask language questions.

Wang Ye said with a smile: "Because my father is a Russian-Chinese, I have learned Chinese from him since I was a child, so I can speak Chinese pretty well."

Wang Ye has told this "story" countless times, so when he talks about it now, his face doesn't change and his heart beats!

Beside Zhang Xiaoxi had a serious face, but she was secretly laughing.

She is Wang Ye's old classmate and neighbor, and she knows Wang Ye's parents.

Comrade Wang may not have imagined that he would have an extra nationality, becoming the so-called "Russian-Chinese"!

Of course, Wang Ye's mother was even more excessive and directly became a Russian!

Mayor Zhang nodded and understood why Mikhail speaks Chinese so well and looks so Chinese...

Although I still have some doubts in my heart, Mikhail does not look like those so-called "half-races", but a very "pure" East Asian face!

But it is very impolite to question other people's appearance, let alone the object of questioning is a high-ranking figure, it is even more impossible. Mayor Zhang is naturally not that stupid.

In fact, he is not very interested in Mikhail's appearance and language, because there are more important things to talk about!

Even if Mikhail came to China this time as a businessman, he probably wouldn't talk about cooperation at the national level. Besides, even if he wanted to talk about those things, it's not the turn of Mayor Zhang to talk to him.

It must be higher-level officials who came to receive Speaker Mikhail.

Mayor Zhang is more interested in the big group companies under Mikhail!

It is said that this is the richest man in Russia, the largest oligarch at present, and a super rich man worth tens of billions of dollars!

If you just invest in two projects in Pengcheng, wouldn't it be able to greatly increase the foreign investment quota for this year? This is a real political achievement...

Oh, political achievements are still secondary. What Mayor Zhang values more is that the large investment will help Pengcheng's economic development, bring more job opportunities, and more tax revenue in the future!

To be honest, he has met the big boss a lot, but it's the first time Mayor Zhang has seen a heavyweight like Mikhail...

So, you must seize this opportunity!

"Mr. Mikhail, since you are here for business inspection and you have also arrived in Pengcheng, then I must introduce you to our Pengcheng's advantages and future development plans.

I firmly believe that Pengcheng is definitely the most promising city in China, not one of them!

So, if you have an investment plan, then Pengcheng is definitely the best choice..."

Mayor Zhang said sincerely.

Wang Ye smiled slightly, and said: "I have invested a lot in Pengcheng. Let's not talk about the Joy City project this time. In fact, I have invested here a few years ago."

Mayor Zhang asked in surprise: "Oh? Mr. Mikhail has other investments here? I'm ignorant."

"It can be regarded as an indirect investment. You have an Internet company called Penguin. I am more optimistic about its development, so I have already invested in it for two rounds. Speaking of which, I am still the major shareholder of Penguin, haha." Ye laughed.


Of course Mayor Zhang knows.

In recent years, the Internet has become a relatively hot emerging industry.

Domestic Internet companies are mainly concentrated in the capital. After all, it is the capital. Both the talent pool and the source of funds are much better than Pengcheng.

So, there are not many Internet companies in Pengcheng, and they are not even comparable to Yangcheng next door.

But even so, there is still such a dazzling Internet company as Penguin, which has achieved the undisputed number one in the field of instant messaging in China!

Mayor Zhang also visited Penguin, but he didn't know the composition of the shareholders behind Penguin.

Internet companies are all like this, and the ownership structure is very complicated.

Round after round of financing, the source of funds is varied, and it will not be listed in China in the future.

And this kind of Internet company has another characteristic, that is, it seems that the market value is quite high, but in fact it does not greatly promote the local economy.

Because Internet companies spend money in the early stage of development, and it is impossible to make money at all, so it is impossible to pay taxes to the city or something.

Secondly, Internet companies generally do not employ many employees, and a thousand employees are considered a big company.

Compared to that kind of large factory, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, it is really not enough.

Even if Internet companies develop well, they will eventually go to the United States to go public...

So Mayor Zhang has little interest in Internet companies.

But he was also a little surprised to hear that Mikhail was the major shareholder of Penguin. Maybe he needs to re-examine the importance of Penguin Corporation!

In other words, I need to deepen my understanding of the Internet industry and see if I can use this industry as one of Pengcheng's supporting industries!

"This very promising?" Mayor Zhang asked cautiously.

Wang Ye smiled and said confidently: "Ten years later, Penguin Company should be the private enterprise with the highest value in Pengcheng City. It should not be a big problem if the market value exceeds one trillion yuan."

Mayor Zhang's jaw was almost frightened!

The private enterprise with the highest value in Pengcheng?

Trillions? !

What kind of concept is this...

If someone else said that, Mayor Zhang would probably scoff.

But the problem is, the person who said this now is Mikhail!

In his capacity, he probably wouldn't joke with himself...