Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 938

Chapter 938

Seeing that the two "bosses" spoke, other faction members spoke one after another.

"In the final analysis, the current Duma of our faction is too quiet and has no right to speak! This responsibility should be held by your Duma side. Look at our side. We have never lost in previous general elections!"

"Hehe, what a joke. Last year, the faction concentrated resources and funds in the state elections. The Duma did not allocate much funds and resources at all, and all the opponents invested heavily. One goes up and down. Now, our seats will naturally be much less, so we can't blame us for this.

"At that time, why did you concentrate resources on the state election? Didn't you know the reason? Wasn't it because the Duma's decline was already evident, and no matter how hard you tried, it would be useless. It would be better to concentrate superior resources and firmly hold on to the state's fundamentals. What about the market. The results also proved that our choice is correct, the governor and the state legislature have won a big victory."

"Okay, let's not say a few words. Don't think that the Duma side is not important. Now you see the consequences. If the Duma side wants to find trouble with the state, it will directly set up a joint investigation team, because we Duma There are not many horse seats, so you can't stop it if you want to! No matter how powerful your state is, how dare you resist in front of the joint investigation team."

There was chaos in the living room, and everyone was divided into two factions, attacking each other.

Veteran factions like the Moscow faction are not harmonious internally. Because of different interests and positions, everyone is roughly divided into two factions.

That is, in the Duma and in the state, people on both sides often have different ideas or choices.

At the same time, Konov is naturally the representative of the Duma, and Luzhkov is the representative of the state forces...

Of course, for the entire faction, the power in the state is far greater than that of the Duma!

Of the dozen or so people in the living room, only four are from the Duma, including Konov, and the rest are from the state.

This comparison of numbers also illustrates the balance of power between the two sides within the faction.

Hearing everyone's noise, Luzhkov had another headache. It seems that as the faction is declining day by day, internal conflicts will also appear.

Generally, when the development of factions is flourishing, internal conflicts rarely occur, and problems will be covered up.

Because everyone understands that the cake of factions will grow bigger and bigger, and everyone will be able to share enough in the future.

But when the faction goes downhill, the internal conflicts will start to intensify.

In the same way, the faction cake will only get smaller and smaller, so everyone must rush to take a bite first. If you eat late, you may not be able to eat it!

Konov couldn't stand listening anymore, and reprimanded with a straight face:


Don't say a few words, what time is it now, are we still arguing? "

Everyone stopped now, but their faces were not good-looking, obviously some people were still not convinced.

Konov turned his head and looked at Luzhkov, "You called everyone here today, probably because you didn't want to see everyone quarreling? Now the faction is facing such a difficult situation, so we all let go of our personal selfishness and unite as one. Get over the difficulty and think about something else.

Luzhkov nodded and said:

"Konov is right, what we need now is unity and concerted efforts!

Otherwise, it will be broken down by the joint investigation team one by one, and everyone will be in danger by then, and no one can escape!

Obviously, the target of this joint investigation team is our faction!

To be more precise, it is those of us in this room.

Of course, Konov and the others may not be included, but it is obvious that once these people in our state have an accident, Konov and you people in the Duma will not have a good end. "

Konov nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Luzhkov's opinion.

opened his mouth and added: "Let me insert a few words, that is, the ultimate goal of this joint investigation team is very likely to point to Luzhkov.

But in the beginning, it may be to target individual members of our faction, such as everyone in this room.

If this happens, I will warn everyone in advance.

Don't think about throwing the dirty water on Luzhkov in order to protect yourself!

Everyone must understand that as long as Luzhkov is still in the position of governor, then things are not too bad.

Even if a colleague here is arrested or something, our people outside can still bail you out.

However, if something happens to Luzhkov, then our faction will usher in a real disaster!

At that time, no one will be able to escape, and they will all pay a heavy price! "

Konov is not stupid, of course he understands the truth.

Everyone is attached to the Moscow faction, or in other words, under the "big tree" of Luzhkov.

Usually, for the benefit of Xiaoshantou, I can still compete with Luzhkov in order to share more resources or something.

But when it comes to a critical moment, everyone else in the faction may temporarily give up, and the only one who cannot give up is Luzhkov!

As long as Luzhkov can be saved, it is worth paying any price!

Some things may not be convenient for Luzhkov to say in person, so he can only say it.

Konov was also very refreshing. At this critical moment, he put aside his personal gains and losses, and stood up to speak those words for Luzhkov.

The two have been partners for most of their lives. Although there are occasional disputes, they have never lost the chain at critical times!

Luzhkov glanced at Konov gratefully, his old buddy did not disappoint him.

These words are actually what Luzhkov said in his heart, but it is not convenient for him to say it by himself.

Otherwise, if these people under my command listen to it, I guess they will whisper in their hearts.

Think that Luzhkov would rather sacrifice everyone in order to protect himself!

Then it will have the opposite effect...

But if it is said by Konov, it seems very reasonable, and everyone will be more able to listen to it.

Sure enough, after Konov finished speaking, the atmosphere in the living room changed.

The originally tense and depressing atmosphere has eased a lot.

The dozen or so key members of the faction also expressed their loyalty to the faction and Luzhkov, saying that they would never betray the faction. Even if they were sent in, it was impossible to involve Luzhkov in the matter!

"Don't worry, governor and speaker, I can definitely stand the test. No matter how the investigation team deals with me, I will never confess any comrades in the faction!"

"That's right! Everyone is an old guy who has seen the world and experienced wind and rain. I don't believe that this small scene can't handle it."

"I don't know about others, but I dare to swear to God, no matter what the situation is, I will never tell the investigation team anything that is not good for our faction!"

"Me too, I can swear..."

The atmosphere suddenly heated up. Luzhkov and Konov looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This is the purpose of calling everyone here for a meeting today!

Let's unify the tone first, so that everyone can be mentally prepared. When the time comes to face the investigation team, don't talk nonsense!

"Haha, let me tell you an anecdote. I heard that the female lawyer who was once bought by us to deal with Mikhail was recruited by Mikhail and served as his secretary. Moreover, this joint investigation Group, Mikhail sent that female lawyer as his representative to come and investigate us!"

A faction member suddenly smiled and said to everyone.

The reason why he is so well-informed is because this is the person who planned to stop the demolition of the CBD project and bribed Dania to incite the owners to go to demonstrations!

To be honest, at first he did think about finding someone to "kill" Dania after the demonstrations are over!

This not only silenced the mouth, but also made Mikhail a huge scapegoat, which he couldn't get rid of even if he shook it!

Unfortunately, things changed so quickly.

The demonstration, which was originally thought to last for several days, ended in only one morning.

Then Dania, that damned traitor, went to Mikhail's side that day, and helped him persuade those owners to take the initiative to sign the demolition contract.

Changed his identity again and became the secretary of the first deputy speaker of the Duma...

In this way, there will be no way to attack Dania.

Killing an unknown little lawyer, no one will care. It is estimated that the police will file a case and deal with it.

But if the secretary of the first deputy speaker of the Duma is killed, then things will become serious!

Besides, trying to get rid of Dania at this time will only have huge risks and no benefits. As long as you are not crazy, you will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

Hearing the news he said, everyone in the living room was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Haha, did Mikhail have no one under his command, and let a small lawyer preside over the investigation team? I was a little worried at first, but now I'm fine, and I'm not afraid at all."

"Hey, isn't this female lawyer very beautiful? I've heard that Mikhail's Deputy Speaker is young, handsome and rich, and he is very popular with girls. His team of beautiful assistants is very famous in the Duma. of!"

"You should have told everyone about this important matter earlier! If you had known earlier, the atmosphere would not have been so solemn just now, ahaha."

"This is simply nonsense! After all, Mikhail is still too young. He has great power in his hands, so he started messing around."

Even Luzhkov was taken aback for a moment, then turned to ask Konov, "Is this really the case? Are you doing such nonsense in the Duma?"

Konov shook his head and smiled wryly:

"I don't know either. However, when the investigation team was established, Mikhail was the team leader himself. In terms of his position level, no one can say anything.

As for the little lawyer, Mikhail should have assigned him to be in charge of the daily work of the investigation team.

That is, instead of Mikhail himself, as his representative.

Although it was indeed a bit of nonsense, from a procedural point of view, there was nothing wrong with it. "

Luzhkov nodded and said with a smile:

"In this case, I have a guess.

That is, the matter of the investigation team, did Mikhail want to warn us, but he didn't intend to completely tear us apart.

That's why he lifted the board high, but put it down gently.

On the surface, the investigation team has high standards and is menacing.

But he himself was only a name in the investigation team, but he sent a young secretary to preside over the work of the investigation team.

These abnormal behaviors, you should understand the meaning of them..."

Konov's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he slapped his thigh, and blurted out: "Yes! There is indeed a possibility... No, it should be like this!"

The conversation between the two of them made the people next to them confused and confused.

"Governor, Speaker, what are you two talking about?" A member couldn't help asking.

Luzhkov smiled and patiently explained to everyone:

"Through the matter of Mikhail sending his new secretary to the investigation team, I deduce that the matter this time may not be as serious as everyone thinks.

He came out of the investigation team, maybe just because he knew that someone from our faction was behind him.

Although it didn't cause any substantial harm to him, since he knew it, he had to respond!

Because a person of his stature cannot be provoked without expressing it, otherwise his reputation will be damaged!

But, I don't know why, or maybe I just don't want to make things bigger.

He doesn't want to have a fight with our faction and completely fall out.

So, he took the lead in setting up a very high-level investigation team with a very clear goal, which is to investigate officials in the Moscow State. The meaning is very clear, targeting our Moscow faction.

In this way, whether it is in our eyes or in the eyes of outsiders, we will think that Mikhail is going to attack us!

But very cleverly, he just asked a young female secretary to preside over the daily work of the investigation team.

And this female secretary is someone we will definitely pay attention to, so this detail will definitely be noticed by our faction, but it is easy to be ignored by outsiders.

This is very interesting!

If this is what I think, then Mikhail is really not an easy person.

It seems that it is not all because of his uncle and finding a good wife to be able to climb to the current high position. I also have a lot of brains and ideas! "

Konov added on the side:

"What the governor is saying is that Mikhail may not actually be as malicious towards us as he appears to be.

You don't need to be too nervous, the investigation team may just go through the motions. "

The analysis of the two of them sounded very reasonable, and the backbones of the faction also suddenly realized that they all nodded to express that they understood...

However, the matter is really as Luzhkov guessed, Wang Ye set up such an investigation team just to scare them?

If he had heard what Luzhkov said just now, Wang Ye would probably only use one word to evaluate it.

That is, pretend to be passionate!