Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 937

Chapter 937

After Dania finished speaking, Wang Ye did not comment immediately, but pondered for a moment.

He is thinking about whether to arrange some work for Dania next, to add some "burden"!

Dania looked at him nervously, wondering if the boss would agree with what she said just now.

To be honest, she really doesn't have this kind of experience, she just relies on her own analysis and judgment to talk nonsense!

But she's interested in things like this.

I got excited just now as I was talking, if the boss can entrust this matter to me, then wouldn't it be possible for me to personally send a high-ranking figure like Luzhkov to court? ah

After Wang Ye considered it, he said:

"That's a good point, but don't say similar things in the future.

You know, this is the Duma building, and everything we do must comply with regulations.

It is also impossible for me to deliberately frame a political figure for personal grievances.

Of course, if he has indeed committed illegal acts, then I will definitely not condone it.

Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered that a few days ago, I received some anonymous reports, saying that some high-level officials in Moscow State were corrupt and violated the law and enriched their own pockets!

But I was busy with more important things at the time, so I put it aside for the time being.

Now I will leave it to you to investigate. You are also a lawyer, so you can be regarded as a professional counterpart. "

As he spoke, Wang Ye opened the drawer, looked down, and took out two kraft paper envelopes, handing them to Dania.

Dania took the envelope in a daze, and looked at Wang Ye blankly.

Why did the boss ask me to do this task?

As a bare-bones commander, how can he investigate the officials of Moscow State? They don't need to talk to him at all!

Also, is the boss criticizing himself or praising himself?

The report letter that Wang Ye handed to Dania was really not fabricated!

This was some time ago. After he had the idea of dealing with the Moscow faction, he asked Elena to collect some information in places like the Duma archives and the sending and receiving office.

Including these two report letters.

Wang Ye has roughly read the content. The whistleblower did not sign it. I don't know if he is afraid of being retaliated or something.

That is to say, high-level officials in Moscow State are corrupt and have already formed systemic corruption!

also specifically pointed out a deputy governor and the speaker of the state assembly, and cited some specific examples of corruption between the two, such as selling certain land in the state to developers at low prices, and collecting special government funds.

I don't know if these things are true or not.

Because it is anonymous, and the officials involved are from Moscow State, under normal circumstances, the Duma will not take it seriously.

At most, this report letter is transferred to Moscow State and let them handle the inquiry themselves.

This time it fell into Wang Ye's hands because Yi Lianna noticed it and stopped it.

But it has been kept in the drawer and is useless.

After hearing Dania's plan just now, Wang Ye remembered these two report letters.

If Dania's plan is really followed, these two report letters may be a good breakthrough!

So, he took it out and gave it to Dania.

"Boss... I... I don't know what to do." Dania said a little at a loss.

She used to be just a lawyer, and now she is just a secretary. She was suddenly entrusted with the important task of investigating political figures, and even big figures like Luzhkov might be involved later!

Even if she is as nimble as Dania, she doesn't know what she should do next.

Because she doesn't have any power in her hands!

Unless Wang Ye can grant her the corresponding position or power...

Since Danya is planning to carry out the plan, Wang Ye has of course considered everything.

He smiled slightly and said calmly:

"In order to clean up the bad atmosphere of various state departments and institutions and improve work efficiency, the Duma will take the lead and form a special working group with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Security Bureau, and the Procuratorate.

The work content of this group is to comprehensively investigate the construction of clean government in various departments and institutions in Moscow.

If any officials of any department are found to have any corruption, they can directly file a case..."

Danya understood.

This so-called working group is equivalent to an "imperial envoy" holding a "Shangfang sword" to block and kill gods and Buddhas!

Under the banner, hold high the banner of clean government, and start rectification actions.

The target is directed at the city of Moscow, isn't it the Moscow faction...

"I will personally serve as the team leader of this working group. Of course, I am too busy with work to devote all my energy to the working group.

And you, as my assistant, will replace me in handling the daily affairs of this working group. "

Wang Ye finally said cleanly.

Dania looked at Wang Ye dumbfounded.


It can only be said that power is self-willed!

Just now I said that the boss's power mainly lies in the Duma, and it is difficult to extend his hand to the lower state districts.

As a result, the boss turned around and came up with such a trick, telling himself that he was still too young, and with a little flexibility, it would not be difficult for the Duma to reorganize the states below!

The key point is that Wang Ye, as the first deputy speaker of the Duma, does have the right to propose the establishment of a similar special working group.

As long as it is passed within the Duma, no one can stop it.

Of course, if the Kremlin and the government think it is inappropriate and are unwilling to cooperate, then the working group established by the Duma alone will have very limited powers, especially without specific law enforcement powers, which will be a big trouble.

But it just so happens that Wang Ye not only has a good relationship with the Kremlin and the government, but also reached a tacit agreement on this matter.

Although Kegong will not help, it will not hinder Wangye either.

And the government is fully cooperating!

Then, after the establishment of the joint working group that Wang Ye mentioned, it will become a bit more powerful!

If the investigation finds that there is something wrong with an official, then he should quickly pray for himself...

Wang Ye's actions are also very fast.

Three days later, the joint working group went through all the procedures and was established in a low-key manner.

Danya also served as his assistant and formally entered the working group to lead the investigation into the illegal behavior of certain officials in Moscow.

As soon as the working group was established, it received many reports from enthusiastic people, basically about the high-level officials of Moscow State...

Obviously, it's not just Wang Ye who is moving now.

Including Rosiana, there are also actions, and they are also cooperating with the actions of the working group.

Not to mention Medjeff's side, this joint working group was able to be established so quickly, and his credit is naturally indispensable.

In addition to this, he is still working on various tasks, but he deliberately makes things difficult for Moscow State.

Anyway, I just don't give a good face. Any report or application submitted must be faulty. In some meetings, I even publicly expressed my dissatisfaction with the work of Moscow State...

In doing so, although the damage to Luzhkov is not great.

Because Medjef is not his direct superior, he cannot decide whether to stay or not!

Even if it's difficult for me at work, so what, I still have to deal with it in the end, it's just a few days sooner or later.

However, although the harm is not great, the insult is extremely strong!

Now, there is an uneasy atmosphere in the political arena in Moscow region.

Many officials began to panic.

After reaching a certain level as an official, the "sense of smell" is basically very sensitive, and everyone can feel it as soon as some wind direction starts to blow.

Right now, a lot of people just feel a little bit off.

It seems that the entire Russian political arena and all forces have united to deal with the Moscow faction together!

Although the joint working group in Duma was very low-key, it did not hide it from others, so those who are interested will know what this joint working group does after a little attention.

It is said that this working group has received a lot of reports, and almost everyone in the senior management of Moscow State has a share!

It's just that the severity of the problem is different...

At the same time, Medjev above has such an attitude towards the state, telling everyone clearly that he wants to engage people from the Moscow faction...

In addition to these official posts, even the media has "blown out".

Recently, major media outlets have continuously exposed some scandals about Moscow State.

For example, a state official embezzled most of the money used to repair urban roads, causing a bad road in the city to be repaired. The short section of the road less than one kilometer has been repaired for almost three years and has not been repaired!

There is also a certain speaker of the state assembly, who has some affairs with his female secretary, and his secretary is about the same age as his granddaughter...

Anyway, all kinds of scandals and gossips are beginning to emerge.

From time to time, an official is notified by the joint working group to explain the situation!

It's fine for those with low positions, and they can't get them anyway.

This kind of thing is a battle of gods, and it has nothing to do with them small fish and shrimps!

But those with higher positions, the core figures of the Moscow faction, have begun to panic.

Luzhkov has been on the battlefield for a long time and is used to seeing ups and downs. Of course, he also smells the danger in it.

He convened a factional cadre meeting at his large suburban estate.

There were very few people attending the meeting this time, only a dozen or so.

But these people are definitely the core personnel of the Moscow faction, and each holds a high position!

As long as these people are still there, the vitality of the Moscow faction is still alive!

If even these people are knocked down, then the Moscow faction will really become a tree, a monkey, a monkey, a wall, and everyone will push it...

In the lobby on the first floor, there was a lot of smoke, and a dozen people were sitting around a circle of sofas, all puffing and puffing.

Luzhkov was sitting in seat C, on a single sofa. He was holding a thick and long cigar in his hand, frowning tightly, and his face was so gloomy that he seemed about to drip.

Konov on the opposite side looked a little better, but he didn't say a word, just lowered his head and smoked.

The atmosphere in the hall was very oppressive, and even the servants who served them tea and water were so frightened that they dared not speak out.

After a while, Luzhkov said in a muffled voice:

"Everyone should have seen it, what happened this time is that Mikhail is retaliating against us!

I said a long time ago about what happened last time, don't mess with him, it's pointless to engage in those petty tricks.

As a result, you don't listen!

I have to intervene in that CBD project, but now, Mikhail not only has nothing to do, but he will come back and give us a sap! "

Luzhkov felt angry when he thought about the demolition last time.

He knew about it, but when everyone was discussing it, Luzhkov didn't agree too much. He didn't think it was necessary to mess with Mikhail.

But that would be Konoff insisting, saying that for an elected speaker, reputation is the most important thing.

As long as Mikhail can be hit in terms of prestige, then he will definitely be devastated in the future.

Correspondingly, the Moscow faction will be much better in the Duma, and will be able to get more seats in the future...

Besides, as long as this kind of thing is done cleanly, the little lawyer will be "disposed of".

In this way, not only will no one be able to find out who he is, but he can also put a "shit pot" on Mikhail's head, making him carry the scapegoat of a "murderer", and he will never be able to clean it up in this life!

The plan sounded perfect, and Luzhkov was also a little moved, so in the end he didn't insist on his opinion, but acquiesced.

But no one expected that the development of things was completely different from what everyone expected!

The demonstrations did not have the slightest impact on Mikhail, but instead made his reputation skyrocket!

Because his speech at the demonstration site was featured in major media, in the eyes of ordinary people, Deputy Speaker Mikhail is simply a "saint"!

Too selfless, too great!

What's even more outrageous is that the little lawyer hired by the Moscow faction came directly to "surrender" on the spot and turned into Mikhail's secretary!

In this way, the backhand prepared here will be completely useless...

Obviously, Mikhail should know who is behind the scenes, no, revenge has come!

"This... don't turn over old scores now, let's discuss how to deal with the current situation."

Konov said a little uncomfortable.

If you really want to turn over the old score, he is the most responsible, because he was the one who was doing things at that time!

Luzhkov sighed inwardly. It is no wonder that the faction has been getting worse and worse in the past two years. In addition to the frustration of his own plan to participate in the general election, the big defeat of the Duma is also a major reason.

Why did the Duma collapse?

In the final analysis, Konov is still not capable...

But he couldn't say anything, because in the Moscow faction, Konov was also a "meritorious veteran", and his qualifications were almost equal to himself.

The two took different routes, one became the governor and would enter the Kremlin in the future.

The other is to enter the Duma and become the speaker in the future!

Ordinarily this plan is quite good, but unfortunately neither of them realized it...