Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 933

Chapter 933

Wang Ye's words made Medjeve very embarrassed.

Because he owes Wang Ye a lot of favors, if Wang Ye asks him for help with something else, then he will never refuse, and will do his best to help Wang Ye.

But now it's dealing with Luzhkov...

In Medjeeff's eyes, the degree of difficulty of this matter may be second only to the one dealing with the Kremlin!

He didn't have much confidence, let alone where to start to deal with Luzhkov, so he didn't dare to directly agree to it.

Of course Wang Ye understood his embarrassment, so he said with a smile:

"This matter is actually not as difficult as you think.

Listen to me and analyze it for you, then you will know.

First of all, why did I ask you to join forces to do this, instead of going to Kremlin or Gryzlov, or even Shao Yigu and Korokoli.

It is because, perhaps these people have more real power in their hands, but none of them have much overlap with Luzhkov in their work.

This made it difficult for them to find trouble with Luzhkov.

But you are different!

You are in charge of government work, and a considerable part of the job content is communication and coordination with the following states.

It can also be said to be the immediate boss of each governor, although you, the boss, cannot decide whether they will stay or not.

So, if you want to attack Luzhkov, it is much more convenient than those of us.

This is why I am looking for you today! "

After hearing this, Medjef felt that it was quite reasonable. He did have a lot of dealings with various states.

If you really want to get stuck in a certain state, it is easy to find an excuse...

But, he still hesitated.

Wang Ye's favor cannot be ignored, but the premise is that he can't get involved in it!

He was afraid that instead of getting Luzhkov out of power, he would suffer a backlash and lose his reputation or something, then the gain would outweigh the loss!

Besides, I took such a big risk just to repay the favor, and I won't get any benefits.

Although Wang Ye said that if he joined forces to remove Luzhkov from power, he would be able to secure his position in the headquarters and establish his prestige.

Medjeff has no doubts about this point, it does have such an effect.

But these are all falsehoods, and they don't make Medjeeff really tempted!

After hesitating for a long time, he said in a bit of embarrassment: "Misha, I can indeed help a little. If you want to get stuck in Moscow State on something or at a certain time, then I..."

Wang Ye simply interrupted him, and said bluntly: "No, no, I hope that it is not as simple as a little help from you, but that you will be the main force to fight against Luzhkov! And I will support you in the back." you."

Medjeeff was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

He never expected that Wang Ye would make such...excessive demands!

Obviously this matter has nothing to do with me, even if I got involved, it was just to help Wang Ye and return his favor.

How did it happen, I was going to stand opposite Luzhkov and go directly to fight him in the ring!

The real party, Mikhail, became a supporting role, hiding behind...

"This... this is not appropriate..."

After chattering for a long time, Medeff finally choked out such a sentence.

The originally fair face was also flushed, and the chest heaved continuously, showing that the mood swings were not small.

Wang Ye grinned, and said casually: "Don't think I'm cheating you, let me tell you the truth, if you do this, the benefits you will get will exceed your imagination!"

Medeff froze for a moment, blinked his eyes, and asked tentatively: "Benefits? Even if Luzhkov is removed from the stage, what benefits will I have? I don't have a suitable candidate for his position. Go up."

It's true, Medjev can only be regarded as a newcomer among the top political circles in Moscow. He used to be completely attached to the Kremlin and did not have his own mountain.

And this is the Governor of Moscow!

It is definitely the most important location among the more than 50 administrative regions in Russia, not one of them!

Even in many respects, it may be a little more important than Medjeev's current position in the "general"...

Not everyone can take over such a position.

Must have a high enough reputation and have a huge force behind it.

Medeff's subordinates will never find such a person!

Actually, not to mention his subordinates, even he is a bit reluctant to take over as the governor of Moscow State.

So, he really couldn't imagine what benefits he would get after bringing down Luzhkov.

After all, the biggest benefit is the position of governor of Moscow State!

Wang Ye smiled slightly. He didn't intend to leave the position of governor of Moscow to Medev, not even to the people from the Kremlin!

Because this time against Luzhkov, the Kremlin is standing by and will not do anything.

No matter what the reason for doing this is, although Wang Ye will not hate Ke Gong because of this, but he will not be so stupid that he has been busy for a long time, but handed over the final fruit of victory to others!

There are also a large group of people under him who make a living with him. If there are benefits, you must consider the people below you.

However, none of Wang Ye's subordinates can directly take over the position of governor of Moscow, and his qualifications are not enough, and his forces are all in the Duma, which is not suitable for the position of governor.

Although none of his subordinates is suitable for this position, Wang Ye still has a good candidate.

That's Rosiana!

Last year, Rosiana was ambitious to take over the position of the general manager, but was vetoed by her adoptive father.

Now she is busy building her faction. Because she is rich and has people, she has raised the banner of the "Emperor-Russian faction", so it looks like that, and the influence of the faction is not small.

But the general election of the Duma will be several years away. No matter how good her faction is, no matter how influential she is, and no matter how many supporters she has, there is no way for the Duma to be elected immediately.

So, in the past few years, I can only hold back...

Because of this, Rosiana complained several times in front of Wang Ye, saying that she should not have given up the position in the headquarters to Medjef, and should have fought for it in front of her adoptive father.

My wife has troubles, so Wang Ye, as her fianc, naturally has to step forward to help her out.

So, after Luzhkov was removed from power this time, the position of governor of Moscow that was vacated could just be reserved for Rosiana!

Don't think that Rosiana hasn't formally entered the political arena and doesn't have any qualifications, so you think it's impossible for her to hold this position.

Political systems are different, this must be remembered!

As long as your reputation is high enough and you have enough supporters, let alone a governor, no matter how high the position is, it is not impossible...

Otherwise, why do "actors", "lawyers" and "businessmen" who have never been in politics come out so often, and they can reach the top directly!

Rosiana and Medjeve are not the same.

Medjeev is a pure "amateur" and has no reputation. Before he became prime minister, to be honest, few people in the public had heard of his name.

But Rosiana was different.

Let's not talk about her reputation now that she has formed a faction.

In the past, she inherited the title of the Romanov family and officially appeared as the orthodox heir of the Tsarist Russian royal family. In fact, it caused a sensation among the people, and many people remembered her name.

In addition, she was engaged to Mikhail again, which brought her popularity to a higher level.

Mikhail is the hottest new political star in Russia in recent years, and he has a very good reputation among the people.

Rosiana can be regarded as being touched by him...

So, pushing her to the position of Governor of Moscow, no one should be able to speak out.

Even if some forces are not convinced and want to start the campaign directly to compete with Rosiana for this position, then there is no need to worry at all.

There is Wang Ye's faction, and Rosiana's own "Emperor Russia faction", plus the support of Zhirinov faction.

Even people from the Hilavik Group can only stay away from it!

Therefore, the "benefits" prepared by Wang Ye for Medjeev are not the governor of Moscow, but something else.

And this "thing" is not inferior to the Governor of Moscow in weight at all!

Wang Ye smiled lightly, faced Medeff's expectant eyes, and asked him unhurriedly, "Have you considered what will happen four years from now?"

Medjeff froze for a moment, four years later...

Was there anything important at that time?

Duma general election...

This should be the biggest thing after four years. The Duma will change again then, but what does this have to do with me?

I work in a government department, and I have nothing to do with the Duma.


It seems that in a certain position, the general election will start four years later!

Medeff suddenly thought of that matter, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Wang Ye. He was a little afraid to speak out his guess, because the relationship was too important!

Wang Ye smiled, nodded and said, "You guessed right, it's that position, are you interested?"

Medjeev's heart almost jumped out!

He is so interested!

However, is this something he can think, dare to think...

What's more, I have only served in government positions for a few years, so is I really qualified to compete for that throne?

These things, if Wang Ye hadn't brought them up, Medeff himself would never have dared to think about them.

He originally thought that the next candidate for the Kremlin would most likely be Gryzlov, and Wang Ye might also...

The reason why Gryzlov is ranked first is because Gryzlov has a high status in the Kravico Group, and his prestige is unrivaled except for that one!

At that time Gryzlov will take over that position, and then that person will go to the Duma for a transitional few years, and then there will be another rotation...

Of course, this is a possibility that Medjeff himself guessed.

Another possibility is naturally that after the Kremlin's term of office expires, the Kremlin will simply step down and give up his position to a newcomer like Mikhail.

Perhaps only if Mikhail takes that position, can it be easily accepted and recognized by all forces.

This is the good impression Mikhail has left on everyone with his solid achievements over the past few years!

Whether you love him or hate him, you can't fault his work...

This time, after holding back for a long time, Medeff finally uttered a word.

He said honestly: "This... I dare not think about it!"

Also, that position is too far away from him, even though he is now the chief, but after all, he has not fully adapted to his current position.

Moreover, he has no confidence in himself, who would support him to run for that position?

Even within the Hiravik Group, I am not a big mountain top, not to mention foster father and Gryzlov, even people like Shao Yigu, Korokoli, and Gebrev are ranked in my ranks. In front, they are all his "predecessors"!

No matter what, that position is not his turn, so he dare not even think about it!

Wang Ye laughed, picked up the draft beer mug, and gestured for a moment. The two toasted at the same time, taking a big gulp of cold beer, and the whole person became energetic.

Put down the beer mug, Wang Ye said:

"Why don't you dare to think about it?

That position does not belong to a certain person or certain people, anyone can take it as long as they have enough votes!

You may not know that I don't plan to run for that position. The next time I change, my goal is just the Speaker of the Duma.

The adoptive father has served two consecutive terms. According to the constitution, it is impossible for him to participate in the next election.

Then let's see who are the remaining contenders.


No, I don't think he's going to run because from what I know of him, he doesn't have much interest in that position.

Who are the rest?

I think the remaining people are not as competitive as you!

Don't feel that your qualifications are too low and your prestige is too low. You should look at the problem from a developmental perspective.

There are still four years left!

And you are now in the position of the general, which is definitely of great benefit to your accumulation of qualifications and reputation.

This is also a key factor why others cannot compete with you.

After four years, you may be a very competitive candidate in everyone's mind. "

After Wang Ye's analysis, Medjef's heart was full of fire.


I still have four years left!

Besides, I have already assumed the position of the general manager, so I am standing on a very high stage.

Moreover, if the two most competitive candidates four years later, Gryzlov and Mikhail, do not participate in the election, then I really have no opponents...

Thinking about it this way, this matter really has great maneuverability!

Thinking of this, Medjef understood what benefits Wang Ye said he would give him.

That is to say, if I help him deal with Luzhkov this time, then four years later, Wang Ye will support him to enter the Kremlin!