Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 932

Chapter 932

Chapter 932 Even more difficult

If you only consider the degree of difficulty, then naturally you should choose Konov.

Because Konov works in the Duma, and the Duma is almost Wang Ye's "private land"!

Gryzlov and Zhirinov are all on the same front as Wang Ye. Together, the three of them can definitely control most of the votes in the Duma. If they want to do something in the Duma, No one can stop it!

So, if you want to move Konov, it is not difficult.

But what Wang Ye considered was, what is the point of moving Konov...

The current Konov is just a marginalized deputy speaker, and he has not served as the chairman of any important committee. His "voice" is hardly heard in the Duma.

Even if he is deprived of the position of deputy speaker, so what...

Therefore, Wang Ye believes that dealing with Konov is of little significance, and it cannot really cause harm to the Moscow faction.

Then, Luzhkov is the only choice left!

If Wang Ye can really bring down Luzhkov, the real big boss, then for the Moscow faction, it will not be as simple as hurting the bones...

Of course, it is not that simple to deal with such a senior politician.

Combined with Wang Ye's hand, it is difficult to reach the "state" level, and it is even more difficult to touch Luzhkov.

But Wang Ye has never been afraid of difficulties. Since Luzhkov is more valuable and challenging, let him be your target!

After determining the target, Wang Ye no longer hesitated, and immediately started to act.

Of course he also knows that it is not easy to move Luzhkov, and it is difficult for him to directly intervene in the affairs of Moscow State.

Moreover, Luzhkov was "appointed" through elections, and he was actually voted out by voters, not appointed by anyone!

Don't talk about yourself, even if Kegong wanted to move him, he would not dare to act rashly without a very sufficient and reasonable excuse.

However, Wang Ye also has his own way. He can't face Luzhkov directly, but there is one person who is very suitable.

That's Medjef!

Medjeev is the general, in charge of most of the domestic affairs. Compared with the Kremlin and the Duma, he has more dealings with the following states and has a closer relationship.

That is to say, if Medev wants to make Luzhkov feel uncomfortable, it is more convenient than Wang Ye!

Of course, this involves another problem, that is, Medjev and Luzhkov have no grievances, and he has not been in office for a long time, and his position has not yet been secured.

Then why did he take the risk to help Wang Ye...

The answer is very simple. Firstly, Medeff owes Wang Ye a great favor!

Without Wang Ye's recommendation and support, it would be difficult for him to reach his current position.

Secondly, Wang Ye will not let him help in vain, and will give Medeff a generous "remuneration"!

Even Wang Ye dared to say that this reward would definitely shock Medgeeff and make him overjoyed...

In the afternoon, Wang Ye made a phone call and asked Medeff to have dinner together. Naturally, the place was still the same place, the restaurant where he often invited people to meet for dinner, Turandot.

Even though Medjeff was busy with many things at hand, after receiving Wang Ye's invitation, he still agreed without hesitation.

He understood that Wang Ye would not seek him out for dinner for no reason. If he really wanted to say it, Wang Ye might be busier than himself!

Besides, even if it's for no reason, if you just want to have a meal and chat with yourself, then you have to go...

At around six o'clock in the evening, at the gate of the Turandot restaurant, Wang Ye and Medeff's cars arrived one after the other.

But in comparison, Medjeve's momentum is far worse.

He only has one car for travel, a Land Rover Range Rover allocated by the public, and now this car has become the standard model for high-level Moscow political circles.

Of course, some people choose Jaguar cars.

As for middle-level officials, or the official vehicles of various departments, they mostly choose Volvo cars.

After all, Land Rover and Jaguar are high-end cars, while Volvo's car positioning is much lower.

Medeff opened the door and got out of the car, watching Wang Ye's convoy stop not far away, and Wang Ye also got out of the car.

The two walked to the door of the hotel with a smile and hugged each other.

"Just now I saw your convoy from a distance, and I knew you had arrived, so I asked the driver to drive faster. Your convoy is the only one in Moscow, so it's easy to recognize." Medeff said with a smile.

Wang Ye laughed and said, "No way, I may have offended too many people, so I have to be careful."

He is not just talking about it.

Wang Ye was assassinated before!

That time on the road, if he hadn't changed the car temporarily, something serious might have happened.

Since then, Wang Ye has been more careful when going out.

Basically, he doesn't sit in a certain car. The whole convoy usually travels in seven or eight cars, and Wang Ye sits in a certain car at random.

Of course, the process of getting into the car will basically not be seen by anyone.

The rear windows of each car are covered with a dark isolation film, and the inside scene cannot be seen from the outside at all.

Also, in fact, this batch of Land Rover Range Rover owned by Wang Ye has been secretly modified and is a bulletproof model!

This is a very strict security process, outsiders will not know.

Medjeff obviously hasn't suffered similar losses yet, so he travels very casually. It's just a car, with a driver and guard, and a secretary. That's it!

But here is Moscow anyway, as long as you don't encounter a particularly dangerous situation, there is not much risk.

Just like what Wang Ye said, he has "enemies", and some people want him to die!

And Medjeff has just taken office, he has not had time to offend anyone, and he has no enemies, so there is no need to worry too much about security issues.

After exchanging a few simple greetings, Wang Ye and Medeff entered the hotel together, and none of the entourage followed.

Still in Wang Ye's fixed private room, the two sat facing each other.

While waiting for the food to be served, the two drank cold fresh beer and started chatting.

"Mikhail..." Medev had just opened his mouth when he was interrupted by Wang Ye.

"Just call me Misha, that's what my friends call me, and I'm not in the Duma building or the Kremlin now, just call me whatever you want." Wang Ye said with a smile.

Medjef laughed and said yes repeatedly.

He naturally knew how many people called Wang Ye "Misha", but he also knew that there were not many people who were qualified to call him "Misha"!

At the very least, if you don't get Wang Ye's approval, you can't take the initiative to call "Misha".

Now Wang Ye took the initiative to ask him to call him "Misha" in private, which means that he has been recognized by Wang Ye and has become his "friend"!

Of course Medjeeff is very happy.

"Misha, I heard that you had a little accident yesterday, but your performance once again surprised many people.

Today's news is full of content about you. I read some of it. What you said is really good!

If only all of this country...

No, I dare not expect so much, as long as half, or even a small half of the officials, can be like you.

Then this country, why not be rich and strong! "

Medjef said with emotion.

Obviously, what Wang Ye said at the demonstration site yesterday should have been recorded by reporters and published in newspapers.

Wang Ye shook his head with a smile, let out a long sigh, and said:

"Hey, that's easier said than done!

The most frightening thing is that even if people like you and me want to do something, some people are not only unwilling to help, they are still trying to hold you back or stumbling you, hoping that you can Fell a big somersault! "

Speaking of this, Dmitri Medjef deeply agrees.

He echoed: "Yes, it is really difficult to do things.

I used to be in the Kremlin, and then in Gazprom. The things I came into contact with were relatively simple, and I didn't have much insight.

Now that I am in the position of the general manager, I have come into contact with many things and departments...

Hey, sometimes it's not that you don't want to do things, but that you have more than you want to do! "

It can be heard that after Medjeff took office, his work was not so smooth.

It should have encountered some resistance.

Even though Ke Gong and Wang Ye are behind him to support him, some things still cannot be done exactly according to his wishes.

He can't be blamed for this matter, let alone Medjeev's lack of ability or something.

It is mainly determined by the political system here in Da Mao.

From the disintegration of the former Soviet Union to the change of the current Duma, Da Mao was originally strong in the Kremlin, while the government and the Duma were weak. As for the House of Lords, it was just a show.

The Supreme Procuratorate and the Supreme Court do not have the power and status they deserve...

However, after several years of unremitting efforts by Wang Ye, coupled with the operation after this change of term, the status of the Duma has improved.

Not to mention that it is comparable to the Kremlin, but at least in some respects it has formed a situation of mutual restraint with the Kremlin, and even the Kremlin has to consider the opinions of the Duma.

So, if the power of the Kremlin is "100", then the power of the Duma has reached about "70" now, and it is still in the process of rising!

But the government really has no real power, let alone "100" and "70", not even "30"!

Nominally, except for a few departments directly managed by the Kremlin, other departments and institutions are under the jurisdiction of the government.

But the problem is that the candidates for the heads of various departments are all nominated by the Kremlin and voted on by the Duma. There is nothing wrong with the president.

With no personnel power, and a large part of the financial power was divided between the Kremlin and the Duma, Medev has experienced how aggrieved the government work is!

Of course, as long as the government has a good relationship with the Kremlin and can get strong support from the Kremlin, the work will proceed smoothly.

After all, after all, the general manager is the "big steward" who manages domestic affairs of the Tike Palace.

Medjeff has just "taken the power", and is ready to flex his muscles, but he finds that his hands are tied everywhere, so he naturally feels very aggrieved...

Wang Ye smiled gently and comforted him: "There are many things that cannot be rushed. First get used to it, then blend in, and finally make your own voice."

What he said was very simple, but Medjef thought for a long time after hearing it.

He understood that this should also be Wang Ye's own experience.

After all, when Wang Ye first entered the Duma, he did not have such a high status and such great power as he does now!

In contrast, Wang Ye of that meeting was just an unknown new member of parliament.

1/450 of Duma, and nothing special

But why, he was able to stand out within a few years, and now he has become the most powerful and influential one in the entire Duma!

Maybe it's what he said, first adapt, then blend in, and finally make your own voice!

After a long while, Medeff raised his head, smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "Look, I was talking about what happened to you yesterday, but I started to complain, haha."

Wang Ye also smiled and waved his hands, and said indifferently:

"It's okay, the parade has been resolved, it was just a misunderstanding.

However, I was surprised to learn that there was something tricky behind the demonstration! "

Medjef opened his eyes wide, and asked in surprise, "What? Was someone pushing on purpose?"

Wang Ye nodded, "Yeah, it's said that some people from Moscow State, maybe they don't like me? Or maybe they don't want the CBD center to be built. Anyway, they just want to cause me some trouble, so they will do it later. This happened."

Medjef frowned, lowered his voice, and asked with concern: "Then what are you going to do next? Is there anything I can do for you?"

It is very good to be able to take the initiative to ask such a question, because this is a collision between two factions!

If you are not careful, if you get involved, you may be crushed to pieces.

It's too late for others to hide, so how could they take the initiative to get close to it.

Medjeff didn't want to avoid it because of his personal relationship with Wang Ye. He wanted to help and relieve Wang Ye's pressure.

Because he also knows very well that it is not an easy task to deal with the Moscow faction!

Wang Ye smiled lightly, and said calmly: "I want to get Luzhkov out of power."

These words made Medeff tremble with fright, the beer glass in his hand almost fell, and the beer in the glass spilled on his clothes!

He put down the beer glass in a hurry, and before he could wipe the wine stains on his clothes, he lowered his voice and asked cautiously: "Aren't you joking! That's Luzhkov, who has been the governor for more than ten years, and no one can shake him." Location!"

Wang Ye laughed and said relaxedly:

"Of course I'm not kidding, it's because he has served as the governor for more than ten years, so it's time for a change. We can't let him occupy this position all the time.

How about it, don't you want to open up the situation and establish your prestige, join hands with me, and get Luzhkov out of power, then your prestige will immediately flourish, haha. "

(end of this chapter)