Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 There is still a threshold

Obviously, the head teacher has long been aware of everyone's confusion.

When he got the album, he was also very puzzled, and he also consulted the staff of Yangnan Normal University.

Now seeing that everyone is talking about it below, he clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Everyone be quiet, I know, do you all feel that the admissions requirements are too low. According to these conditions, wouldn't all the more than 150 people in our class be able to study. Good guy, then I am here. The old face is full of light, the whole class is sent to study abroad, and went to a world-renowned school! I can boast about this for a lifetime."

The audience burst into laughter, exactly as he said.

According to the requirements in the picture book, everyone in the class can study abroad.

The high school diploma, as long as you were not expelled from the school during high school, you will definitely have it.

As for the exam, everyone who has experienced it understands it.

That's just an open-book exam, it's hard to imagine!

After everyone laughed, the head teacher continued: "Of course it's not that simple to study in such a world-renowned school, there are still some thresholds."

Everyone quieted down and waited for the head teacher to continue to explain.

All are high school seniors, who doesn't want to go to a good university?

What's more, this is studying abroad, or studying in a world-renowned school!

With such an opportunity, everyone is naturally interested in learning about it, in case I can go too...

"This threshold is money! There are no scholarships for this admission, and all the students will study at their own expense. Therefore, you need to pay for all the expenses during the study abroad period. Although the price of goods in Russia is not as high as that of developed countries in Europe and the United States, but After a few years, it is still a lot of money. I learned about it in advance. If you are studying at the university, you will need about 300,000 yuan in five years after one year of preparatory courses and four years of undergraduate study. Youda is cheaper. , about 200,000 RMB..."

The head teacher gave a brief overview of what he had learned.

When they heard the two amounts of "300,000" and "200,000", most of the students sighed.

Sure enough, such a prestigious school is still beyond my reach...

In 2001, how many families could come up with so much money!

There are only a handful of families in their class who can afford and are willing to spend so much money...

Everyone else was talking about it, but Liu Liu's eyes widened and his heart beat faster.

He knew that his family could afford this money!

With his grades, there is no hope of relying on university. When he returned home a few days ago, his father also talked to himself about the future.

Either take an adult college entrance examination or self-examination, but that kind of diploma is useless.

Or simply go home and follow my dad to build a brick kiln.

Lao Liu is not reconciled, young people, who has no dreams and ambitions.

He wants to go to a good university, he wants to develop in a big city, and in the future he also wants to establish a foothold in a first-tier city and work in a high-end office building!

What's the point of going home to build a brick kiln? You'll be disgraced all day, and people will look down on you when you go out.

Even if you can make money, it is hard money, not decent enough!

It's good now, you only need to spend 300,000 yuan, and you can go to study abroad and go to a world-renowned university like Moscow University!

Then when I graduate and return to China in the future, wouldn't I become a foreign-style "turtle"...

There are more than 150 students in the whole class, and there are only a few who really moved their minds.

After all, they are all students in the third year of high school, and they are not children anymore. I can't count what's going on in my family.

Obviously, the head teacher also understands.

Finally he said:

"This is a big event. On April 10th, an admissions promotion meeting will be held at Yangnan Normal University. Interested students can come with their parents to consult on the spot.

It is said that this promotion meeting is very grand. Our Municipal Education Bureau and Heluo City Education Bureau will be present, and there are also several education experts from Russia!

If you have any questions, you can ask them in person, it is a rare opportunity.

By the way, if you want to discuss with your family, tell me, you can go home tomorrow. "

Those students who can get into key universities in China probably won't be interested in this, but only those students who have poor grades but are rich at home.

These students, it doesn't matter if they ask for leave or anything, it's all time, one more day of study and one less day of study will have no effect on them, anyway, they will not pass the test!

Old Liu heard it, raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I'm going home tomorrow to discuss with my family."

The head teacher's eyes lit up and asked, "Oh, are you interested in studying abroad? Which university do you want to go to?"

"That must be a big deal, since you read it, you must read the best!" said the sixth, and glanced around triumphantly.

Everywhere his eyes go, they are greeted with envious eyes.

In the past, everyone looked at Lao Liu like a joke.

But today, Liu Liu felt that everyone's attitude towards him was different...

Originally, there are so many people in the class, and a few of them can go to Tsinghua University and Peking University. If they die, it will only be one or two.

But he is the sixth child, and he is going to go to a great university soon. This is a better university than Tsinghua University!

After a few years, he's a turtle...

Of course, the head teacher did not have any objection to Lao Liu's request for leave. Instead, he patiently urged him to communicate with his family. After all, this opportunity is also rare.

Although one or two students occasionally went abroad to study in previous years, it was all done by the students themselves at home. This year is different.

was organized by the education bureaus of Yangnan City and Heluo City, very formal!

And it was Yangnan Normal University who came forward to handle all the procedures, so there would be absolutely no problems.

As the head teacher of the graduating class, it is of course the proudest thing that the class can be admitted to several prestigious schools like Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Students in the class are also proud to be able to study abroad!

Besides, a school like Mo Dayou University is not bad at all.

Besides the sixth, there are three or four other students in the class who have asked for leave and want to go home and discuss this with their parents.

The same scene happened not only in their class.

Today, in Yangnan City and Heluo City, two districts, in all the senior three classes, the same scene happened!

The picture albums that the students got were naturally provided by Yangnan Normal University.

The domestic propaganda offensive has been officially launched...

In Yangnan and Heluo, for a while, "going to study in Russia" became a hot topic.

Not only those who have the conditions at home and are willing to go are interested in this topic.

Even many families who are not in such good conditions are also discussing with great interest.

These days, studying abroad is still a rarity!

In the impression of many people, this matter is too far away from them. If you can study abroad, what are the conditions of the family, or how good the children are.

But now they suddenly found out that studying abroad is not "sacred" at all. It seems that as long as you stretch out your hands and stand on tiptoe, you can get it...

(end of this chapter)