Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 This is impossible

After the domestic delegation returned to China, Qingyun Company was also busy.

Liu Jun also sent the prepared publicity and enrollment materials to Li Changyun, so that they could print and distribute them to senior high school students in Yangnan City and Heluo City as soon as possible.

On the other hand, he also started to prepare to go back to China to hold an admissions promotion meeting.

Back this time, Liu Jun, Wang Ye, and Ajielina were dispatched from Qingyun Company.

In addition, the director and secretary of the Foreign Affairs Office of Youda, and the director and secretary of the Foreign Affairs Office of Moda were also invited.

A total of seven people!

The time of their departure is set for April 8th.

And the time for the admissions promotion meeting is set for April 10th!

At the same time, the country also began to act...

April 3rd, No. 1 Middle School of Chen County, Yangnan City.

This is the largest middle school in Yangnan area, with only a high school department, but there are about 6,000 students in the school!

In the third year of senior high school alone, there are fifteen classes, and each class has around 150 students.

This school is very famous in Yangnan area, and it is the only national key high school in this area.

It is not only the school that junior high school students in Chen County dream of getting admitted to, but even many students from different local counties try their best to come here to study.

Wang Ye's high school was here...

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the class bell rang, and it was time for the weekly class meeting.

Class 1 of Senior Three, more than 150 students, filled every corner of the classroom.

The college entrance examination is approaching, and I have gone through N times of mock exams. Basically, every student has a clear understanding of himself.

Those students who are expected to be admitted to key or even famous universities naturally take their last breaths and take a final sprint, hoping to get good grades in the college entrance examination, so as to complete the class transition of "fishing over the dragon gate"...

Of course, they still don't understand what "class transition" is.

But everyone understands that whether you go to a good university or a pheasant university in the future will have a completely different fate in the future.

As for those students with poor grades, they basically gave up struggling.

Anyway, no matter how hard you work, you can't cross the undergraduate line. If you go to college or fall off the list, it doesn't make much difference.

The worst is the worst, and you can still go to self-study exams and adult education.

Maybe I can continue to be an "alumni" with the best student in the class in the future.

Of course, the top student is studying at Tsinghua University, and he is studying at Tsinghua for self-examination...

"Lao Liu, what are you going to do after the college entrance examination? Do you do business with your family? Will you be called the sixth boss from now on, haha."

"Yeah, yeah, it doesn't matter what the sixth child is, anyway, the family has money, so what if they can't get into the university. Maybe the few in the class with good grades will go to the sixth child's house to work part-time after graduation."

In the last two rows of the class, several boys were chatting with great interest. As for the class bell, they didn't care at all.

The sixth man who was ridiculed by everyone was a chubby boy.

Hearing what everyone said, he was rather proud, but he waved his hands humbly and said, "Don't make trouble, brothers, my family is just doing a little business. Those talented men and women all want to study at Tsinghua University and Peking University. Yes, even after graduation, I don't look down on my family's small business."

Lao Liu's family owns a brick kiln. It's not a big business, but it does make a lot of money!

In those few years, the country was engaged in infrastructure construction, building houses, paving roads, building bridges and building highways everywhere. Bricks were in short supply.

Absolute daily gold!

Unfortunately, Lao Liu is really not a material to study.

He didn't pass the high school entrance exam, and his family spent a lot of money to send him to Chen County No. 1 Middle School.

In the first year of high school, those officially admitted students only need to pay two or three hundred yuan for tuition and miscellaneous fees a year, but the sixth child pays a full thirty thousand...

But even if his family sent him to a key high school, the sixth child is still not that material.

From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, he firmly occupied the first position in the class!

It's a pity it's the countdown...

was joking when the head teacher walked in and everyone became quiet.

Old class reported a large pile of things, which looked like a picture album.

He put down the things in his hand, picked up the blackboard and patted the table, "Everyone be quiet!"

After the class was all quiet, the old class picked up a picture book, shook it in his hand, and said, "I'll post this later, everyone who is interested can take a look. Especially the conditions at home. That's right, and I don't hope to get into a good university, maybe this is a way out for you. To be honest, this thing looks really good. If the family conditions are good, I really hope you can sign up and try..."

Hearing what he said, everyone became interested.

What the **** is , it deserves the old class to brag about it.

Soon, the picture book was distributed, and everyone had a copy, and everyone was immersed in reading it.

Lao Liu took a look and his eyes lit up.

The picture book has a European-style building that looks majestic and majestic, and there are several big characters "World Famous School-Moscow University" next to it!

This school looks too beautiful, much better than those universities in China...

Opening the album is the kind of folded page that can be directly opened into a full page.

The content in is the introduction of Moscow University and Friendship University.

focuses on how glorious the history of these two universities and how high the world rankings are. It also makes a special comparison. In the global university rankings in 2000, both universities ranked in the top 100.

Among them, Mo Da is ranked seventh!

Tomoda is also fifty-sixth.

In the same year, the two best universities in China, Tsinghua University and Peking University, both ranked out of 100...

The meaning of is obvious, that is, these two universities are world-renowned universities, and they are better universities than Tsinghua University and Peking University!

Seeing this, Lao Liu was a little discouraged.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are beyond his reach. This is a better university than Tsinghua University and Peking University. Only the most outstanding students can apply...

But after the school introduction, there are admissions matters.

A few very simple requirements, after reading the old six people are stupid.

Not because the requirements are too high, but too low!

1: Fresh or previous high school graduates with a high school diploma.

2: Pass the examination results.

Those two requirements?

Lao Liu couldn't believe it at all. He thought that there should be other requirements later, so he quickly turned to the back.

After searching several times, I couldn't find any other requirements...

That's it? !

Does this mean that everyone can go to a world-renowned school like Mo Dayou University?

At this moment, the class also became noisy, apparently everyone had finished reading the album.

At the same time, everyone had great doubts about the admission requirements...

This is impossible!

As long as you have a high school diploma and pass the exam, you can go to a world-renowned school like Moda?

(end of this chapter)