Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 852

Chapter 852

Chapter 852 He will shoot

During the time on the plane, Wang Ye was not idle.

He was flipping through a thick folder in his hand, which contained the biographical information of the people involved in the visit that Elena had collected for him in advance.

All the key figures are there, even those with high civil reputation in the field, everything is available!

Because of Uzbekistan, the general election will start next year!

The Gucci horse who is currently in office has been re-elected for two terms, which is ten years old.

This old man is also a powerful character.

In the ten years since he was in office, he has been in both directions, swinging back and forth, and has a good relationship with Da Mao and Europe and the United States.

Although the domestic economy is not very good, it is growing every year anyway, which is justified.

If you have to find a shortcoming, it is that during his tenure, many oligarchs have also emerged, which is even worse than Da Mao...

It is said that he has made it clear that he will no longer participate in next year's election, nor recommend any "successors".

And now there are three candidates with relatively high voices, Priority Branch, Yanukovych, and Timoshenko!

In a simple way, Yanukovych belongs to "one of us", while Priority belongs to the person standing opposite. Kimoshenko has not shown any obvious tendency.

Before the visit, Gobrev had a conversation with Wang Ye on behalf of the Kremlin.

He implicitly stated that during this visit, he would try his best to help Yanukovych build momentum, give him advice and so on.

Because "he" wants Yanukovych to win next year's election!

Wang Ye understood and said that he would try his best to help Yanukovych.

But to be honest, the current situation is not optimistic.

According to the facts, in order to help the priority department win, some parties have sent a huge "advisory group" with more than 200 people to Jifu, and directly served as the backbone of the priority department's campaign team!

Not to mention the funding, through various channels and various foundations, it was secretly entered into the campaign account.

According to the latest public opinion support surveyed by local media, the two are evenly divided, and it is difficult to say who will win the general election next year.

It is estimated that even the two of them and the forces behind them are not sure.

But Wang Ye knew it!

Because in the memory of his "previous life", he was deeply impressed by the 2005 Uzbekistan election.

In other words, it was Uzbekistan in 2005, because something suddenly became the focus of the whole world.

It is from this year that the "Orange Movement" has become a synonym...

If Wang Ye hadn't intervened, Yanukovych should have won the general election next year initially, but the priority department did not admit defeat, or some people behind him were unwilling to admit defeat.

set off a massive demonstration movement.

Under various pressures, the results of the first election were abolished and another round of elections was held.

This time, the priority department won...

Yanukovych was not reconciled, but unfortunately he did not have the support of his opponent, so in the end it was nothing.

After the priority department came to power, that guy directly made people angry.

The "two brothers" countries have also begun to turn against each other, and the friendship is no longer there.

It can be said that from the moment the Priority Section came to power, the future destiny of Uzbekistan has been doomed...

Oh, it is worth mentioning that when Wang Ye came to visit, Priority Branch was serving as the president of Uzbekistan.

Reminiscing while reading the material, after reading it, Wang Ye concealed his thoughts.

To solve the election dilemma in Ukraine, it is not enough to support Yanukovych to win the election, because Yanukovych won even without his own support.

What's more important is that you can't let the priority department do things after losing the election!

If you want to do this, there are two ways to go.

The first rule is to let Yanukovych win a beautiful victory, and the vote rate must far exceed that of his opponent!

In this way, the priority department can't find any reason for wanting to do something, or the reason is not sufficient.

The second thing is to "cut off" the "black hand" behind the priority department!

That hand is stretched too far, it's a bit unruly, this is not their territory yet...

Wang Ye didn't understand why the Kremlin didn't intervene decisively in his previous life.

Perhaps the Kremlin did not anticipate the seriousness of the matter.

It may also be that the Kremlin is also facing a general election, and has no energy to take care of this, and is powerless.

Of course, it is also possible that Ke Gong underestimated the opponent's determination and ruthless methods, and when the incident broke out, it would be too late!

But it doesn't matter now, because Wang Ye is here.

He will shoot!

The silver-white large passenger plane landed at Kifu International Airport, the cabin door opened, and Wang Ye led the delegation members to get off the plane.

As soon as he stood at the door of the cabin, Wang Ye saw that the welcome team below had already set up a posture.

Uzbekistan still attaches great importance to Wang Ye's visit this time, and the reception standard is very high!

According to the principle of diplomatic reciprocity, if Wang Ye, the deputy speaker of the parliament, visits, then Uzbekistan only needs the deputy speaker of the parliament to greet him.

Even sending the foreign minister to meet him at the airport makes sense.

But the problem is that Wang Ye has another identity.

"Director of the National Council of Foreign Affairs" "Director of the National Council of Economic Affairs"!

These two new titles have much more actual power than a Deputy Speaker of the Duma!

Not to mention that Wang Ye's influence in the business world is also very large. His Crimea Investment Company is really going to invest tens of billions of dollars in the Crimea Peninsula!

So, Uzbekistan also sent a high-standard welcome team to the airport.

The speaker and deputy speaker of the parliament were all dispatched, and the government also sent the deputy president L and the foreign minister.

Of course, the special representative of the presidential palace is also indispensable.

This is just the welcome line at the airport.

Guccima himself is waiting in the presidential palace, ready to welcome the arrival of Wang Ye.

As soon as Wang Ye appeared at the cabin entrance, the guard of honor on both sides of the red carpet below began to play music, and the speaker and others also lined up, looking at Wang Ye with a smile on their faces.

A bunch of reporters from TV stations and media have already set up "long guns and short guns", flashing lights one after another. Obviously, Wang Ye's visit is also a big news recently in the major media in Uzbekistan.

The news of his arrival will also appear on Ukrainian TV's news broadcast tonight!

Walking down the gangway, in the middle of the journey, Wang Ye still stood still and waved his hand at the bottom.

Although it is also the first time for him to independently lead a team to conduct such a high-level overseas visit, he has communicated with the diplomatic department in advance about the etiquette aspects, so there must be a look that should be there.

Act like a big shot!

Of course, he himself is a real big shot...

When we got to the bottom of the gangway, the speaker, deputy speaker, foreign minister and others had already greeted us.

A group of cute children came forward first, presenting flowers to Wang Ye and others.

The one who came to Wang Ye was a six or seven-year-old girl, cute and beautiful, like a little angel.

Wang Ye bent down, took the flowers she handed over, and pressed her cheeks against her, then held the flowers in one hand and hugged her with the other.

All the people next to them looked at the two of them with bright smiles, and the reporters around frantically pressed the shutter of their cameras to record this scene.

This picture shows Speaker Mikhail's love for children, it can be used as the cover picture of the news!

According to the rules and according to the level of their positions, the people to greet them lined up, and Wang Ye shook hands with them one by one.

The members of the delegation behind Wang Ye also followed Wang Ye according to their position and status, and shook hands with the welcoming team one by one...

Fortunately, everyone speaks Russian, so communication is not a problem at all, and no translation is needed.

After shaking hands and getting acquainted with each other, the speaker of the Ukrainian side accompanied Wang Ye and walked side by side at the front, followed by a mighty group of people from both sides, and everyone walked towards the convoy.

The state guest team is inevitable.

At the front of the convoy was a motorbike team with flashing police lights, followed by a row of a dozen or so black Mercedes, followed by a luxury minibus and a police car serving as security.

The speaker accompanied Wang Ye into a Daben with a national flag on the front of the car in the middle, and the rest of the people got on the vehicles that fit their respective identities.

Those who can sit in the Daben are high-ranking officials, and those who are almost can only take the minibus.

Those billionaire business leaders who came with the group are no exception, so they can only be wronged to squeeze the minibus.

There is absolutely no need to go through security checks, customs clearance and other procedures.

Just kidding, this is a serious foreign affairs visit, not to mention the customs, even if some members of the delegation accidentally break the law here, they still enjoy foreign affairs immunity!

The convoy roared out of the airport.

At this meeting, the speaker had time to speak quietly with Wang Ye.

"Director Mikhail, welcome to Kifu. Our government and parliament are looking forward to your arrival this time." The speaker said with a smile.

He was also particular about what he said. He called Wang Ye the "director" instead of the "deputy speaker".

Because Wang Ye's visit this time, he was given the title of "Director of the National Foreign Affairs Commission". This newly established institution has great power.

It can almost fully represent the attitude of the country.

But if he visits in the name of "Deputy Speaker of the Duma", the meaning is far worse, and he can't even represent the Duma with full powers, because he is only a deputy speaker after all, even if there is a "first" prefix, it doesn't matter use

The name of the speaker is Alexander, uh, this name is very common in Eastern Europe.

Looks to be over sixty years old, in good spirits, with a ruddy complexion.

But Wang Ye did not know this person in his memory. According to the information collected by Elena, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Alexander, is considered a veteran of the Uzbekistan Parliament, having served as the speaker for two consecutive terms.

But with Guccima resigning, Alexander will retire next year.

Wang Ye nodded and smiled, and responded politely: "Speaker Alexander, you are welcome. This time, I also come here with friendship and enthusiasm. I hope our friendship can continue and we will cooperate more closely."

"Haha, I've heard of Director Mikhail's name a long time ago. Of course, including President Guccima, he has also told me about you several times in front of me. Under your leadership, the past two years in your country The economy is growing fast and developing very well." Alexander laughed.

This is all a scene, but it should be true.

After all, Wang Ye has risen too fast in the past two years!

He is the "boss" of the region, and when such a No. 1 role appears in the political arena, neighboring countries will of course pay attention.

At the beginning, maybe everyone didn't pay much attention to it. After all, Wang Ye was only the deputy speaker and the leader of the third faction at that time.

Perhaps his various deeds in the business world are even more interesting to talk about.

But since this year, especially after the change of the Duma, the situation has changed!

The faction led by Wang Ye won 150 seats and became the second largest faction in the Duma. He himself also raised the "half mark" and became the "First Deputy Speaker of the Duma".

If it's just like this, it won't make the high-level officials of neighboring countries pay too much attention. At most, they will start to pay attention and get hold of his information.

But what happened next, they couldn't quite understand it.

Da Mao set up two extremely powerful institutions in a low-key manner, and the person who led these two institutions was this ridiculously young Mikhail!

Actually, Alexander and Guccima had discussed Mikhail in private. After carefully analyzing all his materials, the two also understood something.

Because after connecting these words, Mikhail, Rosiana, her adoptive father, Romanov family, and the British royal family, it is no longer surprising that Wang Ye is the leader of these two institutions.

Combined with his amazing talent in business and the level of trust in him from above, it is no exaggeration to say that Wang Ye is now the "number two" person...

That's why the other party made it so grand when he came to visit this time.

Just kidding, maybe in a few years, at most ten or so years later, this young man might

Then don't hurry up to get in touch with each other now, how can you "hug your thigh" in the future!

It doesn't even have to wait a few years, Wang Ye's energy now is worth hugging the thighs of these surrounding countries.

The convoy roared on the empty street at a fast speed.

It's not that there are no other cars and pedestrians on Keeford Street, but because the street was cleared in advance.

At every intersection that the convoy will pass through, there will be traffic police guarding it in advance to prevent other cars from passing.

Wait until the convoy speeds past before reopening.

So, no matter how busy the city and streets are, people who really stand at the top don't need to think about traffic jams and other issues when traveling.

The time of these people is much more important than that of ordinary people.

Don't be convinced, any country is like this...

After driving for more than ten minutes, the convoy arrived at the power center of Uzbekistan, which is in front of the presidential palace!

This building is not the same as the Ke Palace, but a bit like the old and beautiful Baigong.

Huge but not too tall European-style building, in front of the door is a large fountain square.

The convoy stopped under the steps in front of the main entrance of the building. A bright red carpet was spread along the high steps to the building with the door open...

(end of this chapter)