Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 851

Chapter 851

Chapter 851 Visit abroad

"Boss, the diplomatic department has already arranged your visit itinerary.

On June 1, fly to Kifu for a three-day state visit.

The negotiations involved three major aspects, political level exchanges, economic level exchanges and the establishment of the Crimea zone.

The entourage includes members of the Duma, relevant staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, and some business representatives.

Of course, there are also several members of the State Foreign Affairs Committee.

Irina held a folder and stood in front of Wang Ye's desk to report to him.

Wang Ye nodded and visited several surrounding countries. This is a plan he has already made up.

This time he went to Kiefu, he has two important tasks, one has been mentioned in the itinerary, and that is to discuss the establishment of the Crimea zone!

To be honest, since Wang Ye "is in power", he has some new ideas and wants to change some things that would have happened.

One of the most important ones is about the future of the Crimea Peninsula!

He didn't want to cause "trouble" in this place, and he didn't want to make the original "two brothers" turn against each other because of this place.

So, he wants to start early to make Crimea a special existence!

Wang Ye didn't tell anyone about the second task.

That's why he went this time to observe the people over there and pick out a few "reserve candidates".

Just in case...

But he can't talk about this matter, and he won't even talk to the Kremlin, but plans to do it himself.

Why ask others for things that can be done with your own financial resources and influence.

One day before the visit, Ruan Xiaozhu came to Xiaoying Hotel and reported to Wang Ye some of her recent things.

Of course, they were all the things Wang Ye asked her to do.

When reporting work, Ruan Xiaozhu was quite serious, calling Wang Ye "boss"...

Of course, in the past year, she seems to seldom call her "cousin". Maybe she didn't realize that in front of Wang Ye, she unconsciously changed from being close and casual to being respectful.

Being close is quite close, but she used to see Wang Ye as an equal, but now she feels like she is facing a strict "elder"...

Perhaps this is all because Wang Ye's status is getting higher and higher.

This thing, even if you say you don't care, but when you really face it, you can't help yourself.

An ordinary person, when watching TV and news, may point fingers at those big people, or even laugh and curse.

But when he actually meets face-to-face with those big people in reality, you can see what kind of attitude he will have...

Ruan Xiaozhu is also a normal person, so it is not surprising to have such a change.

"Boss, those companies have sold their business to others, and the company itself has been cancelled.

Because our study abroad business and phone card business are doing very well, we sold them at a good price.

The business of studying abroad sold five million dollars, and the phone card business sold two million dollars.

According to the shareholding ratio, you should have..."

Just saying this, Wang Ye waved his hand and said with a smile: "These money should be transferred to Nalan Yaqi later, please don't transfer it to my account."

Yes, it's not much money, maybe two to three million dollars.

In addition, he didn't want the money to have anything to do with his current status, so he could just use it as pocket money for Nalan Yaqi.

Ruan Xiaozhu nodded and wrote it down.

There is a continuing report: "The 300 shops have also handed over to Mr. Kong of the New Sun Group, and sold them to the group at the price you said. The money..."

This amount of money is relatively large!

Three hundred berths, one for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, that is forty-five million dollars.

Wang Ye frowned, and ordered: "Well, I'll give you a call later, it's from the domestic capital. You contact a person named Zhang Xiaoxi, who is helping me manage an asset management company, and let Boss Kong Directly transfer the money to this company. As for how to transfer, Boss Kong can handle it by himself, so you don't have to worry about it.

Just kidding, New Sun Group is not only engaged in the market, but also engaged in messy businesses such as exchange, freight logistics and customs clearance.

The large and small bosses in the big market receive a huge amount of cash every day, all of which are remitted to the country through the channel of New Sun.

The 45 million US dollars is not too much, and it is very easy to handle.

Wang Ye thought it over, the money does not need to stay in Moscow anyway.

Because the money is not much, and it is easy to cause future troubles, then simply get it in China and use it for Zhang Xiaoxi's company.

It happened that the company over there wanted to make a big splash in the commercial real estate field, and it was the time when they needed money.

After the business matters are reported, the following matters are more "private".

Ruan Xiaozhu lowered his voice, leaned his head over and said in a low voice: "Two days ago, I found a young man who looks similar to your boss. He originally worked in a big market and came here with a boss."

Wang Ye nodded, this kind of Chinese is also very common in Moscow.

Those bosses who are more powerful basically have factories in China.

So when I come here, I will bring a few employees from the factory with me. Firstly, it is more convenient for my own people to use.

Er Lai's wages are also low!

The shop floor is relatively large, or the one with its own warehouse, usually requires employees to sort out the goods inside and pick the goods according to the needs of customers.

Let Heimaozi do this kind of work, the boss is worried.

Find foreign students to do it. Most students are not willing to do this kind of heavy physical work, it is too tiring!

Even if someone is willing to do it, the salary is very high, basically more than a thousand dollars.

But if the young men brought over from China, the cost will be much lower.

They are all young people, they came here with their boss to earn hard money for several years, and they could get a salary of three to four thousand RMB a month. In those days, people without a high diploma could not get so much money in China.

Besides, this is going abroad anyway. Usually, the boss provides food and housing, and the money he earns can be saved.

Although the work is a bit tiring, it needs to be divided among people.

These guys did the same job when they were in China, so for them, this is a good job.

Ruan Xiaozhu found such a person.

I walked around the big market for two or three days before I saw a Chinese guy who looked a bit like you, and I communicated with him in private.

As long as he takes your passport and flies back to China, he can get 500,000 RMB!

It can be seen that the young man is quite smart, so he agreed without hesitation.

However, he said that he must give him a deposit of 10,000 dollars before boarding the plane and passing the customs. If he fails to pass the customs, the money will not be refunded. "Ruan Xiaozhu said with a smile.

Wang Ye also laughed dumbfounded. Of course, it is no problem for him to settle this matter with 500,000 RMB.

But five hundred thousand, for that young man, may be a lot of money to change his fate!

Relying on his salary, it would take more than ten years without eating or drinking to save this money.

And the 500,000 after more than ten years can still be compared with the 500,000 in this year...

You know, even in a place like the capital, 500,000 can buy a house in a pretty good location!

So the consequences of returning to China through customs with someone else's passport are a bit worthless in comparison!

For that young man, the biggest consequence is that his own identity has become a "black household" in Russia, because there are only entry records but no exit records.

But does it matter?

The big deal is that he will never come to Russia again!

"Well, let's do this. But when he returns to China, remember to take back that passport." Wang Ye said casually.

After talking about work, Ruan Xiaozhu hesitated for a while, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Those two companies are gone, what should I do next?"

This is indeed a problem.

Originally, Ruan Xiaozhu didn't listen to her father's arrangement after graduating from undergraduate, and returned to China to work.

Instead, she stayed because Wang Ye gave her a better chance.

Directly letting her take charge of two companies that are not too small, both in terms of platform and income, is much better than returning to China as a small civil servant.

But now, the company is sold according to Wang Ye's intention, so Ruan Xiaozhu is also "unemployed"...

Although after selling the company, she also received a sum of cash, which is not a small amount for her. If she takes it back to her country, she can live quite well in any city.

But she is not reconciled.

Here, she can get in touch with the top circle like Mikhail. If something happens, she just needs to ask Wang Ye for help, and that sentence can solve it.

But after returning to China, she is nothing more than a little rich woman.

Compared with this side, it is a heaven and an earth!

So she still wants to stay here and work by Wang Ye's side.

Of course, Wang Ye would not treat Ruan Xiaozhu badly, and he smiled when he heard the words: "Sister Xiaozhu, what kind of work do you want to do? You can go to any of the companies under me. Like New Sun Group, Kitty Eagle Group, Russian Automobile group"

Ruan Xiaozhu thought about it seriously, sometimes there are too many choices, which is also a happy trouble.

She finally made up her mind and said simply: "Then I'll go to New Sun Group. Most of the time I deal with Chinese businessmen over there. I should get started quickly. And I used to work next to New Sun Market. The side is also very familiar."

The former overseas study agency company and phone card company were indeed located in a business hotel building not far from the New Sun Market, and Ruan Xiaozhu had worked there for more than two years.

When I have nothing to do, I often go to the big market, so I am very familiar with it.

Moreover, New Sun Group is not a small company. Although it is not obvious, its annual revenue is not low, and its net profit is ridiculously high!

Besides, this kind of large market management work does not require too much professionalism.

So Ruan Xiaozhu's choice is very wise.

It is not suitable for her to go to the Kitty Eagle Group and the Russian Automobile Group. One is engaged in gambling, and the other is engaged in automobiles, both of which are highly professional industries.

Ruan Xiaozhu doesn't want to get involved, if he becomes disgraced again, it won't look good in front of Wang Ye.

She still has a strong character!

Wang Ye nodded, "Okay, then you can go to New Sun Group. It happens that there is no trustworthy person watching over there, so it's just right for you to go. As for the position..., I will be the special assistant to the chairman first, and you can represent me. Exercising power there."

This position is not low.

You should know that when Wang Ye was in Yukos Group, he was a "special assistant to the president" in a similar position.

If it's just an assistant, it's better than an ordinary secretary, but adding a special makes it really special...

As Wang Ye said, most of the time, the special assistant to the chairman can exercise power on behalf of the chairman!

This is simply a step up to the sky!

Ruan Xiaozhu was a little flustered, she never expected that Wang Ye would arrange such a high position for her when he came up.

said embarrassingly: "This... I'm worried that I won't be able to do it. For a company as big as New Sun Group, things must be very complicated."

"Haha, it's okay, anyway, there are a few vice presidents watching over there. You can read more, learn more and ask more questions, and then manage it yourself after you get started." Wang Ye said with a smile.

He was not worried that Ruan Xiaozhu would cause any trouble.

Because the management of New Sun Group is very complete, the company has been operating well for several years.

There is Boss Kong staring over there, as long as Ruan Xiaozhu doesn't mess around, nothing will go wrong.

Obviously, with Ruan Xiaozhu's temperament, it is impossible for her to act recklessly.

After his identity hidden dangers were completely resolved, and after Ruan Xiaozhu was arranged, Wang Ye also ushered in his first visit abroad with a delegation!

There are quite a few entourages this time, there are forty or fifty people.

Let Rosiana sit in the office to watch, Wang Ye only brought two assistants, Elena and Nova.

After two years of training, Yi Lianna has become very capable and has outstanding abilities, and she can even be released to take charge of her own work.

But Wang Ye still lacked people around him, so he didn't consider letting her out.

As for Nova, she is still training.

The reason why I took her there this time is to give her a learning opportunity, and secondly because of her identity.

Don't forget, Nova is from Crimea, and the passport she holds is still from Ermao's side!

Visiting Kiefu can also give play to some advantages.

There are also security considerations. Anton personally leads the team, a whole team of Wagner's most elite security personnel.

Wang Ye had already arranged for them the official status of the Security Bureau, but now they have two salaries.

The remaining dozens of people are the staff of various departments and representatives of some large enterprises.

Including people from Yukos Group, Gazprom, National Pipeline Group, and even military enterprises.

These are companies that have cooperation or planned cooperation with Ermao.

There were so many people that Wang Ye's Gulfstream couldn't fit in, and besides, this time he was visiting in an official capacity.

So a large business jet was called.

Moscow is not far from Kifu. After a two-hour flight, the special plane has arrived over Kifu...

(end of this chapter)