Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 641

Chapter 641

Chapter 641 Heartfelt Convince

Ajiv's eyes lit up, Mikhail is going to let himself go?

He patted his chest quickly and said, "Director, just tell me, I am indeed familiar with Wu Guo!"

Wang Ye nodded and said casually: "In Europe, in addition to our country with the largest area of arable land, the second is Uzbekistan, which also has a lot of arable land.

Since we will pay attention to food security in the future, we cannot import food from Uzbekistan after the increase in food production.

This still has a certain impact on their finances.

As you said, our two countries are brothers.

The life of our own brothers can't go on. Although our own life is not too rich, we still need to take care of it.

So I thought, otherwise we will rent all their arable land and plan and cultivate them together.

The advantage of is that when we sell grain internationally in the future, we will have a larger market share, and we will have greater right to speak and set prices, and we will be able to sell grain at a good price.

As for Uzbekistan, there is a surplus of arable land and food, so it is a good deal to exchange the surplus arable land for some funds or daily necessities..."

Wang Ye said his thoughts slowly. To put it simply, he asked Ajiv to discuss with the Ukrainian side and rent the farmland for himself.

Of course, this lease is not a petty fight, but a unit of 10,000 hectares, and may even be arable land in several states!

What Wangye wants is to be large-scale, and the area of cultivated land is very amazing.

After the grain production increases in a few years, Da Mao will undoubtedly be the biggest seller in the international grain market!

Although the international grain prices have been low in the past two years and the supply has exceeded demand, as Wang Ye said in the Kremlin, this thing is a strategic resource!

In case of any bad weather, or the international situation is turbulent, the usually inconspicuous food will become the deadliest "weapon"...

Whoever holds a large amount of food in his hand will have the absolute upper hand, which can be used to exchange for various benefits that are usually unavailable or even negotiable!

These things, of course Wang Ye would not tell Ajiv.

"No problem! I'll leave this to me. I'll fly to Uzbekistan tomorrow to negotiate with them." Ajiv patted his chest and assured.

He had confidence in this matter.

After all, Ermao lacks everything, just land...

Besides, this is just a lease, not a buyout. He really couldn't think of any disagreement with Ermao.

By this time, Wang Ye was able to settle the thorns of Ajiv.

solved the first problem when he became the director.

The agricultural promotion plan has successfully won the support of all the people present, and it will be formally submitted to the vote at the regular Duma meeting this month.

I think there will be no problem.

Next, several less important issues were discussed, such as the additional budget request submitted by the police department.

It is said that this year's annual budget has been approved, and the budget amount of each department has been determined, so there is no major change.

Unless there is an unexpected situation in a certain unit, an additional budget is required.

Then you need to get approval from the government first, and then submit it to the Duma. If the Economic Commission approves and approves it, then this is okay.

But if the Economic Committee does not approve it, just call back, and it is useless for the government to agree.

Unless the government finds its own way and misappropriates funds from other sources.

But that is very difficult...

This is why the Economic Committee can become one of the three core institutions of the Duma!

After all, he holds the purse of the country...

can't be explained that way, the money bag is in the hands of the Ministry of Finance, and the Economic Committee should have the power to use the country's money!

It can point fingers at any department, down to a certain grassroots public official, up to the Kremlin!

There are no things and people that the Duma cannot control and cannot criticize...

Wang Ye knew about the police department's application for an additional financial budget.

Because this matter actually has something to do with him, the last time he went to the Kremlin, didn't he instigate that all the public sector vehicles in the country should be replaced by the three brands of Land Rover, Jaguar and Volvo.

The Kremlin and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have already acted and each placed a large order.

But the real car owners, like the police department, things are not so simple.

Because the police department has too many cars, the old cars need to be processed, and the budget for the purchase of new cars needs to be applied for.

Now, the budget for purchasing a new car has been submitted to the Economic Committee, in front of Wang Ye...

Maybe he learned the lesson just now. When Wang Ye brought out the police department's additional budget request this time, everyone was silent.

just staring at Wang Ye, wanting to listen to his speech first, and then analyze it, whether I want to object.

Wang Ye didn't go around in circles either, patted the application lightly, and said with a smile:

"This matter is also my proposal, it has something to do with me.

So, when the voting is held later, in order to avoid suspicion, I will not participate in the voting, you can decide.

It is under my suggestion to prepare official vehicles all over the country and replace them with Land Rover, Jaguar and Volvo. Of course, Lada and Gaz are also within the scope of procurement.

Because of these brands, all of them now belong to our own country.

It is our duty to support our own auto industry!

You may have heard that in a short time, all the sedans that our Duma will provide to all members will be replaced by Jaguar. This is also a part of the car-changing operation.

In the future, in official places, it will no longer be Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi, but our own brand, Land Rover Jaguar Volvo!

In this matter, Wang Ye was magnanimous in his heart, and he did not think about taking this opportunity to "grab wool" from the country.

On the contrary, he has instructed the Russian Automobile Group, that is, for official purchases, only the cost price will be charged!

does not intend to make a penny from this, and certainly does not do business at a loss.

After Wang Ye explained, he went to vote directly.

According to what he just said, he himself did not participate in the voting.

There was no problem this time, and no one came out to oppose it. All the committee members voted in favor, and the application was successfully passed.

As for where the money for the car comes from, Wangye doesn't care.

That is something that the Ministry of Finance should consider. Besides, not all police cars have to be replaced by these three brands.

That is, the police stations in several big cities took the lead in changing cars. After all, these cities represent the face of the country.

In those remote areas, there are not many locals, and it is even more impossible for foreigners to go there, so there is no need to change cars, just continue to drive their Lada and Gas...

(end of this chapter)