Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 640

Chapter 640

Chapter 640 Borrowing a knife to kill

Wang Ye used to be an ordinary member of parliament, and even when he was a member of the Economic Committee, no matter which faction he was from, most of them had a good impression of him.

After all, this is also the youngest in the Duma, and other members are generally two rounds or more older than him.

Therefore, few people are hostile to the king's industry.

But now that he has become the director of the Economic Commission, more and more people dislike him.

A person who is so much younger than himself suddenly climbs on his "head", and most people will feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially some people in the economic committee are even more unhappy.

This is also understandable, Wang Ye is "grabbing" their chance for promotion.

But even if you are unhappy, everyone will not show it on the surface. Those who can get into this position are more or less shrewd.

I don't know what happened today, but this Ajiv jumped out and provoked Wang Ye in front of everyone.

Either you drank too much, or something else...

In contrast, Wang Ye believes that it should be the latter!

In the face of Ajiv's questioning, Wang Ye just listened quietly and did not rush to interrupt or refute.

After Ajiv finished speaking, Wang Ye's face was a little gloomy just now, but he calmed down.

He asked with a smile, "Are you finished?"

Ajiv was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly replied, "It's over."

Wang Ye added: "Does anyone else have anything to add? It doesn't matter, everyone can speak freely. Now is the time for discussion within our Economic Committee, not at the Duma meeting. All questions are raised in advance, and I will also To make this proposal even better.

glanced around the conference room, and there was no movement from everyone.

Obviously, except for Ajiv, he didn't want to embarrass the king.

Of course, it is also possible that because Ajiv has already jumped out, others will not be this early bird.

I plan to see what Wang Ye's reaction is before deciding what to do.

Seeing that no one was talking, Wang Ye turned his head to look at Ajiv and said with a smile:

"Actually, I didn't make it clear just now that this proposal was discussed with the Kremlin.

Regarding the importance of food security, the Kremlin may not have the same perception as you.

It seems that you are also a member of the first faction, then it is simple, find a chance, you can go to the Kremlin and ask Mr. Puding face to face.

Ask him why he did this, and then talk to him about your thoughts frankly, maybe Mr. Puding will be persuaded by you.

If you don't have time or opportunity to go to the Kremlin recently, that's okay, next time I'm there, I'll pass on your opinion.

As far as what you just said, I wrote it down, and I will definitely let Mr. Puding know what you think. "

Ajiv's ruddy complexion turned white with a swipe on the ground.

Sweat also appeared on his forehead.

He is of course a member of the first faction, but with his status, he has entered the Kremlin only a handful of times.

As for Mr. Puding, he has met several times in public, so how can there be any chance to talk to Puding in person.

Besides, if Mikhail hadn't fooled himself, this matter was really designated by the Kremlin.

Those words he just said were so out of place!

Really want to be known by Mr. Puding, he doesn't need to say anything, just one look, it is estimated that his future will be ruined...

This is murder with a knife!

Borrow Kremlin's sword to kill those who are dissatisfied with Mikhail...

The rest of the committee members in the conference room were also secretly frightened, and at the same time they were still rejoicing.

Fortunately, I didn't jump out to be this early bird!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be over...

As for whether Wang Ye is pulling tiger skins as a banner, no one doubts, because no one dares to do so.

This is an official meeting of the Economic Committee. Everything you say is recorded in the meeting minutes. If you dare to talk nonsense here, you will have to bear the consequences!

Since he said it, the Kremlin nodded and designated it to be carried out.

That must be the truth!

This Ajiv is really unlucky enough.

I wanted to use this incident to embarrass the young director who just took office, but hit a big nail...

Looking back, if Mikhail really conveyed what Ajiv said in front of Mr. Puding, there is no need to add fuel to it. It is estimated that Mr. Puding will have a deep impression on Ajiv.

But this impression is not so good.

Ajiv is a member of the first faction again, so Mr. Puding wants to "govern" him, too easy!

After a long while, Ajiv came back to his senses. By this time, his alcoholic strength had already passed, and he became sober.

Maybe he didn't drink too much...

He quickly waved his hand and said, "Misunderstanding... I'm not saying that this agricultural promotion plan is not good, but that it is necessary to consider more comprehensively and take care of our little brother Wuguo's feelings. In fact, Director, you are right. The problem of food security is definitely a big problem! There is so much arable land in our country, and as a result, food has to be imported, which is really not good. This matter is imperative!"

He turned the rudder at the wind, but obviously, Wang Ye didn't plan to let him go just like that.

Wang Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Ajif with a half-smile, "You didn't seem to say that just now, did you? I'm really young, so I have a good memory. Could it be that, Commissioner Ajiv, you are too old, so your memory is also declining? "

Ajiv took out a tissue from the drawer box in front of him and wiped the sweat on his forehead tremblingly.

Embarrassedly smiled: "What did I say just now? I'm sorry, Director, I drank a little in the morning, maybe I said some nonsense, I really can't remember it now. But don't worry, now I'm sober, this I absolutely support this matter! Let me be responsible for the lobbying of the first faction, and if something goes wrong at that time, I I will apologize with death!

Of course, the last sentence was a joke, but Ajiv also took the opportunity to express his sincerity.

Although Wang Ye doesn't think this proposal will fail at the vote of the Duma, it is still necessary to lobby in advance, and it is the most important thing to ensure a smooth passage.

Now Ajiv is rushing to take over the "heavy job" of lobbying the members of the first faction in order to "atone for his sins", which is also to express to himself that he really recognizes his own mistakes...

After all, he just took office and his foundation was unstable, so Wang Ye didn't want to kill all the veteran committee members like Ajiv.

So he smiled and softened his tone, "Well then, since Commissioner Ajiv recognizes the importance of this proposal, and you seem to be very familiar with Ukrainian and have feelings for it, then I'll give you another one. task."

(end of this chapter)