Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 622

Chapter 622

Chapter 622 Walking on Two Legs

Geblev simply nodded and responded: "Okay! So does your fleet use Land Rover Range Rover or Jaguar sedans?"

Puding paused, turned his head to look at Wang Ye, and said with a smile, "I heard that Misha, your team is all Range Rover?"

Wang Ye nodded and said: "Yes, this car is more comfortable to sit than a sedan, with good vision and high safety."

For cars, Wang Ye really likes off-road vehicles more.

You can see the changes in his car. At the beginning, he made some money and bought a Land Cruiser, a standard large off-road vehicle.

After getting really rich, he started a Mercedes-Benz Big G team!

After that, Land Rover was acquired. In order to support its own brand, the team was all replaced by Land Rover Range Rover, which is still a luxury off-road vehicle.

All along, he never thought about a car.

Of course, this is also related to the climate here in Maozi.

It snows all the year round. Except for the good roads in Moscow, the road conditions in other areas are extremely poor, so off-road vehicles are more suitable here than cars.

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Puding no longer hesitated, "Well, my team is also replaced by Land Rover Range Rover, but I have to customize a bulletproof one."

His car naturally has very high requirements for safety.

Ordinary cars cannot meet the requirements and must be customized.

However, an old car company like Land Rover has also provided cars for many dignitaries, so there is no problem with customization.

The procedures for government departments to purchase official vehicles are also very complicated.

Although Puding has made a statement, if you want to implement it concretely, you still need to go through the process, which is quite cumbersome.

But it was a bit earlier and later. After all, the Kremlin had spoken, and Wang Ye was "in charge" of the Duma, and there was no link that could be sniped at.

Besides, this is not for self-interest, it should be done in the first place.

Even if all the members of the Duma are allowed to vote, it is estimated that no one would dare to raise an objection.

Otherwise, Wang Ye would have to "buckle his hat" for free.

Land Rover Jaguar These two are luxury brands that can be used in Kremlin, foreign affairs vehicles, etc.

Although the number of purchases in this area is not large, the influence is amazing, after all, it almost appears on the news every day.

In this way, it should be able to boost the sales of Land Rover Jaguar here in Maozi.

In the long run, it will definitely benefit a lot.

Volvo is an ordinary brand, suitable for the field of official vehicles, and the purchase volume in this area is very large.

Like a police system, if all were replaced with Volvos

Of course, this is also unrealistic.

After all, the budget of the police system is so small every year, and many vehicles are still the "legacy" left by the former Soviet Union, generally low-end cars such as Lada and Gas.

That is, the police station in Moscow is relatively rich, and only considers Volkswagen Audi when purchasing new cars.

Unless Wang Ye was generous once and didn't ask for money directly, he donated a batch of Volvo cars to the police system, otherwise even if the documents were issued, the police system would not have the money to purchase them.

Actually, Wang Ye really thought about donating a car.

But that will have to wait until the local car factory is completed and put into production. At that time, he will invite dignitaries from all walks of life to visit the factory, and then announce that he will donate a batch of cars to the police system...

In terms of industrial development, the automobile industry is the top priority, and it is also what Wangye has started to do.

So on this topic, Puding chatted with him enthusiastically for a while.

And he promised Wang Ye that when the local OEM is completed and put into production, he will definitely come to the scene to inspect and help build momentum.

After talking about cars, let's talk about the Internet and chips.

Among them, in the Internet industry, Wangye has already begun to make arrangements in advance.

Not only acquired the two largest and most powerful local Internet companies, MAIL.RU and YANDEX, but also ventured into the recently emerging Facebook!

For Facebook, Puding is still very interested, saying that he has also browsed this website.

Wang Ye did not take the opportunity to invite Kremlin to open an official account on Facebook, because the current Facebook network is not influential enough, and it is not suitable for too many official-related content.

Of course, including Puding, very few people are aware of the great influence that a website like Facebook can have when there are enough users.

Wang Ye didn't mention this, and he didn't even want the Kremlin to know how much influence Facebook would have in the future.

Because this website is also one of his "killers", it can be used to save his life at a critical moment in the future!

This is also a hidden chip!

As for the chip industry, this needs to be discussed in the long run. After all, this industry is not enough to have funds, and it needs to find a reliable leader.

This kind of technology-intensive enterprise is really not that easy to do.

However, Wang Ye has arranged for Polar Bear Investment Company to pay attention. If there is a good opportunity, or if a leader in the chip industry can be contacted, then this matter can be started immediately.

Money is not an issue, the key is technology and top talent.

After talking about the industrial development in Wangye's two major work plans, Puding curiously asked: "Then what is the second part of your work? Let me tell you, you, the director of the Economic Committee, can start the industry you just mentioned. , it's already amazing!"

In his opinion, Wang Ye didn't know if he really had such big ambitions, or if he was too ambitious for a young man.

It was only then that he became the director of the Economic Committee, and he ambitiously came up with a super-big work plan.

Just the first part of the industrial development has already made Puding look forward to it.

This second part, what else could it be, he couldn't guess.

Wang Ye smiled and said calmly, "Everyone knows, what is the pillar industry of our country?"

said, he looked at the few people present.

This question is naturally known to everyone.

Without Puding's answer, Rosiana hurriedly said, "That must be the energy industry, oil and gas!"

Geblev and the others also nodded.

Seriously, if it wasn't for oil and natural gas, it is estimated that the days of Da Mao would not have survived these years!

Since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, apart from the energy industry, there is no other industry in China that can handle it.

is rich in oil and natural gas. This thing is hard currency and can earn huge foreign exchange every year. In addition, although the Maozi country has a vast territory, its population is not very large.

So these days can barely last...

Wang Ye asked again: "It is impossible for any country to always rely on a single industry to develop, especially for a big country like ours, it is very dangerous to walk on one leg. If the national energy price is suppressed, just like these two In the same year, which industry can we rely on to break through?

(end of this chapter)