Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 621

Chapter 621

Chapter 621

What is the biggest taboo in the Kremlin?

That must be afraid that the second faction and the third faction will grow and become a threat to their existence!

If Wang Ye wants to pay more attention to the development of factions in the future, it is estimated that Puding will be muttering in his heart.

The third faction, under your leadership, Mikhail, may soon surpass the second faction. This should not be a big problem.

After all, Mikhail's ability and financial resources are obvious to all.

But then what?

Are you still thinking of surpassing the first faction and becoming the largest force in the Duma?

Then there is a problem!

Although Puding does not belong to any faction on the surface, everyone knows who the real controller of the first faction is...

Therefore, Wang Ye said in front of him that he did not have much ambition for the development of the faction, and that his energy would be placed on the side of the Economic Committee.

The work of the Economic Committee is to develop the national economy and promote the development of various industries in the country.

This is of course the most beneficial to the Kremlin, and it is also what Puding wants to see the most!

Sure enough, upon hearing Wang Ye's answer, a smile appeared on Puding's face.

He smiled and asked: "Oh? Then I'd like to hear, what are your plans for the economy. Economic development is our top priority right now. Seeing how difficult the lives of the common people are, honestly, I'm concerned. I can't bear it. If I can't develop the economy during my tenure, it means that my job is unqualified!"

This is a bit heavy, but it can be heard that the Kremlin is really concerned about the economy.

Wang Ye said calmly:

"Economic work is mainly divided into two parts, one is to stimulate industrial development, and I have already done this step.

Like United Airlines, and the acquisition of the three major auto brands, these are steps to stimulate industrial development.

Next, I will also propose to encourage private capital to enter the Internet industry and vigorously promote the development of the Internet.

Construction of wafer fabs, development of chip designs, etc. "

Puding nodded and encouraged:

"This idea is very good. There are many talents in computer and industry in our country, but the brain drain has been serious in recent years, because there are no decent enterprises in China to provide corresponding jobs.

If more excellent companies can emerge under your leadership, this situation should be fundamentally reversed. "

Having said this, Wang Ye moved in his heart and had a new idea.

He said with a smile: "To develop the national economy, should Kegong also lead by example and support domestic enterprises?"

Puding was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Wang Ye meant, so he asked back: "Of course, but you mean..."

"Didn't I just acquire three car brands, Volvo and Land Rover Jaguar. After that, these three brands will be considered as our country's, so the cars used by the Kremlin, as well as the official cars below, should be replaced with What about these three brands?" Wang Ye said with a smile.

As far as he knows, most of the cars in the Kremlin are Mercedes-Benz.

And like the Duma, government affairs, police departments, use a lot of Audi Volkswagen.

Not to mention anything else, like the special car provided by the Duma to the deputies, it is all Audi!

Many police cars are Volkswagen.

This is also for a reason, because German car companies have been in Russia for a long time, their market share is also high, and their brand awareness is relatively high.

As for Land Rover Volvo, these are relatively rare in Russia.

Puding burst into laughter when he heard the words. He had to say that this kid Mikhail was really indifferent to himself.

In front of me, I dared to start thinking about "fake the public and help the private".

But this "fake public benefit", he likes it!

Wang Ye is right. In the future, the three brands of Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover will indeed belong to Russia. It can barely be regarded as a national enterprise.

Including Kremlin, all public sector vehicles should indeed be replaced by these three major brands.

Especially the Kremlin, as well as foreign affairs vehicles, that is the face of a country.

If you don't support your own brand, how can you expect these brands in other countries in the world to sell well.

At this point, all car powerhouses have done it very clearly.

Like a small book, you can basically see it on TV. The heads of state and the cars that receive foreign guests are definitely domestic brands, that is, Toyota.

And the United States, there is no doubt that it is also a domestic brand, Cadillac, Lincoln, Chevrolet and so on.

Not to mention Germany, there are many choices, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volkswagen, BMW, all big brands.

In a country like the UK where the auto industry has declined, they also support Land Rover. Although the brand has already been sold, it is still from the UK.

In fact, there are quite a few luxury car brands born in the UK.

Land Rover Jaguar needless to say, in addition to Rolls Royce, Bentley, McLaren, Aston Martin and more!

Of course, these brands were all sold to companies in other countries

But the British royal family still travels by Land Rover, which is also advertising for domestic companies.

"Look, even the British royal family's cars are Land Rovers, and the fleet of Nak Palace, as well as the cars used to receive foreign guests, are also replaced by Land Rover and Jaguar. This should be no problem." Wang Ye said with a smile.

The reason why we didn't use domestic brands like Lada and Gaz before is because these brands are really too low-grade and not suitable for diplomatic occasions.

But the grade of Land Rover Jaguar is always good, whether it is used to ride by itself or to receive foreign guests, at least it does not lose its share!

Geblev said next to him: "Misha's proposal is good! I have learned about these three brands, and I have seen Misha's own team. The Land Rover Range Rover is really beautiful. In terms of safety and comfort, it is a bit different. Not inferior to Mercedes-Benz. If you need a sedan in some occasions, Jaguar also has very high-end sedan models to choose from. As for ordinary business vehicles, Volvo is the best choice, the price is not expensive, economical and practical!

Rosiana felt that she could say a few words on this topic.

also quickly said: "Yes, I have bought a Land Rover Range Rover myself. It is really comfortable and safe to drive. Especially in snowy days, it is very stable and safe."

Being told by a few of them, Puding felt embarrassed to refuse...

Of course, he didn't intend to refuse.

Wang Ye is right, if he only supports it verbally, but does not implement it in practice.

Mingming Wangye spent a lot of money to buy several good car brands, and planned to build a factory in China. As a result, he also took foreign brand cars.

What do you think after seeing this?

So he said cheerfully: "There is no problem with this! Go back and make a budget, Geblev, and first replace all the cars in the Kremlin with those three brands. As for official cars, go back and communicate with the government. Just make a decree."

Thank you for the 10,000-coin reward from "Dashengzhai"!

(end of this chapter)