Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271 The more dangerous the more excited

But Wang Ye has no time to think about Liubrino's problem for the time being.

I still don't know if the other party will make a move, and if I become a bird in a panic, it is easy to be looked down upon by others.

This kind of thing is nothing more than soldiers coming to block water and earth to cover.

It's good to see the tricks...

But Mailov's reminder is also reasonable. Recently, he needs to pay attention to his personal safety.

It seems that four bodyguards are not enough, then add a big G and bring four more bodyguards!

Anyway, I have my own security company, let alone eight bodyguards, I can pull out eighty bodyguards...

"Uncle, have you been busy recently? It's been a long time since I met and chatted with you. Why don't we take time to have a meal together." Wang Ye said with a smile on the phone.

A smile appeared on Kovchenko's face, and he said kindly: "I'm a little busy, and it takes too much work to merge the two big companies smoothly. But it's okay, so far it's going well. It's very good to eat together. It's simple, you can come anytime."

"Hey, uncle, you are also the richest man in Russia. Can you stop eating at the company restaurant all day? Is this okay? I'll invite you to the Turandot restaurant for dinner in the evening." Wang Ye said jokingly.

Hovchenko hesitated for a moment, but agreed, "Alright, I'll be there at half past six at night, but I have to leave before half past eight, and there is an important meeting to be held tonight."

He is the real big man, he controls an "energy empire"!

In addition, he is a workaholic, so he has to deal with too much work every day. In comparison, Wang Ye seems to be a bit "not doing his job properly".

This meeting and dinner, Wang Ye was not on a whim.

As soon as he came, it was Geblev who reminded him to pay attention to maintaining the "uncle and nephew relationship"!

Secondly, Wang Ye also needs to report to Hofchenko about his work. Whether it is Polar Bear Investment Company or New Sun Group, the real boss is Hofchenko after all, and Wang Ye is just a "senior wage earner"...

Before six o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ye went downstairs to prepare for departure.

To invite Hovchenko to dinner at Turandot restaurant in the evening, he needs to come a little earlier.

Downstairs, there are still the two **** Gs, the cars have already started.

Wang Ye had already instructed Anton about the purchase of a new car, but the car was not brought up so quickly.

But two new bodyguards have been sent over, which means that Wang Ye will bring six bodyguards when he travels!

In the car he was in, Seryosha and the co-pilot were two bodyguards.

There are four bodyguards in the back car!

When the new car arrives, two more bodyguards will be added, making a total of eight bodyguards!

More importantly, these bodyguards are all experienced warriors who have actually seen blood!

Unless Ljublino's boss wants to start a "war", how come so many bodyguards are enough...

You know, this is Moscow, the capital of Russia!

No matter how daring they are, they shouldn't dare to make too much noise!

After getting into the car, Wang Ye took the pistol out of the glove box and put it into a prepared handbag, ready to take it with him.

He is still young, but he doesn't want to have any "accidents"...

"Boss, is someone trying to hurt you? Do you need your brothers to do something!"

As soon as he got into the car, Seryosha turned his head and asked.

There was still a little excited expression on his face, as if something good had happened, which made Wang Ye very speechless...

In fact, it is also understandable that people like Selyosha have never "drilled" with real swords since they were discharged from the army.

As for the two black hairs last time, Seryosha had no chance to participate.

In fact, even if he participated, he probably wouldn't feel satisfied, because it's too childish.

It was quite boring to follow Wang Ye as a bodyguard for so long, because Wang Ye had never encountered any danger!

Today, Wang Ye suddenly ordered to increase the number of bodyguards, and also purchased a Mercedes-Benz G. In the future, the number of bodyguards should be increased to eight, and Seryosha was keenly aware of something.

Boss, did he sense any danger...

Otherwise, there is no need to do this!

In a hurry, he asked the question just now when he saw Wang Ye.

The young man in the co-pilot, although he didn't turn his head, his ears pricked up, and he was obviously very concerned about this.

Wang Ye smiled, "Are you eager? Just be careful during this time. It may be dangerous, but it may be okay, anyway, be prepared."

Xie Liaosha nodded with a smile, and patted his chest with a "bang bang", "Boss, don't worry, with our brothers here, we will never put you in any danger!"

After he finished speaking, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, Big G rushed out with a roar...

The familiar Turandot restaurant, in the familiar private room, Wang Ye sat there alone.

It's not yet half past six, and Hovchenko hasn't arrived yet. He is a very punctual person. He said that it must be that time when it arrives at half past six, neither early nor late...

Wang Ye took a sip of black tea with a delicate white porcelain cup.

He was thinking about a topic to talk to Khovchenko for a while.

On the surface, the two are uncle and nephew, but they are not. Wang Ye didn't really regard himself as Kovchenko's "nephew".

In his opinion, a considerable part of the relationship between the two belongs to mutual use...

Well, it can actually be said to be mutual achievement, this word sounds better!

Of course, it's not that there is no love at all. After all, Wang Ye saved Hofchenko's life, and Hofchenko gave Wang Ye enough!

I was thinking about it, the door of the private room was knocked, and the maid walked in with Kovchenko.

Wang Ye hurriedly stood up and said with a smile, "It's half past six, uncle, you're too punctual. I want to eat something, I haven't ordered yet."

Hovchenko waved his hand and asked the maid to bring the recipe over. After opening it, he ordered a few items at will.

Then pushed the recipe to Wang Ye, Wang Ye didn't even open it, he just smiled and said to the maid, "It's good to be the same."

He didn't come here once or twice, but came often, and the maids knew what he liked to eat.

The maid nodded with a smile, and left the room, leaving only Wang Ye and Khovchenko.

"How are you doing recently, I heard that you acquired two Russian Internet companies?" Kovchenko asked casually.

Obviously, what he was talking about was the acquisition of MAIL.RU and Yandex by Wangye.

Wang Ye smiled and replied casually: "Yes, among all Russian Internet companies, these two companies are my most optimistic. To be honest, I don't like other companies, and they have no potential."

(end of this chapter)